Making necklaces, baking Biscoff cupcakes, Painting my wall

Making necklaces, baking Biscoff cupcakes, Painting my wall

Good morning ⛅️ It’s Friday and I have the day off work🤩 I made coffee for my husband who’s working from home I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, but my dad gave me this jumbo cereal 😂 There’s a lot of sugar, so I’ll only eat it once in a while

When I eat cereal I put the milk first and then I put small BATCHES (why’d I say it like that? 😂) of cereal 🐱 Mili suddenly asking for attention My husband thinks I’m crazy because he puts cereal first, then milk but I don’t like it when the cereal gets soggy

So that’s why I put the cereal in small batches here you go Anyone else do the same? 😅 🐱: Nevermind smells weird Anyway it’s my day off, I have a lot I want to do 0:01:27.983,1193:02:47.295 Quickly clean up Finn & Mili playing hehe His eyes and little wiggle Attack!

Today I’d like to paint my wall, make necklaces, and bake hopefully I have time for everything growl Looks like Finn’s in a hyper mood There’s a few errands I need to run as well, so I’ll keep my bag light I’ll be donating some old clothes today too Simple, comfy outfit 😊

The sun is finally shining after a long winter First stop, picking up paint for my dining area wall I’m looking forward to a lighter colour and atmosphere Next stop, Value Village (thrift shop) After donating my clothes, I went straight to their home goods section Pretty Lovely pair of frames

This would match the plate from earlier I love the delicate blue design and gold rim Price is good too It’s fun to just browse around Naruto? Baruto ? Saw this cute corduroy jacket Debated… but decided no Proud of myself for not buying anything 😎 I came to Michael’s (hobby store)

I want to make necklaces Looks like Tiffany I looked up necklace lengths on google I like 18″ and 24″ something a little long I like this chain and it has both sizes, perfect! I wish they sold it in smaller packs I had so much fun browsing, I was here for an hour 😄

They were having a good sale so I bought some beads for a future project My imagination was running wild thinking of all the different combinations Put away my shoes right away for a clean entry Sounds like my husband is done his meeting, perfect timing

I’ll start making lunch – I’m making tamago sushi I bought ‘free range’ eggs for the first time The yolk has a slightly deeper colour Save one egg for baking later… meow meow meow Sudden cuddle session requested by Mili Rolli polli 5 eggs 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon mirin (or rice wine vinegar)

Dash of salt I’m making tamago yaki (rolled egg) slowly pour and fold I usually leave my windows open for fresh air the sound of cars going by just sound like white noise to me but maybe in a video it’s not pleasant? I’ll close my windows next time

About 2 cups of fresh hot rice My dad made this sushi rice seasoning You can make your own with this ratio: 2 rice vinegar, 2 sugar, 1 salt make sure to heat it up so the sugar melts Gently mix The dark parts are where the temperature got too hot

One seaweed sheet left See the lines? Use them as a guide to cut the belts Dip hands in water to fight rice stickiness Use your fingers to shape a small log Secure the egg using the seaweed belt A little uneven but looks good! Proud hehe

Slightly sweet with umami, yummy light lunch Okay finally time for some painting!! I like the green colour, but it doesn’t reflect light much When I come home from work in the evening I prefer to see a bright welcoming space Excitedly changed my clothes

I chose a beige colour with a touch of pink the colour is Benjamin Moore OC-10 It will be a subtle contrast and a little more feminine So much prep work to do I want to hurry and paint! My hearts beating, I’m so excited Looks exactly like the other walls 😅

Once I remove the tape the contrast will be more obvious The first layer of paint is done, I’ll bake while it dries I’m making a small batch of biscoff cupcakes I used a vanilla cupcake recipe as the base Oh I forgot to defrost something for dinner later

Defrosting rice cakes and soak in water I realized later I should have whipped the egg more – heh oops I used to think preparing the ingredients was too tedious but it actually makes the process easier and accurate Melted butter is ready I used a chunk of Biscoff spread to add flavour

However next time I’ll use cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg to flavour the cake The recipe is for 6, but I got 7… perfect for a taste tester 😏 While the cupcakes are baking I’ll finish off the second layer of paint I prefer natural light but the sun is setting already

Clean up as I go Wondering how they taste Making butter cream while it cools 1 cup soften butter, 2 cup powder sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup biscoff spread Next time I will add cinnamon and ginger powder to the cream as well 7th cupcake – taste tester

I should change the piping tool, looks like 💩 🤣 It’s okay it still looks cute Decorate simply with the biscoff cookie Half for me, half for my husbando Good but definitely need to add the extra spices I can’t finish baking today, I should clean up and continue tomorrow

This is how the paint looks! I love it! I took a shower and I’ll start making dinner More egg This time it’s for garnish My mom’s homemade dumplings Make them criiissspyyy I added dumplings to the soup as well as the defrosted rice cakes from earlier This is ddukguk – Korean rice cake soup

Garnish with egg and green onion Thanks mom for the dumplings 💛 Really nice comfort meal during winter After dinner we enjoyed a glass of wine and watched anime 🤓 Saturday Morning I was too greedy with my day off yesterday, I couldn’t finish everything on my list What do you think, Mili?

Decent price What I really like is the frame detail with the linen inlay I wish the painting had more life, but it will do It’s light so I’ll just a simple nail hanger I chose a spot in the center, just a few inches off the ledge

To draw your eye up but still feel intimate I’ll reuse the decor I already have I love the morning sunlight I got this little guy on sale, due to the crack Hide the crack with its cute leaves A few days later I bought some tulips

I like the organic lines and accent of pink I couldn’t finish the cupcakes yesterday Preparing the topping Ready for this moment Oh the frosting is too cold 😂 Okay change of plans before the frosting is ready I’ll make the jewelery I had in mind

I drew simple sketches to stay focused on one project at a time I’ll use these beads for a future project The first necklace will be very simple to make You only need a chain & pendant Simply thread the pre-made chain through the pendant and you’re done Simple and cute

Next you’ll need these basic tools – round nose pliers Flat heat pliers, wire cutter I’m making a pearl pendant using a round head pin Trim the wire careful of the fly aways make a loop You can leave the loop, but I like to wrap the wire around the base

Take a ‘jump ring’ to thread your pendant to your chain I used a keshi pearl on a 24″ chain It will be a pretty accent to layer with clothes Next, pearl choker – I was able to get the pearls on sale Rummaging through my old materials It will look something like this

My current view Finn really enjoying a sun bath The thread the beads are sold on are too weak to use as a necklace Thread the beads onto a stiff clear cord – mind the size, I’m using 0.25mm cord because the pearls have very small holes it’s very tedious…

I like to thread the cord between the thread like a needle Use a “crimp bead cover” for the ends along with gel super glue for a strong seal clamp shut trim I didn’t have crimps so i just tied multiple knots on the cover and glued

It would be easier to buy crimps lol connect to rings and clasp I almost forgot the pendant! love how it turned out! today’s creations – excited to wear them quite happy with the results of today’s diy the buttercream should be soft by now, it’s time to go back to the cupcakes

I like baking because you just focus on what’s in front of you, keep your hands moving, zone out a little it’s fun to think of recipes and decoration ideas too take me away from the stresses of life of course enjoying a sweet treat is also my motive lol

We shouldn’t eat them all, so i’ll share these with friends but first a little home cafe moment ☕️ i’m really happy with the wall paint, the space feels lighter and airy discussing how to improve on the cupcake flavours

We both enjoy cooking and baking, so it’s fun thinking about how to improve on a recipe enjoying the break and discussing some errands to run these cupcake boxes are from amazon they make the cupcakes look legit lol I’ll package the ones for our friends nicely

The little window panel and handles are a nice design we’ll drop these off to our friends on our way to do some errands that’s all for today’s video, thanks for watching!

🌷 Find me on Instagram @christinejosephdesign

📷 Filmed on Fujifilm XT3
Edited on CapCut for desktop

🎵 Music from Epidemic Sound


  1. I was watching the Hot Ones episode featuring Quinta Brunson and thought to myself, "Where have I heard that background music before?".

    You guys have the same taste in ambient vibes 🎶😄

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