【RIZIN.46 鈴木千裕 vs 金原正徳】UFC中村倫也の#RIZIN.46で楽しみな試合3選【試合予想】

Regarding the exciting match between rine46 that will be held on April 29th, it will be a challenge for Ushi,
and it will also be a challenge for Shinobu-san.Both are aggressive, so it does
n’t feel like he’s arriving.I think the six months since he became the champion have changed him a lot, and I’m not sure about that.
Once you’re no longer confused about your style, you’ll be able to hit even more sharply.
Welcome to the Real Channel It’s time for the Real Channel. Today,
I’m going to talk about Rine46’s exciting match that will take place on April 29th. My eyes
are Usshi vs. Shinobu. Yes, I see. During the same period as a fighter, Shibu-san
transferred schools and fought many different fighters. He lost to Shoko-san in a split and
won against Ashizawa. Here, Kashibu-san is also quite competitive here. It’s going to be a match, and I think it’s going to
be a pretty important battle, whether they’re going to go up one level or if they’re going to have to cross the center line again like this, so
I think it’s a match that they’re going to play. Shishibu-san will also be wrestling like this.
As someone who has reached the top once, I’m sure he’ll create something good once he gets excited, so
I’m curious how he’ll be able to use that against a far superior Ushii opponent in his martial arts career.I
see. But does that make sense? Ushi and Ushi are
the same age, and we didn’t spend all our time together at ATT, but we
did play together, and Ushi is already Ushi, and the wrestlers were able to do their best in wrestling
. I feel like we have a similar background, so is there something that I’m
conscious of now? Yes, I don’t think it’s rivalry or
anything like that, but I feel like we have a connection, and we’ve been wrestling for a long time at the same time. Since we were both going to the same team at the same
time, there was talk that we might do it under the same agency at first
, and we practiced together, so I’m really happy and having fun coming out
. Yone has been practicing a lot, so it’s hard to break down.Oh, that’s right.She
has a good physical side, and she’s calm, and she’s pretty good at it, and she
‘s very good at technique, and she’s polite, so she’s great as an opponent. It’s difficult to conquer, but
Haku-san’s wrestling skills are so good that you can make it work just by wrestling,
so yeah, he’s really strong in that area. I’m looking forward to seeing how the striking battle goes, though.
There’s also the theory of winning. It’s kind of strange because it was the first shot that Ushi also lost in the first round.The
performance there is certainly true, and a wrestler who hits hard in the first round is
quite a challenge for Ushi, and it’s also a challenge for Shinobu-
san. I don’t think cows are the type to use steps to move ,
so I think they are easy to catch, but on top of that , they have a strong body, just like Feather.
I wonder if he throws it this way because of his sense of gravity
, or if he’s a little lighter, but Ima
Shibu – san is strong enough to throw it regardless of which way he throws it, but
the conditions are still important.Yes, this is also very important. It’s hard to predict, but
I think it’s a good card with a challenging match between both players.The second one
is Makoto Shinryu vs. Lee Jong Hyun.This is set up as one of the matches between Japan and Korea, but it’s a pretty
clear match. It’s a match between Lee Jong-hyun, who has the style he wants to pursue, and
Shinryu, who is particularly good at developing from a team
, so I think it’s going to be a match where both players have very clear goals.The good thing is that both players are aggressive, so it won’t feel like they’re arriving at a match.
I think it’s going to be a dynamic match, and yes, it’s an abnormal player.He’s small in stature, and
from his low center of gravity, he throws punches with a lot of rotational power, making it difficult to take down, and his body type
is difficult to build, but since it’s a ring, Shinryu. I don’t think Kyoji will make a game like this
, but he’s a very good opponent in his return match from Kyoji.He
‘s a flyweight fighter with great expectations in Korea, so he’s certainly a young hope.If he
wins, he’ll be able to compete overseas. Also, new fighters who will be opponents who will be properly evaluated are also looking at the UFC.No,
I don’t know.That’s fine for now, but Professor,
I think you’re working towards revenge.The third point is the main one. Title match between Sen Suzuki and Kanehara
It looks like things are really coming to fruition right now. Suzuki seems to
have been practicing a lot since becoming champion, and everything in his life is
going well. He seems to be starting to realize that he is a champion.I
feel like he is at the stage where he is taking advantage of the opportunity he has had and is
rapidly increasing his strength as well as his momentum. I think I’ve improved a lot since I became champion for about half a year, around the
beginning of the month , compared to when I was Keramov, so
I think Kanehara’s overall strength is going to make him a lot better.
Yeah, young guys change into completely different people in six months,
so I think back in November, when I thought they’d surpass them,
I think Kanehara was the better choice, but now he’s the champion.
I think he has changed a lot in the six months since he started playing , and if he loses that hesitation style even more, his
hitting will be even more sharp.So Kanehara uses various tricks to
make him hesitate a little bit early on, which makes me wonder what he should do. I think there are a lot of ways to do this,
but I think they have to make up while doing the punches of Suzuki, who swings without hesitation by making
combinations, making feints, doing no motion, or shifting the timing.
I think there’s going to be some fire at some point, so I feel like it’s going to end there. I
think it’s Suzuki’s momentum, but it’s a match where he wins on damage.
It would be amazing if he wins by decision. Suzuki is real in a sense.
Does that mean it’s going to happen ? By the way
, since you’ve been appearing in all kinds of media, are you ever going to be with Suzuki? The
first time we talked was when we went to Azerbaijan together. That’s right.I
think the champion is in an advantage.That’s it.That’s it for Raijin 46.I
talked about the fun match.Thank you everyone for watching.Please watch till the end. Thank you
very much. Please subscribe to the channel and click the like button.
Is there too many Raijin? Is it okay? I’m so clingy, no, I’m being asked for it after all.
People who like Raijin are flowing into the Rinya channel. Isn’t it Rinya’s role to entertain the viewers
? If you want them to have fun,
that’s fine.


00:00 オープニング
00:39 ①牛久絢太郎選手 vs 太田忍選手
04:01 ②神龍誠選手 vs イ・ジョンヒョン選手
05:21 ③鈴木千裕選手 vs 金原正徳選手
07:53 エンディング

● 【朝倉未来vs平本蓮】UFC中村倫也のRIZIN LANDMARK9の振り返り+朝倉未来 vs 平本蓮戦について【超RIZIN.3】

● 【 RIZIN神戸 】中村倫也がRIZIN LANDMARK 9 in KOBEで楽しみな試合3選




▼UFC Japan




  1. 倫也さんと忍さんは同じ階級で、同じバックボーンだから、ちょっと見てみたい気がします!

  2. 格闘家は金原予想が多かったのでこれは意外。アゼルバイジャンからの成長を考慮すると鈴木有利なんですね。リンヤマンの視点はいつも勉強になります

  3. 今度朝倉未来さんとしゃべってほしいです きっと話が合うと思います❤中村選手と同じでみくるくんも全選手リスペクトしてます

  4. あんまりコメント書いてないですが毎回楽しくみさせて頂いてます!

  5. へ〜倫也選手の聞くまではまぁ自力と経験の金原さんだろなーって思ってたけど、千裕選手に思えてきた✨✊

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