裕木奈江の最新作「White On Rice」予告編

Hey Jimmy what’s wrong my brother-in-law thinks I’m why do you say that because he said I think you’re oh hello Bob mom says to go wash your hands and pick up dinner thank you Bob you look kind of familiar to me I used to be in movies your parents just don’t

Understand if I meet a Japanese girl it reminds me of Nana if I meet a girl who is taller than me I feel small when you have an ex-wife you will understand what I mean Jimmy who is it it’s your new roommate Ramona I hope you don’t mind we

Have to share a bathroom no no it’s mine if you need matches they’re in the cabinet okay how about you Bob have you found the love of your life yet I’m too busy for that stuff your parents are arguing about something but don’t worry I don’t

Think they will get a divorce great I heard your niece is back in town is that true yeah she’s staying with us for a little while I meant to talk about that did she say something about you why are you pooping on the party I

Just came to see Tim aha the game is not over yet is he talking to you or me hey hey can you take a picture sure no problem she’s too tall for you anyways I don’t like him I don’t like his hairstyle it’s hard to be an adult

Lots of things to worry about like the water bill time back you know I had a dream that I kill you okay that’s weird my mom says squh your hands your date is here

在米日本人をコミカルに描く映画。日本で一世を風靡した裕木奈江の最新作で、「ラスト・サムライ」「硫黄島からの手紙」などハリウッド映画に出演する日本人俳優の渡辺広が初主演する映画「White On Rice(ホワイト・オン・ライス)」の予告編。2009年10月30日(金)からホノルルのリーガル・シアター・ドール・キャナリー18で公開されることになりました。なお、日本未公開で、公開終了日は未定。


  1. まばたきしてたら見逃すくらいのチラリズム。

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