
YouTube automatic translation. Hello, I’m “TAKE-CHAN” and I travel to Kyoto. This is a channel that disseminates Kyoto tourist information that is useful for traveling to Kyoto! If you like Kyoto, please subscribe to our channel! This time, it’s a [Kyoto Vlog] about sightseeing in Kyoto for a day. We have arrived at Kyoto Station!

I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of day it will be! It’s a pleasant winter day with not a single cloud in the sky! [Kiyomizu-dera] There is always a long line for the bus bound for the area. I want to go to Gojo Ohashi Bridge, so I’ll just walk.

[Higashihonganji] is located right next to Kyoto Station. A splendid [Mieidōmon]. This place is very spacious and feels great. I’d like to climb to the top once. I always think that (laughs). One of the pleasures of coming here is that you can see [Kyoto Tower] from the temple grounds!

[Oto-san Square] had been under construction for a long time, but was completed last year. I hear that events are held here from time to time, so I would like to come. We arrived at [Gojo Ohashi]! Today there will be a channel lunch party at a shop near here!

I go to the cafe on the 3rd floor of [Hanbei Fu Main Store] at the foot of the bridge. Mr. AK came thinking, “It would be great if we could talk about the shops in Kyoto!” I had a good time. thank you.

If you would like to participate in the lunch party and sweets party, please feel free to apply from [Official LINE]. I’m heading to a new cafe near Kiyomizu Temple! There are several routes to Kiyomizu-dera Temple. [Higashiyama Gojo] Since you came from the intersection, this is the fork in the road.

I want to go to [Sannezaka], so I go up [Gojozaka] on the left. This is the first time I learned that this road is called Gojozaka! Anyway, the slope leading to Kiyomizu-dera Temple is quite steep (lol). Phew, I arrived at [Sanneizaka].

I’m going to go to a cafe in Akebonotei, which is famous as Ryoma Sakamoto’s regular lodging! The signboard halfway up the stairs is a landmark. [Chanoyu Akebonotei] opened in December 2023 in a corner of a Kyoto cuisine restaurant.

There is a cafe on the first floor, and on the second floor, you can try matcha tea by reservation. The inside of the restaurant has a quiet and calm atmosphere that you wouldn’t expect from the hustle and bustle outside. [Thick tea affogato].

The thick taste of dark tea is amazing! This looks pretty dark. Matcha ice cream is ready in an instant! The sweetness of the ice cream and the mellow flavor of matcha melt together, what is this? It’s delicious (lol).

I thought dark tea would be bitter, but it’s not bitter at all and is really delicious! You can enjoy an elegant moment while watching people passing by on Sanneizaka. This is a totally hidden gem cafe! Recommended if you are looking for a cafe around Kiyomizu Temple!

Even so, he is an amazing person, so I decided to make a U-turn without going all the way to Kiyomizu-dera Temple (bitter smile). Today is a weekday, but even on weekdays, you can only go to Kiyomizu Temple in the morning! There are many popular cafes and eating spots around Kiyomizu Temple!

[Eating around Kiyomizu-dera Temple] There is a video, so I’ll put a link at the end and in the description section. If you like, please take a look at it as a reference when sightseeing in Kyoto! I returned to [Higashi Honganji]. Even so, it’s hot (lol).

I’m sure February is winter (lol). Why is the temperature around 15 degrees? If it’s like this in February, won’t it be around 45 degrees around this year’s Gion Festival? As I was walking and thinking about this, I arrived at Kyoto Station (lol).

Today’s starting point is back to square one, but I don’t know what to do. It’s hot today, so let’s go eat some delicious food! That’s what I always do (laughs). If the timing is right, I will go to the place I wanted to go!

Today is truly the best timing. What kind of timing? (laughs) 30 minutes walk south from Kyoto Station. It seems like I don’t have any options for trains or buses (lol). In addition to [Vlog], this channel also provides information on gourmet food in Kyoto. Information on delicious [long-established Japanese sweets shops] in Kyoto.

I will post information about delicious lunches and sweets shops in Kyoto. Be sure to register so you don’t miss out! After walking through the north-south passageway of Kyoto Station, go down to the first floor and go outside.

10 minutes walk from Kyoto Station. Pass the red torii gate [Fushimi Inari Otabisho]. Things suddenly got rough (lol). When you see the five-storied pagoda, you are at Toji Temple. I think I’ll stop by [Toji Temple] on my way home. Delicious food comes first (lol). We have arrived at [atelier kyobaum].

Wow, I’ve always wanted to come here, so I’m really excited. The entrance looks like this! why? (lol). This is also different, different, a series of mistakes. I’m in a hurry (lol). Wow, so spacious and beautiful! This is the [Kyoto Baum] atelier, which opened in November 2023 and is very popular for souvenirs.

It looks like a Baumkuchen circle motif, and everything is round and cute. Oh, this is [Kyoto Baum]. looks delicious! There are products that can only be purchased here! It seems that miscellaneous goods are only sold here for now.

On the second floor, there are easy-to-understand explanations of how the products are made and the attention to detail given to the materials used. You can take a factory tour from here! Stylish. Craftsmen known as “Baam Meisters” make these items with great care. I never thought that each piece was made by hand! amazing!

Wow, so many [Kyoto Baums] are sleeping? Waiting (lol). It looks easy, but if I were to do it, it would be a bit uneven (lol). As expected, it’s a machine in the end. After finishing the factory tour, let’s go to the cafe restaurant on the 3rd floor!

I’ve been waiting for this moment (lol). It has a lot of different spaces and is very stylish! It’s also nice to be able to see it being made right in front of your eyes! I was so excited as I thought, “This is my sweets!” Eternal child (lol). [Kyoto Baum Rich Plate].

Where should I cut it? This is a confusing place. It was softer than I expected, but is it okay? Ice cream! ! ! Ah, ah, ah. No one can stop me now (lol). Three colors of cream, green, red, and yellow, have a marble pattern. Mmm, looks delicious!

You can get it from the beautiful leaf vein decoration! A crispy, light-tasting cookie? The matcha ice cream is also meltingly delicious. [Kyoto Baum] is full of cream. It’s too delicious! I almost screamed (lol).

The spacious interior of the store has a beautiful view from the windows, so you can relax and forget about time. It was delicious. Thank you for the meal! It was empty on weekdays, so you could take your time and pick out souvenirs, so I highly recommend it!

If you take the train, it is a 10 minute walk from [Jujo Station]. It is a 2-minute walk from the [Citizen Disaster Prevention Center] stop of the Kyoto City Bus. In exchange for the delicious Kyoto Baum, I walked 30 minutes to Kyoto Station on my way back (lol).

It was fun, so I want to come again! I started seeing rape blossoms. It is spring. Now that I’m near [Toji Temple], I want to see it from the top of the overpass! A spiral staircase. If you are dizzy, please be careful! Wow, that’s amazing! The view was as expected!

There are beautiful ducks in the moat. There was also a Nishikigoi, but it moved at 3x speed (lol). I arrived at [Toji], but what, eh? Maybe I did this? It looks like it’s closed, but no matter how you look at it, it’s closed. . .

Even if you zoom in, things that are closed are still closed (lol). I didn’t care about the closing time at all! A regrettable mistake (lol). The same goes for shops, but shrines and temples are also closed. Of course (lol). I’m in a bit of a shock and I’m trudging along…

Ah, I wanted to go up to the [five-storied pagoda]. You should have learned about the special release information a while ago (lol). My shoulders are slumped… A melancholy silhouette (lol). I arrived at [Kyoto Station]! This is the Shinkansen going down. As expected, it was slow.

We will pass through Miyako Michi, where there are many restaurants. There are countless restaurants around Kyoto Station. When you want to go into a store, you get quite confused. Here’s a video that introduces restaurants that are reasonably priced and easy for women to enter alone!

[10 delicious and popular restaurants featured] This is a video. I think you will find it useful when you go to Kyoto Station, so please take a look. There is a link at the end and in the description section! In addition, there are many videos of lunch and sweets around Kyoto Station.

I would be happy if you could watch it from the of the channel. I almost stood in line for the escalator for a moment (lol). I’ll take the stairs! I need to burn some calories! I arrived at the north-south free passage at Kyoto Station. He’s still an amazing person.

My favorite souvenir shops are located in this area. I give in to temptation (lol). I managed to overcome the temptation! Continue heading towards the JR Central Exit. I arrived at the JR Central Exit. Today’s goal! After 6pm. Today I stayed for about 8 hours and was able to enjoy Kyoto to the fullest.

On the way, I had to walk a lot due to a sudden change of plans, but the luncheon was also fun and it was a great day! If you would like to participate in the lunch party and sweets party, please make a reservation from [Official LINE].

[Official LINE] has a link in the description section. I would be happy if you could feel free to add me as a friend. We hope that this video will give you a taste of what it’s like to visit Kyoto, and that it will be helpful for your Kyoto trip.

The cherry blossom season is almost starting in Kyoto🌸. If you have any [recommended cherry blossom spots] or [requests for cherry blossom spots] that I should go to, please let me know🌸. We will use this as a reference for this year’s cherry blossom viewing tour🌸.

It can be difficult to find the latest information for your trip to Kyoto. I will post the latest information about Kyoto for everyone, so please register and wait for the next video! Thank you for watching until the end 🌸

#京都 #京都グルメ #京都旅行




こんにちは!私は “たけちゃん” です😊



00:00 イントロ(Intro)
00:24 京都駅ビル
03:15 東本願寺(Higashihonganji)
05:07 Cafeふふふあん
06:56 京都 茶の湯 明保野亭(Chanoyu Akebonotei)
13:50 atelier 京ばあむ(atelier kyobaum )
24:00 東寺(Toji)






  1. たけちゃ〜ん!!私は来週友達とatelier京ばあむに行く約束してるんですよ〜😂

  2. 先週、ロワジールを拠点に初の京都を楽しんで来ました。


  3. アロハ❣京都に行ってまだ一ヶ月経っていないのにもう恋しいです♡今回も素敵なお店に沢山行かれてますね😀次回の参考にさせてもらいます。既に行きたいところリスト作っています😅私は東寺の五重塔行きましたよ。なかなか見れない貴重な体験をしました❗

  4. たけちゃんのblogを京都旅行の前後に観ております😊 今回はほとんど神社仏閣巡り旅行でしたけど、今度は紹介されてるカフェとかも行ってみたいです!

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