
I woke up looking forward to City bakery’s bread☀️ It’s a round top whole wheat bread. I’m going to make it! Make arugula salad. It has a nice smell and is my favorite leafy vegetable to use in salads. This drains the water well,

So the flavor won’t be diluted even when mixed with dressing. Top with mushrooms. White mushrooms are the only mushrooms that can be eaten raw. I did not know that… Not brown, but white 🍄 Fruit tomatoes that I stock up on good deals. Cut out half of the avocado.

It feels so good to peel off 🥑 Cut the amount of fat as much as possible with spray type olive oil. This morning I’m going to make ham and eggs 💖 I also use low-fat ham.

The bread I had for lunch the other day was so delicious that I decided to bring it home. It looks delicious. I’ll toast it without putting anything on it. This morning I have orange flavored tea. I’ll enjoy having this! Morning plate looks delicious!

I tried to make the delicious mushroom salad I had at a restaurant the other day at home. The dressing they used was delicious so I bought it. A collaboration between Pietro and TANITA, lemon & nut dressing has 40% less salt. Oh, I definitely don’t need butter. It’s good.

I’m going to the beauty salon today. I can finally say goodbye to this curly hair. I have really curly hair. I’m going to have a straight perm, color and cut in the afternoon! DR.Ci:Labo VC100 Essence Lotion. I’ll be showing you my morning skin care routine for the first time in a while!

This is my favorite lotion. It moisturizes my skin well. I’ve been buying this eye pack over and over again. I buy in bulk on Rakuten Marathon’s bargain days. I take care of my eyes very seriously because they tend to show my age 🔥

Eye strain from using smartphones and PCs accelerates the aging of the eye area, so I take it seriously 😂 I wash my clothes and wash the dishes in the 10 minutes I’m wearing eye packs 🧽 Apply the leftover liquid all over my face to make my eyes and skin soft.

I have hay fever 🤧 I use Christina’s serum for firmness and elasticity. Kiehl’s cream that you won’t be able to part with once you use it. Moist without being sticky. Keeps your skin moisturized throughout the day. I love it so much that I even buy refills. Time for face yoga!

I do it every day after my skin care routine in the morning and evening. Aim for a beautiful face line and eliminate wrinkles ✊ I ​​also do it when I notice that my face is expressionless for a long time. My favorite enherb tea again.

The sweet scent of cranberries will reduce your appetite for sweets. Ginger’s body-warming effect is also recommended for people who are sensitive to cold! Now that we’re in March, I want to paint my nails a little brighter 🤍 Matte colored nails are the most difficult to paint 😐

Today I’m going out in a heart-shaped knit 🤍 It’s been warm for a long time, but it’s suddenly gotten colder in Tokyo in late February. It’s cloudy today☁️ It’s been raining in Tokyo lately. For lunch, I’ll go to my favorite restaurant. I came to Omotesando Hills.

I came to a similar restaurant that i went before in vlogs. This is my favorite spicy noodle shop, Rosokuya. There are queue as usual. There are still many people behind us. Looks really delicious. Mine looks delicious, of course, but my husband’s mapo noodles also look delicious. You like it.

I’m a big fan of spicy noodle! 💓 You often go to eat the hot and sour noodles. Was it hot? Actually, I’d like to introduce you to a new restaurant, but I love the hot and sour noodles at Rosokuya so much. Sorry for the similar content. I love sour food!

I finished the meal while sweating. I head to the cafe I wanted to try. It looks like the place is full. I will visit there again next time. I wanted to cool down, so I came here to eat some acai bowl from Island Vintage Coffee. The colorful mugs are cute 💛

The honey on the acai bowl is really delicious. We will have an acai bowl each, as well as hot tea and latte. The latte art is cute! so big! This is the smaller size though. Island Vintage that we also went when we travel to Hawaii.

Cold sweets after eating something spicy and hot might be the best ❤️ I hope everyone goes too ✊ It’s still raining outside ☂️ The Chinese medicine shop that has always caught my eye every time I passed by. I often drink this tea on a daily basis. I tried the tea.

It was almost time for my appointment at the beauty salon, so I left the shop 😭 I’m going for the 4 hour course! hair straightening → color → treatment → cut. Nice color too. Thank you for your long time. I had my hair cut by 1 cm. I had my hair made shiny.

I often get asked this question, but I get my hair straightened about once every six months. I get my bangs done about once every three months. How does it look like? 🐼) Yeah, it’s cute. I haven’t changed much 😂 But I cut my hair a little and added a little more bangs.

Now it’s straight and smooth! I’m about to go home! I am back! I always feel like I really want to go home after eating out, but when I think of cute Gon chan waiting for me at home alone I end up coming home. I’m going to make dinner!

An easy recipe using microwave tonight! Add about 3 types of mushrooms of your choice. Place a large amount of mushrooms in a heatproof bowl and mix well. Full of dietary fiber! It’s expensive at this time of year, but I love myoga. Cut into thin slices.

Almost any dish is delicious when topped with shiso and myoga! Today I will be using pork thighs. If it is sliced one, it’s soft enough even if it’s pork thighs. I’m going to spread it out and put it on. Even though it’s simple and requires only a few seasonings, it’s delicious ❤️

It’s good to cook at home because you can see what goes into the food and how much. Add black pepper. Please check once after 6 minutes. Mix the ingredients and seasonings. Serve on a plate. Finally, top with the cut and prepared shiso and myoga. Finally, sprinkle with sesame seeds and it’s done.

I’ll enjoy having this! I used microwave to make this! Easy, delicious, healthy! This is a new plate I bought. “Marry my husband” was very interesting! It was a well-written story, and I like the villain’s performance. Thank you for watching until the end today ❤️ See you next week!



⚪︎豚肉とたっぷりきのこのレンチン (2人前)
・豚もも薄切り 200g
・しめじ 半分
・えのき 3分の1
・舞茸 半分
・みょうが 2個
・しそ 5枚
⭐️めんつゆ 大4
⭐️ごま油 大1半
⭐️しょうがチューブ 3cm
⭐️ブラックペッパー 適量
⭐️いりごま 適量




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【Diet Vlog】1週間で2kg増えた体重を必ず戻す!3日間の食事記録と運動🍚🏋️‍♂️コツコツダイエットする✊

【60→46kg】14kg 痩せた私がやめた 10 の事【食べて痩せる】






  1. 眼福タイム〜❤❤

  2. チャンネル開設当初からの動画を何回もリピートおり、毎週の動画をすごく楽しみしています!

    動画をイヤホンで聴くことが多く、その時に野菜を切り落とす時の金属音にどうしてもぞわっとなってしまいます… その金属音が少し優しくなるようにして頂けるとありがたいです!

  3. 今日もえりなさんから癒し頂きましたありがとうございます❤

  4. えりなさん、、🥲半年程健康的な食生活や運動ができていたのに、ここ数日ストレスのせいで爆食が止まらなくなりどうしたらいいか分かりません😭食べても食べてもお腹が空くし、(偽の空腹でもなくしっかりお腹も鳴る🤣)どんどん自分に情けなくなります🥲抜け出すにはどうしたらいいでしょうか、、アドバイス頂けると嬉しいです😭

  5. えりなさんとパン旦那さんのに、やり取り見てると癒やされます。

  6. えりなさん

  7. ほんと艶々おかっぱのえりなちゃんがキュートすぎて🩷🥹きゅんです❤

  8. 今日のご飯もおいしそうですね🤤❤
    影響で お茶を楽しむようになりました
    お湯注いでいる時 中に入ってしまうの

  9. やっぱりえりなさんの声がないのが寂しい〜😭😭💦毎回は大変かもしれませんが、たまにで良いので‼︎お声を下さい🥹🥹❣️

  10. えりなさんのチャンネルに出会ってから、今まで失敗ばかりだった食べないダイエットをやめて、食べたい気持ちに向き合いながら生活できるようになりました✨
    11月からするすると5キロほど落ちていて本当に感謝しています( ; ; )


  11. 今回も素が可愛いえりなちゃん。

    私、ご飯食べながら韓ドラ見れない〜 字幕追うのが大変で…笑

  12. ❤こうやって付き合ってくれる旦那さんに感謝ですね

  13. えりなさんの生活を真似してたら1週間で1キロ減りました。昨夜辛ラーメン爆食したけど朝になったら戻ってた!!やっぱり朝から食べるといいですね😊🎉ストレス無く生きれてますー!

  14. えりなちゃん髪の毛ツヤツヤで美し~い👌💕いつも旦那さまと仲良しで楽しそう🎵今日もご飯ちゃんと作っていて偉いなぁ✨

  15. 私も私の夫と結婚して見ました!

  16. ダイエット・食事系のYouTubeの中で健康的で一番好きです❤

  17. エリナさんは、蒸篭はお使いにはならないですか??最近蒸篭にハマっているのですが、楽ちんだし、本当に便利です!エリナさんだったら蒸し料理に合わせるタレをどんな風につくるのかなぁと思いました☺︎ 以前お鍋のときのエリナさんが作っていたゴマだれが、美味しくてリピしてます!!

  18. もものうすぎりどこにも置いてなくてうす切りではないけどもも肉買ってきたので今晩作ります♫

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