Eimi Wakui|Paganini: Cantabile

Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840) was an Italian violinist, violist, guitarist and composer, who achieved fame throughout Europe, particularly as a virtuoso violinist. A pioneer of virtuosic performance in Romantic music, his techniques, flamboyant playing effects and intense expression, which were described as esoteric and magical, had a profound influence not only on the violin world but also on the piano music of Liszt and Rachmaninov.

This piece is said to be almost the only work by Paganini with piano accompaniment and is different in feel from his other superlative pieces.

The melodies are unforgettable and are popular with both players and audiences alike and are still one of Paganini’s major works today. The absence of extreme virtuosity tends to make it seem like an easy encore piece, but in fact it requires more from the performer than it sounds, as it has a full and beautiful sound in a wide range of registers and contains unexpectedly fast passages.

#classicalmusic #violin #paganini #cantabile #violinist


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  1. フランツ・リストの晩年の作品がそうであった様に、パガニーニにも超絶技巧丸出しの作品ばかりではなく、



  2. パガニーニにこんな曲があったのですね!初めて聴きました。のびやかで美しいメロデイー! 今日のミッドタウンでのライブを聴いた後だけに余計に心に沁みました。 有難うございます!

  3. A beautiful tune that allows you to soar with different bow speed and pressure. Your enjoyment was obvious. Paganini's accompaniments are pretty simple ways to accent the soloist, but your pianist found some nice ways to make it interestng. Your camera operator (and/or editor) also had a feel for the pretty tune, capturing your own enjoyment.
    Very nicely done.

  4. ミッドタウンで素敵な演奏ありがとうございました😊


  5. Heippa Eimi kiitos kauniista soitostasi se oli ihanan kuuloista lähden huomenna mökille järven rannalle vielä ei pääse uimaan mutta onneksi on luvattu kaunista ilmaa sinun soittosi on runoutta sydämmessäni kuuntelen monta kertaa soittoasi ja joka kertaa se on yhtä kaunista kun tässäkin videossa niin sinulla on kaunis puku ja sopii hyvin sinulle
    voi hyvin
    Tv. Jukka❤❤❤🦭🦭🦭❤❤❤

  6. パガニーニのカンタビレイ。

  7. Extraordinarily beautiful and captivating playing ! Although the two works are very different , I would love to hear you play the Paganini 1st violin concerto. !

  8. ヴァイオリンとはかく奏で、かく響くべきという曲であり演奏ですね! それにしても映見さんのこのつつましやかな相棒は、楽器というよりは映見さんの身体の一部のようです。ヴァイオリンと一体化したような素敵な演奏の配信、次回も楽しみにしています😊

  9. I have a habbit to compare various players play on the same piece, and I found that you are always the best performer…you don't just "play" the music, you are part of the music. What a peaceful and moving piece! I am glad that i found your channel.

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