【イケメンすぎる…】山P(山下智久)の英語力 スタイリッシュな印象は英語でも変わらず…

That’s me uh I’m Tomo um my real name is Tomo Yash it’s very long so please call me Tomo and I’m here for drops drops of God manga is is very famous and also it’s great manga you know we can learn about the country food and of course the

Wine it’s it’s going to help you to understand uh the the culture as well and also the jobs of God we we made it’s trying to describe the what is love beyond the culture it says a brilliant young man who who grew up in a rich family and when he was younger he

Had to choose uh taking over his family business and uh for in his own path so and that’s why he’s been hardw working to achieve his goals and become a wine expert and he basically has everything but love I I still learning about wine but when I drink the wine in

France it’s amazing it was like blow my mind this tastes amazing so and then I actually fell in love with the wine and now I have a big um you know kind of small seller and I’m trying to start correct Wines in Japan I had a kind of uh event

And this this afternoon oh your master class Master Class sorry so I had a master class and it was amazing event I didn’t expect the a lot of people came to the the venue thank you thank you guys enough e



クールでスタイリッシュな山P の印象は、英語で話していても変わりませんね。むしろ、クール感が増しているかもしれません。2011年にアメリカ横断一人旅を体験した後は、独学で磨き続けてきた英語を生かして英会話番組の司会を務めたり、ハリウッド映画出演も果たしたりしているだけあって、本インタビューでもかなりレベルの高い英語力を披露しています。また、” It is going to help you” を、ネイティブのように ”It’s gonna help you ” と発音しているのも、とても自然で英語を話し慣れていることがわかります。







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