Hi guys, please enjoy this highlights from miami open 2016, Nishikori play style was great here and have been able to counter kyrgios powerfull shots. I didn’t like too much how Nishikori acted toward that ball girl near the end of the video, but I understand he was very stressed from the match.

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  1. Example of hard word is better than pure talent. Nishikori is too quick for Kyrgios. Kei is hitting from a planted position where as Kyrgios is hitting most of his shots while on the move.Kyrgios will never beat Nishikori in his career

  2. テニスの試合なんて始めてみたけど、テニスってこんなに選手が苛々してるんやね。

  3. 錦織と試合してるキリオスホンマに楽しそうだし全然違う。

  4. ストロークとリターンがマジでテレビゲームの領域やな


  5. 現在2022年、若手のイキのいいのが多数出てATPで活躍してる、錦織も18歳でATP優勝、やっぱり特別な才能は10代で出てくるよね、いつか日本の土壌の中で生まれ育った身長190㌢でサービスエース連発する18歳の日本人選手を見てみたいけど無理かな?。

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