【ASMR】ダークヴィンテージ系のコラージュ2つ (scrapbooking*journal with me*relaxing sounds*dark vintage🖤

Hello everyone, this is my leisurely notebook. I’m going to make two collages today as well. I’d be happy if you could leisurely watch till the end. Which tape should I use…? I’m going to try using this one ♪ Also… this one too ♪ It’s a deep color like gray and indigo It

‘s always fun to peel it off ☺️ Good job. (Spirit) It’s a thin masking tape for nails ♪ I tried pasting two pieces vertically ☺️ Maybe I should try pasting them over the lines…? 🤔Hey ? Today, for some reason, you’re holding it down with your hands 😂

That’s probably how you felt 😌 (I don’t know either~😂) I made a cut with a cutter ♪ …Huh? 🥺 …😭Let ‘s do the same here too😂Hmm…what should we do next? Let’s use flowers 🌸 This one was given to me by a viewer ♡ The dull color is nice ♡ I think blue would go well with indigo ♪ This has nothing to do with collage, but

Cat memes have become popular recently. ♪ I found cats so cute that I ended up watching all sorts of things, but since I’ve been watching so many cat memes on YouTube, I’ve come to only recommend cat memes 😂 By the way, the depressed cat is my favorite 🐱

Yeah. It’s cute when used like this ☺️ I bought this product series in January ✨ It’s a very nice character PET tape ♪ Medieval Europe… maybe? I’m worried about this, so I have a lot of candidates 😂 I can’t throw them all away… I chose this one today ♡ …She’s cute ♡

What should I do about the location? …Looks good ✨ This is enough to finish it off, so today I’m going to make a simple collage ♪ I’ll just add a little more decoration ✨ It’s fine here, but… I guess it’s around here ♪ …Here, this… .. .Around here.

This is the one that fits me best.It’s not related to collage, but…🥺 Have you ever seen “The Raccoon Stuck on the Roof”? 🥺It ‘s very cute so I recommend it♡😂Lol I also recommend “The raccoon that washed the cotton candy”😂💕It’s

So cute that it will make you laugh, so please check it out if you like💕It looks like it was completed in the meantime ♪ Today I’m going to keep it simple I made a collage ♪ It’s the next day ☺️ Come on. I don’t know what to do today~ (Excited)

This is also a gift♡ It’s full of vintage feel and is wonderful✨It also has a slightly suspicious atmosphere♪ …I have to decide which one to use. Okay. I decided on this ✨ Fold it in half and cut it out ✂️ I shaved off the area a little to soften the color 😌

… Was there anything good in this? A nice guy…a nice guy… Muscat…it looks good on you✨ …Can we talk about something unrelated? 😂I’ve always wanted to see a raccoon dog with its fluffy winter coat, but I ‘ve never seen one in person… Last time I went to Tennoji Zoo, I thought,

“Isn’t it this cute when you see it in person…!?😶…” I was blown away by the cuteness of the red panda 💕 There was also a raccoon, but I wonder if it had summer fur? 🤔 (I went at the wrong time) It was fluffy, but not fluffy 😌 But the red panda was as fluffy as a stuffed animal! 🥺💕It was too cute🥰It seems to be ferocious though😂Knowing it from knowledge

May be quite different from actually seeing it🤔The power of cuteness is an order of magnitude😂💕 “Red Panda” I also recommend the cute video called “Intimidation” 🥺💕 …They’re talking about animals all the time 😂 lol Let’s finish talking about animals 🙏 The next one has nothing to do with collage 😂 The

Cherry blossoms are about to bloom I see. It seems like the cherry blossoms will be on par with normal or earlier than normal this year. Do you have any plans to go see the cherry blossoms? 🌸🍡The rows of cherry blossom trees in full bloom are so beautiful, aren’t they? ♡

At noon, I bring my lunch, and at night, the lights are lit up and reflect on the water surface. When the petals fall, the river looks like a carpet of petals. It’s beautiful, isn’t it … I’m looking forward to eating dango ♡🍡 I can eat it any time, but 😂

I prefer dango over flowers 🍡 …Why is yakisoba from a food stall so delicious? Have you ever thought that? Even if you make it at home, you can’t recreate that unique feeling 🤔 I wonder if it’s the environment where you eat it? ☺️ …I was getting hungry while editing😂

…I think I’ll have fried noodles for dinner tomorrow✨ Topped with pork, cabbage, and bean sprouts ✨ I’m not sure whether to add fried eggs or not… How will everyone decide what to have for dinner? Do you have it? 😳Or rather, a combination? 😂When my husband and I first started dating,

He told me that “curry rice” and “bean sprout namul” was a “strange combination” …I thought it might be a little weird 😂lol Since then, I’ve been making it on my menu. I’m being careful 😂 Would Chinese soup be a good accompaniment? 🤔Sorry for this unrelated topic 😂

I also like the sound of turning a sticker book 🥰 An indescribable sound 😌 …Be careful. Be careful 😶 If you’re careful, 😳 ⇦ You’ll end up with this face 😳 Which one should I try today? ♪

It doesn’t have to be such a big piece of paper, but what can be used is reused ♪ There are two of us today ♡ Thank you for watching this far ♡ If you like it, please subscribe to the channel 👍 Thank you ✨ Thank you ♡



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If you have a language you would like to add, please let us know in the comments.
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コラージュ素材の購入先(stationery store)

【The Washi Tape Shop】
🌼 10%off Discount code : nonbiritecho10

【 journalsay 】
🌼 8%off discount code : NONBIRI

【 Stamprints 】
🌼 15%off discount code : nonbiri

🌼最大2000円OFFクーポン: asa191

【easycraftart】【 Underfingers】【Stationery Pal】【Your Creative Studio】



Thank you for watching the video ♡
Enjoy and be soothed by the sound of paper.
Please subscribe to my channnel!
And if you like it, please thumbs up!👍





#コラージュ #scrapbooking #journalwithme #vintagejournal #コラージュノート #紙もの #collage #papersound #journal #scrapbook #紙の音 #콜라주


  1. こんにちは!ご覧いただきありがとうございます(❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)

    Hello. Thank you for visiting.
    This video can be enjoyed with subtitles ON.
    If you have a language you would like to add, please let us know in the comments.
    (YouTube automatic translation function only)

  2. 焼きそばの付け合わせって悩みますよねー😂うんうん頷きながら見てしまいました😂うちの夫と子どもたちはとりあえず揚げ物あればテンション上がるのでコロッケとか出してます💦全然コラージュに集中できなかったので字幕なしで2回目見てきます🤣

  3. 1ページのシンプルでダークなコラージュいいですね!細いマスキングテープを使うのに、こんな風にアレンジできちゃうとは!凄すぎます!

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