Welome to Glenwood “Lifestyle Series!”

【Part 3】

I’m so excited to share with you my 9-day Medical Medium cleanse journey, specifically known as the “3:6:9 Original Cleanse”. I spent the earlier part of this year diving into Anthony Willam’s 6 books, and ended it with this cleanse.

The third part of the 3-part episode will be highlighting the last 3 days of the cleanse, also known as “THE 9.”

Special guest appearance by Holly Kuzukawa

I hope you enjoy it!


Book: CLEANSE TO HEAL by Anthony William

Glenwood「 ライフスタイル シリーズ」 へようこそ!

【パート 3】

メディカル メディアム クレンズに挑戦した9日間を3回シリーズの

3つ目のエピソードは「THE 9」と言う最後の三日間のVLOGになります。


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WARNING: Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of food borne illness. Improper use of any sharp object, applying improper force onto any sharp object, or contacting any sharp object with any body part may result in injury. Always keep blades away from fingers and body. It is the responsibility of each viewer to use common sense and good judgment when preparing and consuming food. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about your health or ability to consume certain foods, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. The individual appearing in this video, along with the writer, publisher and producer of this video, are not responsible for any accidents, injuries, rescues, inconveniences, or loss of life suffered by any viewer. The use of any information provided in this video is solely at your own risk.



  1. I loved this series so much and could not wait for it to be uploaded every day. 😊😊Thank you for sharing such a beautiful experience. You are so inspiring!! I don’t know if I can last for 9 days but your video made me want to try….. Thank you Junchan.✨✨

  2. Gorgeous Jun☺️ you are such an inspiration 👏👏radiant and mesmerizing ❣️❣️I’m gonna try clean diet myself and see how it goes ❤️❤️❤️

  3. i’ve always idolized you and assumed eating clean was nothing to you but watching this series and seeing you struggle made me feel closer to you. it was raw and encouraging. thank you <3

  4. 普段の潤ちゃんに語りかけられているような、ファンにとって歓喜の動画シリーズでした😭🙏自分の身体に向き合うこと、大切ですよね。そのタイミングが来たら私もトライしてみようと思っています。9日が終わって次の日は何を食べましたか?またシェアしてくれると嬉しいです☺潤ちゃん大好きー!

  5. 潤ちゃん動画すごく為になったし、楽しかったです💛viviの最初の頃から大好きで
    時間が経っても変わらず 自然体を大事にしてるところが本当に素敵です!



  6. 本当にお疲れ様でした✨

  7. 潤ちゃんのライフスタイルやファッション、全てが憧れです💖現在ヨガをやっていますが、クレンズにも挑戦したいと思います😊

  8. いつも潤ちゃんから発信されるものを通して、考え方とかにかなり影響を受けています!😭💕この取り組みが素敵すぎていつかやってみたいと思いました!いつかグレンウッドにも行ってみたいなあ、、

  9. Thank you for sharing your journey. I'm very interested in cleanse in order to feel deepen connection of body and mind. Namaste!

  10. 様々な素晴らしい学びをもらいました。上手に言葉で表現はできないですが、今の私の心は温かく満たされていてとてもHappyです。

  11. このシリーズをみて、改めて自分の身体の小さなサインを見逃さずにちゃんと向き合うことって、とても大切だなと思いました😊


  12. もちろん潤ちゃんは元々キレイなんだけれど、Part1〜2より肌がどんどん明るく透明感が出てキレイになっている気がしました!💖 効果も、努力されてる潤ちゃんもすごいです ☺️🙏💖 おつかれさまでした 💖

  13. クレンズ全部真似するのは難しいですが、似せて少しずつ毒素を外に出せるようにしたいです😭

  14. I really like that you’re actually looking at the camera lens to talk. I see a lot of celebrities look at the monitors next to the lens while recording. Anyway thanks for the great videos and I appreciate your journey!

  15. Thank you so much for making these vlogs! I think its amazing that you decided to try this cleanse program knowing both your body and mind need it. Watching your videos and listening to your voice make me calm and feel so positive! Thank you. It was so beautiful. sending lots of love❤️

  16. This was super inspiring! I always do the big clean up in my house at the end of every year (Oosoji), but this video reminded me that we also need to take time for ourselves to cleanse and reset our system to bring in the new energy of the new year! Big thanks for the inspiration and sending lots of love! Looking forward to episode 4!

  17. Thanks for sharing your journey! I'm with my lemon balm tea😉You inspired the world! 同じ2児の母として、もう少し自分を労ろうと思えた!

  18. 潤ちゃん9日間のクレンズ終了おめでとう👏私もクレンズに挑戦してみたくなった💗セロリが少し苦手なので、何か他に代用できる食材があるなら教えてほしいです!あと、10日目の朝の感想とかその後の変化とかも知りたいな💕

  19. 先週、クレンズのパート1の動画を観て、私も時期を見てやろう!と決めていました。最近寒くなってから、過食やストレスで疲れやすかったり肌荒れなど不調が続いていました。明後日くらいから、自身に合ったやり方を調べながら3日間の短い期間ですがやってみようと思います。素敵な動画ありがとうございます💚昔からじゅんちゃんの笑顔が好きです😊

  20. Thank you for sharing your 9days. SO…how are you feeling after the cleanse?
    You leaned from your mistakes in the three videos. I will try to do like you in my life. I also will search more deeply what Medical Media Cleanse is from now on.
    By the way, I'm curious about meals after you finished the cleanse. I hope you share with us someday!

  21. 潤ちゃん、この動画を見てるだけで心が癒され、潤ちゃんの笑顔を見る度私も笑顔になりました♡ 本当に、潤ちゃんはたくさんの癒しエナジーを放っているよ。なんだか見終わるのが寂しくて、毎朝ティーを飲みながら、大事に少しずつ観ました♡ これからもこの動画に戻ってきます!ありがとう、そして9日間お疲れさまでした♡

  22. 潤ちゃんお気に入りのイスはどこで購入できますか?(東京でもハワイでも使っているという)

  23. It has been so relaxing just watching your videos on this. However, I am kind of curious to see how you could balance this procedure with your regular daily routine with two kids and two dogs on your own…because I think that this would be so difficult to accomplish this for the most of people. I would have to isolate myself from literally everything if I would to try, just by imagining. Also, I wish I could see what happened to you on the day 10, after the cleanse, and how this process had an effect on you and on your diet afterwards.

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