青春 / 長渕剛 / ピアノ弾き語り /さとう麻衣 / tsuyoshinagabuchi / piano /女性が歌う/長渕剛カバー/Youth/FRIENDS/TOKIO/SEISYuN

Whether you cry or laugh,
it’s all about you in the end.
I know it,
but I still want to hang on to someone.
Sad youth wandering around,
losing the signs.
Words are just not good enough.
Please understand me.
For a sky full of mistakes,
A dying youth flies away.
Oh, Still, they stand at the crossroads
and search for the signs of survival.
The whining of the losers
is just a withered leaves.
Believe in eternity, the future, and tomorrow
I’ll go or I won’t go,
it’s up to me in the end anyway.
I can’t stand it,
for that one moment.
Sad youth wandering around,
losing the signs.
I just want kindness.
Please understand me.
For a sky full of mistakes,
A dying youth flies away.
Oh, Still, they stand at the crossroads
and search for the signs of survival.
The whining of the losers
is just a withered leaves.
Believe in eternity, the future, and tomorrow
In a sky full of mistakes
A dying youth flies away
Oh, Still, they stand at the crossroads
and search for the signs of survival.
The whining of the losers
is just a withered leaves.
Believe in eternity, the future, and tomorrow







#長渕剛カバー #長渕剛 # #長渕剛 #青春 #LIVE #tsuyoshinagabuchi #さとう麻衣
#長渕剛 #staydream #friends #tokio #SEISYuN #長瀬智也 #ながぶちつよし

※Please turn on the English subtitles and enjoy watching.

LIVE感を味わえる過去のYouTube LIVEはこちらです。

2024/04/06(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz3Ha9xJ5qo&t=885s

2024/03/02(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CSLD_-L720

2024/02/03(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cC0anc46OA

2023/12/16(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taYh2KAfo4E

2023/11/04(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABsBqCy9GBU

2023/10/07(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhzwi7kJCN4&t=1603s

2023/09/09(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWjHxnniEdY

2023/08/12(土). https://youtube.com/live/Oc-DHJqYBJ4

2023/07/08(土) https://youtube.com/live/-8zBYN3do3E?feature=share

2023/06/10(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKW7q6QyaAQ&t=12s

2023/05/06(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae06c-GMH9w

2023/04/08(土) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbjtjDqLKnE

2023/03/18(土) https://youtube.com/live/jXlpfZj8JtE?feature=share

2023/02/18(土) https://youtube.com/live/19itvzpA7Kg

2022/12/17(土) https://www.youtube.com/live/Q78TjfOLhLI?feature=share

2022/11/19 (土) https://www.youtube.com/live/bou7k6qDaMg?feature=share

2022/10/22(土) https://www.youtube.com/live/70KoSEZQkQE?feature=share

2022/09/17(土) https://www.youtube.com/live/vDKLsmTZi3A?feature=share

2022/070/2(土) https://www.youtube.com/live/-RYxHMtUUGU?feature=share

2022/06/04(土) https://www.youtube.com/live/qx_

さとう麻衣 Twitter→https://twitter.com/sacho0719​​​

撮影 向殿政高(optigraphic inc.)→https://twitter.com/dono_m

英訳 大木康平


  1. もともと、TOKIOへの提供曲だけど、LIVEで盛り上がるし、剛バージョンしか印象ないです。日本に生まれたをお願いします!

  2. サトマイ、お疲れ様です!家の奥さんは毎回この歌カラオケでうたってます!ねぇ~サトマイは何であんなに上手いのって聞くもんだから、ぷろだからな!

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