Translated and subbed by gladi (wherespacepooh@twi, tumblr)

Somewhere in the Tokyo region, at an event hall flush with soft lighting, a beautiful, powerful melody reverberated. It was Chopin’s Ballade No.1. The performer is Kanon Matsuda. Having been studying in Moscow since the tender age of 6, in 2014 she entered the Moscow State Conservatory on a special scholarship from the Russian government, a Japanese first. She is one of the most watched young pianists at the moment.

Diagonally behind Matsuda-san, cutting a slender form, with his eyes closed, a young man is lost in the performance, at times moving his body to the rhythm. It is Yuzuru Hanyu of figure skating, who performs this piece as his short program for the 2017-18 season.

It was a breathtaking, overwhelming performance. When Matsuda-san stood up and bowed to Hanyu-senshu after the end, Hanyu asked for the camera to pause for a bit. “Sorry, because I was sweating. Right now, (the short program) is going through in my head nonstop. Aah! I’m nervous.”

After wiping the back of his neck with a handkerchief, grabbing a sip of his drink and catching his breath, Hanyu-senshu returned again to where Matsuda-san was. Arts and sports, the two young talents began to talk about “expression”.


  1. It look like he hold himself from jump and spin when listen to the music… and Hanyu really good with words.

    thank you for sharing this one…

  2. この時、話の中から学ぶべき事をスッと吸い込む羽生さんの力を知って驚きましたが、、、。2年ぶりに見て、この学びを何一つ無駄にしなかった平昌の羽生さんの凄さを確認しました。

  3. This was so cool being able to share in this conversation like a fly on the wall, The beauty of creativity always circles back to the magnificent feelings that arise from our most primal experiences. The scent of a flower, the cycles of nature in synergy with the human soul as an instrument within its own theater of 'like' expression. They become paramours of one another.
    . Dedication to art that brings forth magnificence, as it does from these two gifted people, comes from a deep place within the soul. It is for this reason, that the knowledge and feelings that one accesses from it, are lush with the heart's content and passion for its own creator.

  4. Он правда такой разговорчивый))неужели 17 мин можно говорить о Шопене) Ну она понятно, ну он же не музыкант

  5. That is what distinguishes Yuzu from many skaters: he lives this music, he feels everything. The pianist and he are therefore really close to each other in this situation. I had to smile when he then signaled that he had become so warm. Because somehow you really felt the warmth while playing. Breathtaking.

  6. What a perfect combination of skilled human beings to have an in-depth conversation together. They asked each other informative questions, possibly helping both with their continued quest for perfection. And thank you for the subtitles!

  7. Her performance was amazing! You can definitely hear her passion and feelings from it! Love this interview between two artists. I bet yuzu was absolutely taken by the music and indulge in image skating in his head. Thanks for the upload and the translation!

  8. わしはチューリップさえ両手で弾けません



  9. woaaaahhhh….These 2 perfect genius human being. Seeing Yuzuru enjoying Ballade no.1 just mind blowing! btw They r soooo beautiful!!! whatt!!?

  10. 安物音楽家の自己陶酔した演奏スタイルが、とても気色悪い。海外のトップピアニストは、もっと

  11. two great artists….mutual feeling, mutual understanding, mutual respect….I could see all of it in Yuzuru 's face as she played….a lovely back and forth interview, both so gentle, so well spoken Ii got shivery watching and listening.🇨🇦🙂

  12. oh my, no wonder I am so stirred inwardly when I watch Yuzuru skate. He does put in a lot of his spirit into his performances. He is so deep and he has lovely thoughts, so generous. That is why Yuzuru Hanyu is a very special, one of a kind figure skater and a human being!!!!

  13. Me encanta ver a estos genios platicar sobre el arte, el arte y el deporte fueron regalos del cielo para que los humanos no olvidemos la existencia del Divino Supremo y su poder y bendición sobre nosotros, ya que ambos tienen el poder de sanarnos en todos los niveles y crear verdaderos lazos fraternales entre los seres humanos.

  14. このお二人は、時々見てはやっぱりお似合いだなぁって思います

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