Mina Shirakawa speaks after her injury during her match against Saya Kamitani | STARDOM

Mina Shirakawa speaks after an injury that left her bleeding from the mouth during her match against Saya Kamitani.

#STARDOM #スターダム #白川未奈 #MinaShirakawa #コズエン #COSMICANGELS


  1. Ultimate baby face promo. If Rossy doesn’t put the white belt on her when she returns, the man is a fool. Incredible stuff.

    And heartbreaking to see her in such pain 😢

  2. Saya Kamitani is terrible. I've been watching her get sloppier and sloppier for a year now. She messed up the move twice in a row. I hope Maya is OK and her teeth and mouth get fixed. She's a good wrestler and doesn't deserve the bad injury because of her opponents lack of talent and safety.

  3. Je te souhaite un très bon rétablissement, et reviens encore plus forte 💪, ces derniers mois tu as eu une excellente performance.

  4. 上谷は王者だから大技で決めなければならない

  5. So I'm not very familiar with Mina and I'm just starting to watch Joshi wrestling as I am new to it. What happened to her mouth? How did she sustain that injury?

  6. 私にも娘がいるから、言うけど辞めた方がイイわよ。ボロボロにされるわよ。貴方とんでもない親不孝してんのよ。早く気付いて欲しいわね。何で自分の大事な身体傷つけるの?

  7. ちゃんみなの努力を積み重ねてありったけの全力でぶつかってファンに勇気を与えるプロレスが大好きです!ゆっくり体を休めてさらに強くなった天才ちゃんみなの姿が見たいです!

  8. 鼻が折れても、歯や顎が折れても心が折れないちゃんみなに皆は十分勇気を貰ってますよ。
    ちゃんみなは治療をしっかり終えて、まだまだ夢の続きを追いかけて欲しい。 諦めなければきっとベルトは穫れる!

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