A short history of Japan’s #1 foreign commentator Dave Spector.

Special thanks to Ace Rivera for the request.

Clips used:
めちゃイケ やべっち寿司 武蔵丸 デーブ・スペクター

家族対抗歌合戦 マイク真木、デーブスペクター



Carefree Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Sneaky Snitch Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



  1. Thanks so much George. This was exactly what I was looking for. There was so much more information in this video than I've ever found doing research on my own in English. As much as I've tried in Japanese, my language ability isn't as high as I'd hoped

    I really enjoy your profiles of talent here in Japan. It's a fantastic niche, and one of the highlights of my week this year when I see your profile videos on my sub list. I feel like your channel is like the idiots guide for folks who've moved to Japan, yet don't know the pop culture of the country without a high level of Japanese ability. There's a lot you can do with that flexibility to diverse yourself as a English speaking YouTuber in Japan. As someone who's interested in doing the same it'd be interesting to hear about your research process to making these videos, but that's just me.

    Anyways, thanks again. There's a lot of other talents I'd love to hear about, but for now, I'm happy to learn about someone new every now and then.

  2. Still, I wonder why ABC didn't just get him a nice apartment, or even a rental house. Hotels aren't cheap, and if he was around for so long, that would make more sense.

  3. デイブスペクターさんはシカゴ出身で日本にきて埼玉出身と言う程ユーモアのセンスは十分持っている人ではあるが、駄洒落が多すぎる。日本のTV界での生き残りの仕方を知っていてなかなかの曲者であり、その理由をTVで話しているがあまりそういう事しゃべるとよく思われないが、上手くやっている。それは凄いと思う。世渡り上手である。日本で仕事して正解であると自分でも思っているであろう?彼のように日本で成功したいと思っている外国人は沢山いる外国人思うが、以前デイブスペクターさんが日本人の中で自分達外国人が日本に関心持ったら悪いのか?と怒っている場面を見たことある。違う国で日本語が凄い上手で先駆けした外国人著名者として、よくやっていると思う。いつもTVで拝見していて体に気をつけて欲しいと思う。日本や日本人のことを愛しているのがよくわかる。私は是非会って話してみたいものだ!

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