
TEAM JAPAN アスリートが 『今、1番話を聞きたい人』に
想いをぶつける “3 Questions”






  1. こう言う企画、嬉しいです
    選手の試合ではないトーク 二人の本音な思いが聞けて凄く楽しかったです♡益々、二人を応援していきたいと思いました☺️

  2. お二人の素のやり取りが見れてとっても良いインタビューでした。

  3. 「先生がスーツケース持って走ってた」って、想像したらマンガのよう😂スロージャンプの「飛んでけ〜!」も、日本フィギュアの歴史を作った二人なのに面白すぎ!国別も応援してます。フリーも頑張って!

  4. 間違えていたらスミマセン。移動はエコノミー💺なんでしょうか?せめてビジネス💺にしてあげて下さい。アスリートは身体を良い状態にするのが☝️でしょ。スケート連盟(あっているかな〜)の方々お願い致します🙏❗️

  5. Really sad. I can't understand anything. Tried to use automatic translation, but it didn't work. All i can do is just watch RikuRyu smiling and laughing 😂

  6. さすがトロントのお母さんwwですね。

  7. 子供っぽいリクちゃんと、お母さんみたいな龍一くん🥰同じキャラじゃ無いところが相性が良い秘訣かな❓

  8. 璃來ちゃんの方が大人で素直ですね。はい!りくちゃんの勝ち。龍一君ジェントルマンですよ〜。9歳年上なんだからね。言ったもん勝ちじゃないんだよね。

  9. For someone who wants to know the details of this interview in English.

    They are allowed to ask three questions each other.

    From Riku to Ryuichi
    Q1) What are the good things about me when I’m not skating?
    Ryuichi: It’s good to see when Riku appreciates some simple matters. For example, we went to a grilled beef (yakiniku) restaurant yesterday, and just before that, she was skipping and saying “Yakiniku ♪ yakiniku ♫”, showing her enjoyment like a little child. And I think that is pretty cute.

    From Ryuichi to Riku
    Q1) Could you just tell me why are you so forgettable?
    Riku: That is because I concentrate on just one thing. I really can concentrate deeply, but as a result, I just forget the other things!
    Ryuichi: OK, that’s why you’ve forgotten your skate shoes and costume for a competition before? Well, that’s why I have to look after you…

    From Riku to Ryuichi
    Q2) Can you tell me your first impression about me?
    Ryuichi: I actually don’t remember when I met you first time. I just remember there was a short girl who asked me to take a photo together. (That was Riku)

    From Ryuichi to Riku
    Q2) Why are you often running out of time?
    Riku: Are you angry?
    Ryuichi: Well, we had to get a bus at 8:00am didn’t we? But you left your room at 7:57am! We of course couldn’t get the bus on time, so we had to get the next one.
    Riku: But somehow our bus arrived earlier than the 8:00’s bus. So we were lucky because I was not punctual. You should be thankful to me.

    From Riku to Ryuichi
    Q3) What are you thinking while you are skating with me?
    Ryuichi: I’m thinking so many things such as my best position for each element, counting while we’re spinning and making sure how many turns I need to make while I’m lifting you up.
    Riku: How about a throw jump? What are you thinking when you throw me?
    Ryuichi: FLY!!!

    From Ryuichi to Riku
    Q3) Please tell me how can you fall asleep anywhere and so quickly?
    Do you remember? When I was driving, you started to sleep immediately.
    Riku: If I’m in a car, and the heating and music are on, I’m so comfortable. I think that is a good method for sleeping.

    Then the conversation went to the situation in the aeroplane.

    Ryuichi: The seat!
    Riku: Yes, the seat in the aeroplane!
    Ryuichi: The seat was too small for me.
    Riku: I had no problem sitting on the seat because I’m not tall like you. I even had a good sleep. It was pretty easy to change my position while I was sleeping.
    Ryuichi: That didn’t happen to me, I had to keep myself in one position for a long time. I’m jealous…

    In the end of the interview
    Ryuichi: Riku had an injury, so she had a difficult time for a while. Since her recovery from the injury, we have been supporting each other more than before in order to make a good progress. I feel like she sometimes supports me more than I do, so I’m very thankful to her.
    Riku: Thank you for supporting me, especially while I was having a difficult time. I was tend to be negative while my injury time, but you always gave me some positive comments to cheer me up. And I’m really pleased your attitude to me. You point out something good about me every time after we finished our programme.
    Both are saying; it was nice to know each other more by asking some questions.

  10. 相変わらず龍一くんのお母さんぶりが…😂

  11. すごく良いきかくですね😉いつも一緒にいても二人同士なかなか聞かれませんよね!質問も良かったです!質問は一般の方々ですか?スタッフさんからでしょうか?可愛いりくちゃんに優しい龍一くんがもっと大好き❤になりました🤗楽しくて面白トーク、試合中色々頭つかっているの大変さがわかりました!ありがとうございます🙇また2弾あるとうれしいです😆

  12. りくちゃんが、龍一くんの安全運転に信頼を寄せていることが良く伝わってきます。時々は、運転している龍一くんを気づかいますと、より大人の女性として成長したなあと、龍一くんに思ってもらえるのでは?と思いました。

  13. お兄ちゃんと妹、もしくはお父さんと娘な感じと思っていたけど…

  14. 龍一くんはダメ出ししながらもりくちゃんが可愛くて仕方ないと言った感じ❤超過保護なお兄ちゃんみたい😊

  15. Hello from Portugal! Please Team Japan, can you put english subtitles for the international fans of yours/ours beloved Miura Riku and Kihara Ryuichi? ありがとうArigatō /Obrigada!

  16. お二人の仲の良い雰囲気がとても微笑ましくてリピしました😊りくちゃん可愛くて龍一くん優しくて心が通じ合ってるからこそあの素晴らしい演技が生まれるのですね✨龍一くんずっと相手の事を考えながらの演技大変なんだなぁと思いました✨今季お疲れ様でした~来季も楽しみにしてますね😊

  17. お二人本当にいいパートナーですね!☺️☺️来シーズン怪我なしいいパフォーマンスできますように祈ってます❗🙏🙏

  18. リンクの上でも外でも素敵なりくりゅう!! 精神年齢のくだりでめちゃくちゃ笑った

  19. 航空会社の方、りくりゅうをコマーシャルに使うのはどうでしょう?トリプルツイストとか、空を飛ぶ感じがピッタリでは?契約条件には、試合の移動はビジネスクラス以上を使えるように、お願いいたします😊

  20. ペアの特に男性が、いかに頭をフル回転して演技を組み立てているのか、興味深かったです。シングル選手も細かく計算しながら滑っていますけど、特に龍一くんはリード取りながら、二人分の演技組み立てですものね。アスリート頭いいな!

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