愛用中のpoleneバッグ👜お出かけの日のバッグの中身紹介✨【what’s in my bag?】

愛用中のpoleneバッグ👜お出かけの日のバッグの中身紹介✨【what’s in my bag?】

yes! Hello everyone! It’s Miku! Today, I would like to introduce you to the contents of my first what’s in my bag? I’m currently back at my parents’ house during the Golden Week holidays, but today I’d like to share with you from my room at my parents’ house! The bag I always love is the Polaine bag. I started using this in July of last year, so the leather has already become soft and familiar. When you open it, it looks like this. It’s very easy to use because it can hold more things than it looks. If you spread it out and use it, you can get even more things. You can fit it in, so you can use it even when your luggage has increased a bit! I think this chain part is also very beautiful, with a slightly less glare-like and elegant feel. I think it’s quite durable as there are no stains or scratches even after using it for a little over a year! I always love this green color, so I was so happy that Polaine had this color that I decided on it right away! Yes, this is what I have in my bag right now.There ‘s quite a lot of it, so I’d like to introduce it to you one by one! First of all, here are the glasses 👓 Something like this I bought these glasses to protect against UV rays. Also, because of my job, I often go out without makeup, so I bought them for those times as well! I think I introduced it in my holiday vlog, but the front part is grayish-brown and the side has a tortoiseshell pattern.Alright , let’s move on.Next up is Taran! This is a tripod! I always use it by connecting it to my smartphone via Bluetooth.I attach it to my smartphone like this, and I flash it.When I turn it on, it looks like this.I use something like this that moves slowly to prevent camera shake.You can also change the direction with the button. You can also zoom! yes! Next is your wallet! Basically, I spend my time without credit cards or cash. Koko-chan is here! ! 🐈Here ! Don’t disturb me, the cat has come. I always have my credit card and ID in there . I also have cash for my return Shinkansen ticket . Also… this year’s fortune was Daikichi, so this one was included as well! I love mint green, so I use this green for my bags as well, and when I choose an iPad case or other containers, I usually choose this green. yes! Next~! I’m here. No way! Let’s do it! May I? Even if I try. May I? Please excuse me. Well then, excuse me! Next is here! It’s a pouch! I’ve introduced this in a video before, and this bag is the same, but when it’s a smaller bag, it’s now a pouch packed with all the things I can get by with ! I bought this pouch as a free product.For those who can see the contents, there is one lipstick and one basic lipstick.A lipstick that I know will go well with any kind of makeup or fashion.A lipstick that I want to wear depending on my mood.Also, moisturizing. This is Aesop’s lipstick.I have very dry skin, so I always carry this nail oil with me! I probably bought this one because it’s green.The other one is a small compact mirror that can be separated from both sides.Here ‘s a lot of hair ties (I need it for work!!) DIOR perfume, I’m sure it’s eye shadow or something. I think it came with it when I bought it! I don’t usually wear perfume, but I carry it around just in case. Also, headache medicine and bandages! My nails are a bit weak and break easily, so I use a Muji nail file! That’s what it looks like~ 🐈This bag has pockets, so I’ll show you what’s in those pockets! First of all, this is it! Ahoge stick! ! I usually keep this side straight and the other side raised, so I use this to stop the hair here, or to stop the hair from falling, or to hold the hair back when I tie it. All that’s left is this! Diptyque hand wash! Sometimes when I’m in the restroom and there’s no hand soap, I feel like it’s a little hard to touch, so I carry this with me. It’s a comb. I have long hair like this, and it gets tangled quite a bit, so I use this to brush it every now and then! Next is here! ! I forgot the name of the real touch-up powder , but I’ll look it up and post it here . It’s been popular for a long time, and I think it’s used by makeup artists for Korean idols, so it ‘s become very popular, and you can find it at your local drugstore. I was looking for it for a long time because it was sold out, but one day I saw this refill on sale and found it! ! But then I realized I didn’t have this case. This case is actually black and about half the size of this case, but I happened to have another case next to it that fit perfectly, so I carry it in this case. ! Next is here! d Program’s allergy barrier mist lotion for sensitive skin! ! I have dry skin, so I use it as a moisturizer, and before I touch up my makeup… I might not be able to see it if I sit here, so I’m going to take a YouTube video.Sorry for getting angry! I use it when I touch up my makeup, and recently I’ve also been using it to prevent pollen. Every year, I often get red or rough skin around this time of year, probably because of the pollen, so I always carry this with me! Next is the hand cream. I like unscented hand creams, so I always go back and forth between Avène and Curel.Avène doesn’t feel sticky when I apply it, but it’s moisturizing, so I really like it ! It’s almost time. Next is the scrunchie! I definitely carry this scrunchie with me every day! I forget where I bought it, but I always carry a black scrunchie with me. If I run out or can’t use it anymore, I just buy a new one.It’s gotten used to me quite well, and I like to let it loose.I have long hair, so I use this to quickly tie it up, and when it’s hot, in the way, or humid, I use a scrunchie instead of a rubber one. I always use a scrunchie because it leaves less marks on my hair ! Next is the mobile battery.I bought this from Rakuten.I used to use ProMax for my iPhone, so I didn’t have much trouble charging it, but now that I’m using the regular Pro, the battery drains quite quickly.Since I’m vlogging, I’m always watching videos. I also do things like play and watch videos, so I might be worried if I don’t have that much time…! Although it is compact, it is quite useful because it can charge up to the maximum charge! The last one is in a drawstring pouch ~ I bought this drawstring pouch at Daiso! It’s cute, isn’t it ? It has wet tissues and something hygienic inside . Also, it has a pocket tissue that is gentle on the skin, Mintia, and throat lozenges. My Favorite Karin Throat Lozenge I have asthma and sometimes get choked up, so I always carry this kind of soothing herbal throat lozenge with me because it calms me down ! yes! Is that all? Now that it’s over , I’ve introduced the contents of my bag! What do you think? I quite like watching videos of the contents of bags, so I’m really happy to be able to take a video myself! I usually post mainly dieting and vlogs, but if you have any content you’d like to see in a live-action video of people talking, like what’s inside my bag, I ‘m looking for content, so please let me know in the comments section . Please hit the good button and subscribe to the channel. Thank you very much ! Well, that’s it for Miku! thank you very much! Chaan








0:00 オープニング
0:17 初めのごあいさつ
0:46 愛用中のバッグについて👜

2:11 メガネ👓
2:53 撮影用三脚
3:42 お財布👛
4:49 ここちゃん参加します🐈
4:58 ポーチ
7:12 小物紹介!アホ毛スティック
7:53 ハンドウォッシュ🫧
8:16 ヘアコーム
8:35 お直し用パウダー
9:38 ミスト
10:01 目立ちたがりのここさん🐈
10:19 ミストのお話再開!
10:38 ハンドクリーム
11:06 シュシュ
11:51 モバイルバッテリー
12:38 巾着ポーチ🫛
13:49 終わり!!
14:39 エンディング


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🎈Song : 샛별 – Sugar beach / https://youtu.be/nPNw-tkU5WY?si=6woNWNx0ROgbcPaQ

🎈Song : 샛별 – May your day be cozy / https://youtu.be/J8q0K5DWwgw?si=wZmPTMfsZpPdzkF-


  1. ポレーヌのバッグ素敵で気になってるんですけど、チェーンって

  2. めっちゃおしゃれさんで憧れます😊ヴィトン のカードケース買おうか迷ってるんですが使いやすいですか??

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