Megumi Controls The Future of Jujutsu Kaisen

I believe that Megami single-handedly holds the entire direction of the story in his hands call me crazy but let me explain myself meam me fushi girl is the D tagonist of jju kaisen and really the only character that’s had as much buildup as Yuji eador I mean even in a KOMO State bro is still getting built up from his talent to sua’s possession and how I believe the effect of this possession can control the entire narrative in this video we’ll be talking about a lot of things when it comes to meami and why my thoughts on him have recently taking a complete 180 as we know meami has always had some of the highest levels of talent in this series meami has always been the one to devise a plan or find a quick counter to his opponent’s plans techniques or whatever and that’s only the beginning there’s been many statements of Megam being a genius as he started as a grade 2 sorcerer and that really the only thing holding him back from standing alongside Gojo was his own mental restraints he didn’t really have anything driving him forcing him to become much stronger such as UTA did but UTA also just had a much better starting point but you get what I’m saying here meami doesn’t only just have his immense talent but he also possesses the 10 Shadows this curse technique having a good case to be the best in the series we know that this alone gives him a case to eventually become a special grade sorcerer and stand with the strongest Gojo himself insinuated a long time ago that this would even give him a chance to defeat Gojo in a battle and we do see this as the case when it comes to sakuna King of curses when sakuna use of the 10 Shadows were brought up in the megamy becoming the strongest discussion people would always say well Megami is not sakuna so this doesn’t really apply or help much we know sukuna is just a genius on another level and well you won’t believe what just happened in chapter 258 of jusu kaisen when kusak kabi asks Yuji why his growth rate as a sorcerer has been so extraordinarily fast in comparison to every other sorcerer before Yugi could say it was just his own Talent kusakabe explains that it was actually sukuna using highle techniques in jiujitsu in his body and due to that his body remembers the usage of sua’s extreme special grade ji Jutsu pinpointing sakuna as the cause of yuji’s growth and while this may not be the case and kusakabe only knows so much and Yuji may have more than just sakuna in his body the point still stands there is a massive benefit to your strength when sakuna inhabits your body and well magami is going to reap the benefits of this much much more than Yuji did because sukuna did not possess Yuji for even 1% of the time that he’s been possessing meami he’s been in yuji’s body for much longer sure but actively using gui’s body in his jiujitsu is not even close he’s been truly operating in megami’s body for much longer and I don’t think there’s anything outright confirming that this is going to play a role but I am pointing this out so people aren’t surprised in the event that it does play a role and start screaming ass pulling their favorite Buzz words over the internet not only this in megga me’s body sukuna was pushed to his limits against Gojo and forced to actually put in some effort into his movement and practice of jiutu comple this all with sakuna usage of the 10 Shadows conquering of mahara Mastery of binding Val usage black flash is something Megami hasn’t done barrierless domain expansion and just way more we can only imagine how strong of a sorcerer Megami will be when he’s freed from sukuna he is quite literally going to have it all or at least a blueprint to having it all depending on how gay decides to handle this okay so with that said I can confidently say that in terms of strength Megami at least has the potential to become the strongest or even more potential now for those who already believe this but even if he comes out with all this power how does it relate to Megami holding the direction of the story in his hand so I think from a meta and logical sense it would only make sense for Megami to have a purpose behind gaining all this power that he may or may not obtain I can’t see G just saying sakuna took over megami’s body and gave him even more talent in the blueprint to everything but the story is ending so we’ll never see it in action nah he’s going to do something with it so personally I am am one of those folks who believe that meami will be freed and somehow the merger will be activated despite sua’s impending defeat and be the final boss this merger is supposed to be something that lies Beyond Cur energy as a concept and potentially create a new power system in J Jutsu kaisen at least according to kenju so it’s found to be busted I can see everybody getting together and taking it on however there is another way that megami’s character can go after being freed from sakuna and you guys all know what it is yes evil Megami this theory proposes that Megami will come out of sukuna and just proceed with the murder plan regardless to start the foundation of megami’s entire purpose and really most of his actions are driven by step sister sumiki due to their parents abandoning them one was all the other ever had until Gojo came into the picture despite this he naturally prioritized her and her well-being more than anything else in the entire world he chose to become a jiutu sorcerer only because it would keep her safe and nothing else so when meam enters the calling game for the sake of saving her from Kaku we see that he was already beginning to head down a dark path as he was becoming so desperate to save his sister that he would kill any in his way it wouldn’t even bother to hear the perspective of those he was negotiating with ironically this would cost Megami his life because Reggie would curse him and Reggie had ended up correct about the bomb that kenak was going to drop but Megami just wasn’t trying to hear it we know that this was only the beginning of megami’s character breaking as suun would just take over his body and kill both his step sister and Gojo as he could do nothing but cry in the shadows and as of the last time we’ve seen him he no longer wants to even exist in this world as he refuses to allow Yuji to save him I didn’t really see a reason that Megami would turn evil and proceed with the merger despite these reasons but I guess I was able to find one when Megami defeats Reggie star he’s given a curse by him something along the lines of letting fate toy with him and dying like a fool or Cloud as we can see Fate has been toying with him the world has unj justly taken everything away from him and when he’s given up he’ll be forcefully dragged back into this world to only from his perspective suffer even more Megami has lost the will to live a long time ago I can see Megami foolishly deciding to take his anger and hatred out on the world Itself by attempting to destroy with the merger rather than just moving on from everything and in the end really accomplish nothing doing all of this as he’ll be stopped and maybe even the opposite will occur the eradication of C energy in the end of this endless Marathon that is jiujitsu sorcery with sakuna operating megami’s body for as long as he has I can see it going down that way too I just need a little more convincing to believe this side rather than Megami just being used as an asset against the merger that it’s going to be ultra Uber powerful but I’m sure I’m missing some other reasons as to why megab could turn evil Bad unstable when he returns what I know for certain is when Megami returns he’s going to be broken beyond belief all this to say I do believe that meami holds the narrative in his hands because again I can’t see gig giving Megami all of this power and just expecting him to do nothing with it meab is not kosimo or Yuki who needs to rely completely on subtext and the reader being able to interpret past the pretty pictures to understand their characters he is the D tagonist and one who hasn’t really gotten much of a massive payoff so here if gagga decides to keep Mega me good we can assume that they’ll be fighting the merger because you know he’ll be an asset to fighting the merger and this merger is going to be this super powerful being they’ll need all they can get to fight it however if gig makes meami anything but good we can just assume that he’ll be the final boss since he’ll more than likely be activating the merger if this turns out to be the case I want meami to return to the story the same exact way Demon King motus did making the entire setting just turn into complete Black for aesthetic badass purposes and plus it instantly convey the mindset of Megami I think G should really go that way whatever meami decides to do when he comes back we single-handedly decide the trajectory of the entire story and I can’t wait to see where it goes with that being said I want to thank you all for always watching and I’ll catch you all in the next one

I believe that Megumi singlehandedly holds the direction of the story in his hand. Call me crazy, but let me explain myself. Megumi Fushiguro is the deuteragonist of Jujutsu Kaisen & really the only character that’s had as much build up as Yuji Itadori. I mean, even in a comatose state bro is still getting built up. From his talent, to Sukuna’s possession, and how I believe the effect of this possession can control the entire narrative, in this video, we’ll be talking about a lot of things when it comes to Megumi, and why my thoughts on him have recently taken a complete 180.


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Why Yuta Hates Sukuna:

How Kenjaku Will End The Series :

Top 10 Strongest JJK Characters :

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  1. Spoiler ahead, you have been warned…

    Sukuna will force yuji to merge with him, they end up in their merged innate domain and clash.
    That clash will resolve resulting in:
    1. Sukuna accepting yuji for what/who he became
    2. Yuji will love sukuna for what/who he became

    I'd guess that megumi with his mahoraga totality will fight the merged curse that resulted due to sukuna and yuji becoming one.
    And yeah, that's about as much as my observations has led me to believe.

    I swear i ain't gege and gege doesn't know of my existence.

    However, i'd love to be besto friendo with him if we do cross paths in this realm.


  2. The future in the hands of some Bum from a prominent background(Kinda). Incredible, Gege, peak social commentary that rivals Orwell. Truly the introspective fiction I summoned with this treasure.

  3. Starting to realize that Megumi really doesn’t like fighting at all. Remember when he ran away from that curse in the abandoned school or whatever?

    Every fight is just a miserable battle to the death for him, and since he was raised by Gojo he never really faced true danger. I think he’ll die after sacrificing himself somehow.

  4. The ten shadows is interesting because it’s stated that when a shinigami is destroyed the user loses it permanently. In thousands of years I can only imagine that ten shadows users have lost a lot of them over the years so it makes me wonder if their reborn with each new user

  5. Sukuna's trump card is dangling resurrecting his sister in front of megumi's face but only if he resurrects the REAL Sukuna first with ten shadows

  6. I BEEN saying evil megumi is coming ever since the merger's activation was transferred to "megumi fushiguro" let alone after he refused to be saved by yuji… the writing is all over the walls and you gotta be intentionally ignoring it at this point to not see it… it would fit the character very well as not only was megumi the son of the villian that made the merger possible to begin with (toji) but has ALWAYS struggled to find his purpose as a sorcerer outside of just saving tsumiki and literally said that he didnt consider himself a hero or "good person"… not to mention megumi is clearly a sasuke clone in almost every way and sasuke infamously had an extremely similar character arc leading to him becoming the final villain as well (clan dies/becomes an orphan/raised by white hair sensei/focused on singular goal related to their sibling/sibling dies at their own hands/ect) also it would be just like gege to have gojo's most precious student ultimately become his greatest failure seeing as gege loves to showcase how even tho gojo is the strongest he is often still powerless to save/protect the things he cares about most ie geto, the star plasma vessel, haibara, nanami, principal yaga, ect…

  7. I’ve always said this: Sukuna in Megumi’s body is an example of what Megumi could be. That’s all I interpreted from Sukuna va Gojo when it comes to Megumi himself. And just think of what will happen once he’s back on his feet. The same way Itadori’s body remembered Sukuna’s advanced CE power, I have a feeling the same will happen to Megumi (like you said). Also, think about what would happen once he masters his own Domain? Tames Mahoraga etc. He will become one the strongest sorcerers in our time.

  8. Sukuna will back yo yuji, no question for that but both will die. Either other sorcerers kills yuji, or yuji sacrifice/kill himself to stop the ritual. You know the rule, if yuji die, sukuna will die too. And yuji will choose his death,.not other.

  9. i remember when megumi killed that guy during the culling games, it felt cold for a reason. he felt cold for a reason. the moment had deep implications to what was going on behind the scenes in his mind. I think it would be so fucking sad but truly make sense if he ended up just mad. However I think watching his sensei die in front of him was a real heart breaker that goes beyond a descent into madness and more a descent into hopelessness.

  10. So… this is gonna be another case of Naruto-Obito/Naruto-Sasuke/Hashirama-Madara? How do yall think this gonna end? Megumi coming to his senses and sacrifice himself like obito? Yuji break the curse and Megumi coming to his senses after get his ass beat like Sasuke? Or Yuji ended up killing Megumi because he's a lost cause?

  11. I swear the merger is a red herring. Why would the final boss of JJK be a dumb kaiju with no emotional connection to the rest of the cast. Now evil Megumi is something I can see happening.

  12. Nah, Megumi will become a villain once Wuji takes Goatkuna's soul out of him (and merges with him 😳😳😳). They proceed to fight which ends with Bumgumi being outed as a fraud.

  13. you mean the guy whose brain is scrambled, has taken multiple black flashes and his born torn by sukuna;s full body form. that guy is finished when the series ends

  14. I think we’ll see kenjaku return with the merger maybe using junpeis or mechamaru body to merge with the merger and become immortal like tengen and they’ll have to seal him or megumi comes back with his shadows being like blood or water in his domain but with the abilities of his shikigami engraved in his soul as well and maybe adapt to his immortality and kill kenjaku with yuta and maybe yuji if he’s good enough after owning sukuna and maybe we’ll see megumi use kashimo ct with nue see how strong kashimo could’ve been but without the drawbacks or even flames if yuji doesn’t but maybe both and yuji eats uraume to help boost himself and maybe somehow heal himself even faster again somehow with ice or maybe nobara eats her or yorozu goes into nobara body and she takes over her soul thanks to yuji in the timeskip and maybe someone could get uraume power hopefully yuji could be cool or maybe higuruma comes back and uses confiscation to take uraume ct and maybe sukuna flames for himself and if geto is dead now as kenjaku left his body could be cool to see geto join with choso or ino like rika did to avenge gojo and kenjaku immortal star rage gravity and maybe blood manipulation on par with yuji right now he’s easily top 3 so there’s a lot of things I want I know they unrealistic but I would love to see them and I want nobara to maybe have tsumiki so we can see yuji being his partner like gojo and megumi is geto and nobara could be his new sister like figure to help him we need the trio back and imagine how op she’d be with it too

  15. megumi glazing always the most annoying and most bs talking points in this community. He never was this insane crazy talent that yuta was. he got lucky with an inherited technique. He lacks the mindset, he lacks the cursed energy and he lacks the ability to fully make use of this technique to be on par with yuta, yuji, and maki.

    Im never going to stop hating on this bum ass. overrated potential man who never had that much potential in the first place. If only the megumi in the story was even half as good as the megumi in peoples head canon..

  16. What if Gege end the show but with a spin off like it end with something crazy but the new strongest is yuji and megumi and megumi be on some geto shit cuz megumi did tell yuji ill surpass u and megumi might just be evil idk and it’s a time skip with yuta yuji and the new students training new students but megumi the villain and yuji is the new gojo type well I’ll give it to yuta to be new gojo and yuji will be a good version of sukuna

  17. infinite reach domain. doesn't do any effects, doesn't have a detection, doesn't have a sure hit or any sabotage abilities. just pure darkness for everyone

  18. This feels like watching Frieza vs goku as soon as you feel like it’s over you remember we still got so much longer to go

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