【単独取材】ジャニーズ解体のその後……SMILE-UP. 東山社長、BBCの多数の質問に答える

Higashiyama the CEO of smile up has agreed to talk and this will be the first time anyone senior in the history of smile up and the decades long history of Johnny and Associates has ever done a one-on-one interview should get in I’m how you doing really nice to meet

You thank you for taking the time yeah why did you agree to speak to us today last year after the revelations and after this story broke John and Associates as a a formal company it’s effectively dissolved and there are new companies so can you talk me through the structure of those companies for

So let’s talk about that change for a second I know specifically today you are the CEO of smile up what are your objectives and what do you do day today so do you see it as part of your personal responsibility as CEO of smile up to get Justice and some semblance of

Closure for the survivors of abuse have you got any formal background in in social work uh delivering Justice for survivors of sexual abuse counseling any of those things yeah and and and so I don’t mean this in a do you feel that the public does have and should have

Confidence in in you leading smile up a company that has been tasked with delivering the process of compensating survivors of sexual abuse taught me through that process then because I know to date as we sit here today there’s almost 950 people that have come forward saying

That they are survivors of abuse at the hands of Johnny Kagawa so with those claims and with that volume of claims how are they being processed is there any semblance of a a time frame because over 900 people coming forward is there any idea of of how long it

Might take to to process those claims our survivors offered counseling but what about in terms of of Professional Health is is that something that smile up is is going to pay for What safeguarding mechanisms has the company put in place to safeguard talent and Safeguard young people at this company chief

That sounds like a a start but I’d like you to be as specific as you possibly can be what more is there in terms of safeguarding I mean some companies for example will have things like chaperon I I want to go back because I know you yourself are very much a star

Within your own right and a star that came up through the the Johnny system and so how did you first come to be working with Johnny Kagawa do you have fond memories of that time H how did you come to be living with Johnny Kagawa and you were living in the same property

As Johnny Kagawa is that right and in that period did you ever see Johnny kagara behave inappropriately with with other talents I only want you to answer this if if you’re entirely comfortable did Johnny Kagawa ever behave inappropriately with you in 1999 of course this story broke

That Johnny Kagawa was having sex with minors he was having sex with Talent including young boys what were the conversations at that point what did you hear but surely this is a another League of Scandal this is about someone and being a a pedophile let’s move then in uh to 2004

At this point it’s acknowledged at Tokyo high court that Johnny Kagawa has indeed been having sex with Talent at his company including minors so it moves away from the league of of rumor at that point what were the conversations going on at the company I appreciate you were a star

Within your own rights you were also an adult you were in your 30s by this point so I I’d really like you to think back to that time because surely I would imagine those internal conversations must have been around the welfare of talent I imagine there was an element of

Crisis management there must have been conversations did you try to have those conversations back then why do you think those conversations weren’t happening oh I think there’s a distinction though isn’t there between new stories which are going to be breaking at any time in any part of the world and allegations

Being made didn’t this feel very close to home so I’ll ask again why do you think those conversations weren’t happening sure we’ve spoken to a for Jr who has said that they are aware of abuse of talent at the company at the hands of a another member of Staff in

Addition to Johnny Kagawa are you aware of those allegations so are you concerned it illustrates that there was a culture of sexual abuse at Johnny and Associates which went beyond just Johnny Kagawa and if there are allegations about two other staff members is that not indicative of a a deep rooted problem

So the individuals you referring to are they still alive are these allegations and and the conclusion of this investigation are they subject to criminal proceedings if there’s been an investigation that’s concluded there are people in this company who have abused boys then isn’t it just common sense

That that needs to be shared with the police isn’t this an opportunity to get some justice morally wouldn’t it be the right thing to do surely the best outcome is if someone has committed a crime someone has abused children then they’re convicted don’t you think you as an organization

With a huge amount of power have a role to play in this if you agree with me do you think today you could commit to opening this this matter back up and and discussing with whoever’s advising you the idea of of handing your investigation handing this investigation over to the

Police have you asked the survivors in those particular cases if they want to pursue criminal proceedings I want to go back to this subject of the compensation process and lawyer that I’ve spoken to who represents some of the survivors described that process as as a black box suggesting it was opaque so the

Survivors were saying that the process wasn’t clear how do you respond to That do you agree though that if survivors themselves are saying that the process is like a black box that it’s unclear then that’s not good enough so for you think there’s more that the company could do to make that process clear so essentially are you saying survivors need need to wait until those

Meetings conclude I want to read a statement that was put out on the smile up website uh some time ago it says we’ve received information that there were cases in which people who are most likely not victims are telling false stories using the testimonies of real victims and then the

Statement asked media Outlets to fully verify the claims of people who are making these accusations so with that in mind can you talk me through smile Up’s own process a verification how reliable is that system because what we know about Johnny Kagawa is he was often scouting for talent and that

Involved spending time at dance rehearsals it involved spending time around lots of young people who may never have forly joined Johnny and Associates so are there any records of all the young boys that Johnny Kagawa had interactions with do you acknowledge that given the decades over which Johnny

Kagawa was working in the entertainment industry and given the the volume of young men that he spent time with we may never really know the true number of people who he abused in the buildup to this meeting today uh I met with your PR team and they

Suggested that we meet with survivors of abuse and at that meeting these survivors of abuse shared with us their idea that in their view many people who are coming forward and making claims are not telling the truth I want to understand what was the objective of of that process

How do you really believe though that there are survivors whose primary objective is flagging that there may be people lying about their abuse over the objective of of getting Justice for survivors so I I agree that one perspective could be that this is just an alternative view another perspective could be this is

Actually about managing the reputation of this company and discrediting the testimony of genuine survivors how do you respond to that do you acknowledge though that it’s already extremely difficult for survivors of sexual abuse to speak about their experiences how is pointing out or aiming to discredit the testimony of

Survivors and pointing out that there may be some people who are untruthful how is that helpful so so given that if that’s your priority tell me what smile up I doing to encourage survivors of abuse to speak out do you think there’s more you could do in terms of a strategy to encourage

People to speak out you’ll be aware of a survivor of abuse who went public with their story and was subsequently called a liar by members of the public and they got online abuse and as a result of that they ended up taking their own life are are you in touch with the family

I know care you acknowledge that perhaps it’s irresponsible for a company like smile up with all of this power and given the history using language and referencing on their website the idea of people falsifying testimonies do you think that’s a misstep a misjudgment for we know know though that in this

Particular case there was uh a culture of the Survivor of abuse effectively being bullied do you worry that your company might be contributing to that culture how can you make that distinction though when we know that Johnny kitagawa was in contact with with so many individuals isn’t that an

Extremely as we discussed earlier isn’t that an extremely difficult thing to do to decide who’s being honest here and who might be lying I want you to speak directly for a moment to people who go online and suggest to survivors of abuse that they are not telling the truth what

Would you say to them I think discouraging disparaging comments about survivors of abuse telling them their Liars telling them that they’re just seeking attention all of that I think would constitute online abuse I mean you are someone with a public profile you’re you’re also a a star

Within this world so I wonder if you’re speaking out against that abuse would actually be really valuable maybe it would discourage people from speaking out and bullying people online I’ve spoken to people directly who’ve told me that they are survivors of abuse who have not even told their own

Families there’s so much stigma it’s really difficult for people to talk about this stuff what do you say to anyone watching you today who is a survivor of abuse who hasn’t spoken out if we can talk about Judy fushima for for a moment I understand that she stood

Down as as the CEO of johnan Associates and of course that company no longer exists in in a formal sense Julie fujishima is still the owner of smile up I might am I correct does she benefit financially given the fact that these allegations were in the public domain do

You think Judy fushima could have done more to stop the abuse well let me put it to you this way Judy fima did have an extremely senior role at the company of Johnny and Associates for many many years and I’ve spoken to people who suggested that by resigning

She’s effectively avoided any kind of accountability isn’t that a problem how do you think Johnny K will be remembered is there anything more you want to say about Johnny Kagawa h foree I understand it must be very difficult is is there anything more you want to say that we haven’t we haven’t covered

I’m really grateful for your time thank you for answering one my questions thank you




「捕食者の影 ジャニーズ解体のその後」に含まれる部分のほかに、東山社長がアザー記者の様々な質問に答えたやりとりのうち、約30分間の内容を紹介する。




  1. これ公開されたら、外資はSUと仕事しないし、所属タレントの海外進出は無理でしょう。

  2. およそ半年、この人やこの企業は何をしてきたのかよく分からないな…
    "金銭的" 保証を行っていることしか分からない

  3. I can see that Higashiyama has no education. He only grown up as an idle. Not capable of being answered many of the questions and make the impression that he is not really thinking of this situation seriously..

  4. まぁこれを被害者がみても救われないし、亡くなった方の奥さんがこれを見てもむかつくだろうな

  5. 東山氏の返答は全てにおいて的外れで真摯に向き合っている「演技」をしている様にしか思えなくて呆れる。


  6. 醜悪さを世界に晒しただけのインタビューになってしまっただけ
    人としての何かを失ってしまったかのようなコメントに 非常に気分が悪くなった

  7. Thank you, Mobeen.
    The Japanese media never report positively on this issue.

    As a Japanese, I am very embarrassed to know why we can get the truth reported by foreign media instead of our own media.
    The Johnny & Associates, Inc. has no intention of getting to the bottom of this issue.

    I believe the actual damage is hundreds of times worse than what we know now.
    It is 100 percent impossible that Higashiyama, who is a close associate of him, was unaware of this issue in the first place.

    I never want this issue to fade away. And I want to reveal all of this historical crime that has been systematically committed by the Johnny & Associates, Inc..

    The BBC is the only way to know about it.
    Please, please, please, I hope you will continue to cover this issue further.

  8. BBCには日本の芸能界とメディアの長い癒着の歴史とそれにより多くの闇に葬り去られてきた問題の追及と解明を強く希望します。日本の社会には多くの利権構造が存在してるのでそこに関わってる人が数多く存在してます。ですから日本国内で問題を解決するのは非常に難しく大きな利権構造を突破するには外圧を頼るしか術がないのが日本の現状です。

  9. ただただ、こんな表面だけ取り繕ったような浅い返答しかできない人に何ができるの?としか思えなかった。そして記者に対して、「嘘をついている偽物被害者がいる」アピールを必死にしてるの恥ずかしい。そんな事に注力する前にファンの誹謗中傷をもっと全力で止めるべきでしょうに。

  10. 「被害者への誹謗中傷について」辺りのインタビュアーさんの質問や意見への回答には驚いた。




    もう観たい番組はほぼ無くなった。どのチャンネルに変えても "元ジャニーズ事務所のタレント" が必ず一人は出演しているこの異常さ。


    私は「変わらない "業界支配" 」のカタチを感じさせる出演の現状にはさらなる危機感を持つ。


  11. 言論の自由とか言葉だけ並べただけで、モービン氏の質問に真摯に答えにならずに、
    対応する事とは、社内に鬼畜と話されていたJと、話してた同じ加害者の社員に対してでは ないですか?
    警察にを避けて 当事者で…

  12. まずジャニー喜多川の被害者であった可能性がある東山に、サバイバーたちは全て話せるはずがない。普通だったら分かりそうなものだが、デリカシー無く図々しく居座り続けるのは、ジャニーズ事務所廃業以降の自分達の天下り先として利用してるだけ。救済?バレてますよ、救済は体(てい)だってことくらい。未だ少年の育成業止められないのですね。嫌疑十分な社内では、また同じ悪行続けててもおかしくないですね。

  13. インタビュアーの方の質問が的確で素晴らしいです。



  14. 質問にきちんと答えられてない時点で適任者ではないと思う。オウムの話も持ち出さないでほしい。自分の周りのことに無関心だったならどうせそっちにも興味がなかったでしょ。普通なら自分達の事務所の判決の方が重大なはずだけどね。判決出てるのに何、非現実的って。しかも加害疑惑のスタッフが2人分かったのに警察に届け出も出さないとかなんなの。社長と社員の性的虐待を何十年も黙ってた企業としての責任を全うしてないし、自分の発言でより会社の信用落としててスゴイな。ツッコミどころ満載の受け答え。

  15. ポイントを細かく質問してるから、日本のマスコミに対しては逃げられたけど、逃げられない…だから…答えがズレてしまっている。被害者を助けることより、タレントを守ることに頭がいってる…補償会社なのに。スタッフの加害者のことは、ちゃんと対応しないといけないことだよ。呆れることばかり。でも日本のマスコミがちゃんと向き合わないことも大きな問題。とにかく会社としては絶望的な会社。タレントさんは新会社で切り離して活動しないと…ここと繋がっていたらだめだよ

  16. ヒガシは救済会社CEOの器、知識はないし、むしろ、自身もカウンセリング受けて停止してる思考を解きほぐすことから始めるのが良いかと。

  17. このコメント欄に書かれてる東山さんへのコメントについてBBCはどれが誹謗中傷かそうでないか認識しているのかそれに対してやめてほしいと声かけしているのか逆にBBC に聞いてみたい。

  18. 東山、追及を受けて、まともな回答ができない、情けない態度に終始していますね。

  19. は? どこが心の救済? 的外れな回答、ズレた話ばかり繰り返して、








  20. 東山の発言はいつの話しをしているのか、昨年の記者会見の時?


  21. ジャニー喜多川氏だけでなく事務所ぐるみで犯行が行われていたわけだ。こんな問題のある企業と知りながら取引して忖度してきたテレビ局をはじめとした

  22. 10:15 この発言も大丈夫?イギリス王室とこの性加害問題を一緒にして欲しくないでしょうね。イギリス国民の皆さんは。

  23. この噛み合わない会話は何なんだ?被害者に向き合ってるという印象が全くしない。

  24. 旧ジャニーズタレントのファンですが、事務所内に加害者が二人もいたとは残念です。この二人に被害にあった人にもきちんと対応してほしいです。好きなタレントがこの事務所にいることがとても悲しいです。恥ずかしいです。タレントたちにもわかっていただきたいです。この問題で悲しんでいるファンが、たくさんいるということを。

  25. ジャニー喜多川は、自身も同じように性加害を受けてきたことによる人格形成が最大の理由。ペドフィリアは、人類有史の初期から連綿として続いてきた。さらに、戦後間もなく、混乱した社会のの中で比較にならないくらい大きな事件が起き、見過ごされてきた。昨今になって、社会の意識が変わり性犯罪への目が厳しくなって事件化した。LGBTQへの意識が高まる昨今、ますまず複雑な事件が起きることは必至。

  26. このインタビュー動画をみて、日本のメディアもあらためてジャニーズ事務所性加害問題を取り上げる必要があると感じました。


  27. ジャニー喜多川はもういないのに

  28. 悲しくなってきました

  29. 今朝、テレビ朝日で、東山さんとのインタビューが本の少しでましたが、彼が誹謗中書も、表現の自由と話したこと言わなかった。マスコミ として、この事は、重要なこと、あきれた。かたちばかり。東山さんは、大変だったと思うけど、こんな考え方では、所属タレントも誹謗されても、なんの力にもならない。

  30. イギリスでのそもそも若年者への性的虐待の考え方が違っているのだろう

  31. 東山紀之に「被害者の救済」なんてできるわけもないし、彼としてはそんなことにとくに興味もないんだろう。



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