Buzz, “George” Tokoro and Woody, Toshiaki Karasawa interview translation from Japanese

-Hey, it’s Woody.
-It’s Buzz.
-It’s gonna begin.
-Yeah, you’re right.
-Sit down. How are you feelin’?
-I’m looking forward to this movie.
-You’re right.
-Finally, everybody could see this movie.
-It’s really a good movie. This movie will be a classic.
-You’re right.
-We are lucky.
-When we were in Toy Story the film was kind of new. It was between real and comic.
-It was the first film ever made. There was new dubbing in the theater. Toy Story 3 impressed me in a different way.
-Yeah, you’re right. Toy Story didn’t feel it was a classic movie, although it was a good movie. There was a lapse of ten years plus for Toy Story 3. The people who have watched Toy Story 3 can still understand it without the movies past. It’s really a good movie.
-You’re right. It’s a well done movie. Well made.
-Since Toy Story 3 is a classic film people need to watch this movie right now. If you watch this movie twenty or thirty years from now you can’t talk about it to kids.
-Fourteen year old kids are now in Jr. High School.
-Yes, those kids were born during Toy Story.
-Since they are four year old kids, the don’t socialize.
-The kids who were in third grade are now twenty-three years old.
-Yeah, they are twenty-three years old. It’ been that long.
-Yeah, you’re right.
-It’s amazing. Toy Story has been this long.
-It’s interesting that’s been ten and some years.
-In the movie, it’s been ten and plus years in Toy Story 3. This movie flies.
-Toy Story 3 is the best touching movie.
-It’s impressive how everything is in all in this latest movie, but it came to this conclusion.
-Casting is interesting. They are toys like the bear or the guy.
-You are that kind of person?
-The people at Pixar must be having fun making animation.
-It must be an honor working there.
-I have this (Buzz doll) at home.
-One doll?
-When I press the buttons, it speaks with my voice. It’s funny.
-Your voice.
-It’s funny to listen to myself, really. It’s funny. [mumbles] (It’s treasure?) I want to have a lot. I don’t mind to have hundreds of them at home. I got to have a hundred of Buzz’s since I’m itself.
-That’s too much.
-No. I got to have a hundred. When the guests come, they want to have one. The other day, Mr Kitano [Beat Takeshi] took the dinosaur.
-I don’t have Rex anymore.
-Takeshi-san should have bought it himself.
-He said “This is nice”, and he took it. I want Rex back.
-This is all from hindsight. It was nice to do dubbing for these movies.
-I agree and we can look back some years later.
-This must be the classic.
-I did this as work and got some money and this is my memory and I can look back 20-30 years later. [mumbles](We are lucky?) This was advantageous work.
-This is not advantageous or disadvantageous work.
-I want to work with Pixar from now on.
-It’s hard to get a chance to do dubbing for a classic movie.
-Not all Pixar, but any animations, won’t be classics.
-Whatever Mr. Karasawa has done as an actor and what I’ve done matched the characters.
-I agree.
-It’s really nice. I’m honored. Really.


  1. 小さい頃からずっと見てる気するわ。

  2. トイ・ストーリーの唐沢&所ペア、アナ雪の松たか子&さやかペアはトップクラスのアフレコの上手さだと思う。

  3. 8才のときにトイストーリー1見てさ

  4. 唐沢さんがおっしゃる通り、

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