the dumbest anime movie ever I finally
got to watch the new spy family movie
and I laughed so much while watching it
and I mean that in a good way so many
memeable materials throughout the whole
movie you’re worried about Lloyd
cheating Lloyd worried about keeping the
family together and making the dumbest
excuses even Ana was tired of his BS and
an for half of the movie trying not to
do a number two for the sake of saving
the entire world you can see how dumb
that sounds out of context I know for a
fact that the animators were laughing
while making this and still an emotional
story of everyone afraid to lose each
other Lloyd admitting but also not
admitting that he wants the family to
stay together and top tier action fight
scenes and the best part is that you can
actually watch this with your family
without any weird stuff and the movie
gives enough background for even new
people to understand subscribe for my
anime stuff peace

Spy x Family anime movie code white this summer 2024 anime season was hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing seeing Anya forger, yor forger and loid forger doing the most random things. Maybe on crunchyroll, hidive or netflix in the future #anime #manga #newanime #shorts #spyxfamily

Anime or Manga Title: Spy x Family Movie: Code: White – Spy x Family Code: White – TVアニメ
Genre: Action, Comedy, Childcare, Slice of Life, Romance
Trailer: 劇場版 SPY×FAMILY CODE: White』公開直前PV【12月22日(金)公開】
Opening: SOULSOUP by Official HIGE DANdism (Official髭男dism)
Ending: Hikari no Ato (光の跡) by Gen Hoshino (星野源)
here’s a romance anime to watch

Instagram: kitokunx
MyAnimeList: kitokunx
Twitter: kitokitox
Tiktok: kitotok2


  1. I have a question to manga readers.
    Do the plot actually move or is it still doing the same ol slice of life story?
    Like does yor and Lloyd find out about their secrets?
    Does Anya finally get invited to the kids house for Lloyd mission?
    God does anything interesting happen in the later arcs?!
    Like it’s been 3 seasons and yes the comedy is nice and the fights are cool but it’s getting repetitive which is boring for me.

  2. Have you read chapter 95 and 96? If yes please answer and if no you HAVE TO. IT was one of the most INSANE chapters. And the last of the few parts of chapter 96 were the best. (And a bit disappointing for me)
    Damien and anya friendship level 100+

  3. My mama and I love to watch animes like these. SpyxFamily and The masterful cat is depressed again are her favorites that we’ve watched. I’m so excited to go see this movie!

  4. Mom is getting on in age and needs things to watch, me being an anime nerd it’s a lot of only what I know is anime. This is one of the few anime that my mother enjoys watching, so when this came out we had to go see it and it was an excuse to take her to the movies. Legit this movie will be special to me cause of how much fun she had, I think it goes to show how good it is that when we went we had little kids, adults, teens, old anime heads, and people like my mom going to see it. Cannot recommend enough

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