【Q&A】LAからお届け🌴若いうちに経験した方がいいことは?後悔したことや気持ちの切り替え方は?仕事と妊活のバランス etc…

Hi guys! it’s Alisa Ueno. it’s the time of the month, Q&A! i’m in LA right now i’m using this mic that i got recently today! i will be answering the questions! i’m sleepy btw thanks for sending me the questions! setting the timer to 30mins! it’s still loading,

First one, “what do you order at yellow?” i always get iced oats milk latte, less milk! i love ice cappuccino but i don’t see many at japanese cafes so instead i go with iced oats milk latte! less milk. 700 yen! let’s start with… “Are you a good driver?”

I’m not confident in my driving skill i got license in 2019 and i drive almost everyday so i got really used to it and i don’t get scared anymore too i think. i think i’m good at driving! i drive safely. my friends would tell me how i drive safe

So i haven’t even scratched my car too! lots of questions… thank you! “how do you choose your nail design?” normally i choose nailie app which i use for booking a nail salon wait my brain’s not working yeah so i’m their ambassador, so i’d choose from several design options

And i also use Instagram too then i’d do some research on the page and i take some inspo from them to build my ideal design! but it’s got much simpler than before i think it’s because of my lifestyle changed “What’s the thing you did in college you think was good?”

I used to travel a lot. i’d earn money from part time and i’d spend all of it for traveling because i had so much time, which you don’t get to have when you start working. so, if you are interested in traveling,

It’s really hard to align schedule with your friends once you start working, you should go traveling! it has build up my lifestyle in so many good ways. “Do you have any routine or rules when taking a plane?” i’d choose aisle seat if it’s economy class because i want to go to bathroom

I’d choose window seat if it’s business class it’s just a rumor but i heard you might want to choose middle seats because it has the minimum exposure to radiation so if you can take business class with your friends that’s awesome, then i’d choose middle seats

But if i’m alone i go with window seat for outfit, i wear jersey pants for bras i always wear night bras! and it can be hot in airport so i wear a t-shirt under a sweater i’d get dressed up all comfy i’d take off my socks when i go to sleep

And i’d take off my shoes if it’s economy i’d wear bose noise canceling earphones personally i don’t prefer airpods as it’s can come off while i sleep i keep using the same earphones it’s discontinued tho! “What dog breed do you want?” i want mix poodle, which doesn’t shed.

I have dog allergies but i don’t get any symptons which is perfect for me! because my dog, titi, when i kiss him my face itches so bad! basically i’m allergic to dogs that shed so i figured im ok with mix poodles

So if i were to pet a dog i’d choose a mix poodle but let’s see what happens i love dogs over anything else but not realistic at the moment i live nearby miles’ parents house and their dog passed away a few years ago miles’ mom would ask me to have a dog often

But if i have a kid and a dog?? it’d be a mess. so not at the moment! “i struggle balancing work and trying to get pregnant.” i feel you! i’m turning 35 this year i’ve been living my life just for myself it’s hard to suddenly switch the way you live

I’d imagine that won’t be easy for me but we have the time limit, if you want kids, you have to do something you don’t even know what you’ll get. and if you’re the type of person who wants to keep working to be a mom, it’s not something you can do by yourself,

So i’d suggest to start trying! i get what you mean tho “Where do you save your photos?” for me, iCloud! all of the photos. i have a 2TB subscription but it’s almost full. but the next plan is 6TB! it’s pricey tho! it was about 4,000 yen!

I might end up spending for the rest of my life while i’m on the plane i’d organize my photos that’s what i do onboard, but it’s such a hectic work as you know my room is often a mess, it reflects on my camera roll yeah that’s it it’s icloud! that’s a hard one

“i regret every decision i made. how do you change your mood after regretting something?” whyy?? you gotta come up with something that clears up your situation let me see… i don’t really regret, i mean it happens sometimes, but i don’t really care. i don’t regret, i just accept it

So i try not to think about those things yeah… as long as i’m happy now, then all the things happened in the past led to where you are now so it’d more important for me to think about how can i be happy

Just change the way of thinking, focus on how can you be happy then all the things happened is a path to where you are now so again, just focus on how you can be happy now and onwards i don’t really have regrets or failures wait my hair color is on point!

That was so random haha let’s be happy yall “how often do you dye your hair?” about once in two months! i go to ISM omotesando, i go there for hairset as well i have to wait until my natural hair grows a bit to bleach my hair. nice color! love the color

“What do you keep in mind when you talk with people?” if it’s my friends, like anano, ayano, asami, sunwei, i don’t really know it’s my natural self when i’m with them we’ve been together for too long we know about each other too well and accept who we are

i know that sounds harsh to some people so yeah, we’d be 100% honest with each other and hear each other’s struggles too if it’s someone i meet for the first time, i have to wait and see how close we should get in the first place

Like i try to see how close the person wants to get with me so yeah, it depends on the person. but let me see… i try to sense what they don’t like and prefer i try to be careful because you know, you want people to like you, right? right? wake up!

That’s cute! “If a boy pinches your cheek, do you think he likes me?” like this?? no idea lol don’t ask me about relationships i’ve been away from the battle field for ten years so sorry, but i have no clue! if you’re happy, then you can just act happy

You don’t know if he’s a player and i don’t know what’s the relationships nowadays like and i have no examples around me too but just go with the flow, enjoy! savor it. “what should you do in your 20s?” id say traveling, but i know the budget is limited,

You might have to pay rent, if you can, i’d recommend going to korea, and thai to see outside of japan but try to meet as many people as possible! and get to know what they are thinking to have that knowledge and experience is a great way to live the world

You don’t know what’s right or wrong in this society but if you keep meeting new people it makes you immune to meeting more new people and eventually it forms a flexible way of thinking! so, not only you have a flexible mind, and you can have a deep meaningful conversation

If you are with a group of people you don’t get to have that conversation but you can if you go out with one person who you want to get know well so i’d go out with someone alone back then especially in college you have plenty of time

I mean i was busy with work and school but i’d recommend doing so! and learn new things. i mean since you’re asking me, learning languages is important, in my opinion it’s great if you could learn any language because for me english has helped me in so many ways “How is your margiela boots?”

It’s so good and comfy, but my bottega tabi boots are also good so good, so comfortable “what do you do when you’re tired?” i take a bath, sleep, go to esthetic salon, or i go to see chiropractor it’s almost like a massage but it makes you relaxed so much

But when you’re really tired i’d just go to sleep oh i found a good one “i quit my dream job and feels so refreshed! so excited to see what the future holds for me next” good for you! i know it wasn’t easy for you,

Especially if it was dream job, i know in some part you were dependent on it and you said you are excited about your future which is a great thing! just wanted to share this with you guys “do you use dry shampoo?” no i don’t!

My hair is so dry and i didn’t wash my hair yesterday but it’s still dry like this it doesn’t smell at all too it’s all fine i don’t use dry shampoo! “Do you exprience asian hate while traveling?” there’s one antique shop where i experienced racial discrimination it’s on Melrose ave.

The owner was so racist i was about to write a review on yelp! but yeah, just wish karma will come for them and to even think that you’re discriminated and think about it all day it’s not acceptable for me that’ll never happen i know it feels disgusting after experiencing discrimination

But rater i’d get annoyed about how they ruin my day you have to change up your mood by yourself i’d experience racial discrimination everywhere and i get how you’re feeling but you have to change up your mood by yourself don’t let them ruin your day “How do you deal with pms?”

I had a dream last night and in the dream i went to a coffee shop i ordered an iced cuppuccino but they gave me a mango smoothie it’s good but i wanted iced cuppuccino. i cried lol it was pms i think yeah… last 2-3 questions! 2 more questions.

You guys tell me i get cuter day by day…aww “Tell me about your skincare!” i try many products often and i receive many products for my work this time i brought this one it’s really good. let’s see… oh, a serum from decorte is so good

I’d recommend if you’re living in a place with dry weather and just winter products basically! last one! “How’s your married life going after one year?” no big change! but we don’t argue anymore because i used to get mad because of our relationship status, we went on dinner date

And we’d write message cards each other! i think that’s the best gift for your partner so yeah, we’d do that yeah so, sorry it was rushing that’s all for q&a! thanks for all the questions! i don’t know why the sunlight came in just now that’s all for today! stay tuned for LA vlog!

Really not sure if you guys will like it i will be back in la soon see you in my next video bye!


00:29 最近ゲットしたマイク登場🎙️
01:02 いつもYELLOW CAFEで何を頼みますか?
01:35 車の運転は得意?
02:23 ネイルのデザインはどうやって決めてますか?
03:29 大学在学中にやって良かったことはありますか?
04:14 飛行機に乗るときのこだわりや決まったルーティンなどはある?
05:51 飼いたい犬種はなんですか?
07:24 仕事と妊活のバランスが難しい
08:32 日々の写真や動画のデータはどのように保存してる?
09:37 後悔したことや気持ちの切り替え方などありますか?
11:15 ヘアカラーの頻度を教えてください!
11:50 人と接する時に心がけてることはなんですか?
13:40 ほっぺをムニュっとしてくる男は脈あり?文化の違い?
14:40 若いうちに経験しておいた方がいいことは?
17:11 マルジェラのブーツの履き心地どうですか?
17:30 疲れた時は体のメンテナンスは何をしてますか?
18:06 執着してた仕事を辞めました
18:48 シャンプーしない日はドライシャンプーなどしますか?
19:14 旅行中嫌な思いしたとき、中々切り替えられない事はありますか??
20:55 PMS対策あれば教えていただきたいです
21:51 最新のスキンケアが知りたいです!
22:37 入籍して一年何か変化は?記念日にプレゼントは渡しますか?











ー My Links ー
instagram❤︎ https://www.instagram.com/alisaueno/
Twitter❤︎ https://twitter.com/alisaueno/
Website❤︎ http://www.alisa.tokyo
Facebook❤︎ https://www.facebook.com/alisauenofv/

Email : alisaueno.info@bullz.jp
*business inquiries only



  1. よく飛行機乗るけどいつも窓側です🛫放射線の話は聞いたことあるけど、機内でも中の方が少ないとかは初めて聞いた!けどよく考えたらそうかも!?とかいいつつ景色見るのが好きだからこれからも窓側選びます😂

  2. 動画楽しみにしてました!白血病で入院中ですが、ありさちゃんの動画を見て助けられてます🥲

  3. ありさちゃん 沢山ブリーチしててもトリートメントやケアをしっかりされてるのですごく髪が綺麗😍影響力半端ないです✨

  4. 有砂さんの素敵な考え方を軸に進んでいったら、いつのまにか自分も有砂さんと同じ考え方になれていて、人生ハッピーです!!✨
    有砂さんがいたから、大学第一志望合格できたと思います🌼 I deeply respect you. You are and will always be my role model ! <3

  5. ありささんは外部ハードドライブは使わない派ですか?🤔PCだけじゃなくスマホ版もあります!すぐ見れる利便性でiCloudを使用していたら場違いもいいところですが、外部ハードドライブおすすめです🙆💓おこがまですみません🙄

  6. 今月末、yellowcafe目的に🗼東京🚄行きまーす😂ありさちゃんに会えたらhappy💚

  7. Q&A大好きです!アリサさんの考えとかすごくパワーになるし、何より所々にでるはしゃいだり、表情豊かなアリサさんに癒されっぱなし😂❤ほんといつも幸せありがとうございます✨

  8. 楽しかった!今日もチャーミングで綺麗でした!ロスは憧れてるけど行ったことないので、Vlig楽しみにしています!😘💕

  9. Q&A、待ってました(*´ω`人)~♬❤

  10. マイクいい感じですね!☺️

  11. 急に、この髪色よくなーい?ってそんな素も入れてくれる動画、ありがとう。いつまでもギャルなありさちゃんかわいいぞ💓

  12. その時その時で見るものが変わるタイプですが、ありささんの動画は必ず元気を貰えるのでいつも見ています!

  13. 私は語学に限らず勉強に苦手意識があります。

  14. ほっぺむにゅ女です!!回答してもらえててびっくりしましたありがとうございます🥰
    もう期待なんてせずに今の時間を全力で楽しみます♡ 今年中に彼氏できますように🥹🫶

  15. ソイからオーツに変えたのは何故ですか🥛?


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