山下智久、パリ・ファッションウィーク「ディオール」のショーへの準備に密着!| Getting Ready With | VOGUE JAPAN & DIOR

山下智久、パリ・ファッションウィーク「ディオール」のショーへの準備に密着!| Getting Ready With | VOGUE JAPAN & DIOR

I’m Tomohisa Yamashita. I’m getting ready to go to the DIOR show, so why don’t you join me? I once lived in Paris for four months, so this brings back memories. It almost feels like my second hometown. I’m so glad to be back.

I think there are more cafes here than convenience stores in Japan. Before I return to Japan, I’m going to buy coffee beans at a coffee shop to give to my staff back in Japan. I’m elated at all the presents DIOR has given me. Wow!

This is a letter from Francis, who made this NEW LOOK perfume. And look at it! My name’s on it. “Tomo.” Wow! It’s amazing what they can do. My ordinary routine is to go to the sauna and gym. This hotel has a sauna, too. It opens at 6 a.m.

I can’t live without a sauna. Basically every day, if there’s no sauna, I take a bath to sweat and get refreshed. It preps me mentally and physically. It flips my “on” switch. It’s the time in the morning when I can think things over and look inward.

No matter where I go, I stick to this routine. Now it’s time for my makeup. Aya will do my makeup and Tie will do my hair. Hello. They have both lived in France for many years. They did me yesterday for the first time. – Let’s do it. – Thank you.

I haven’t been to many fashion shows at all. OMAKASE (leave it to you) OMAKASE (leave it to you) What is today’s concept, Aya? For the makeup? I’ll be conditioning this fine and clean skin. I’ll be adding a little bit of gloss, for a night out at the show. ODEKAKE (going out)

ODEKAKE (going out) OMAKASE, ODEKAKE I woke up at 5 a.m., then forced myself to sleep again, and got up at 6 a.m., since the sauna opens then. But I realized they may only turn it on at 6 a.m. So when I got there at 6 a.m., the sauna was totally freezing.

Open at 6 a.m. means they turn it on at 6 a.m. So I went at about 6:45 a.m. Can you finish off with a little spray? You prefer it stiff? Yes. Thank you. It’s lovely. Thank you. Thank you. This is my first time. I wonder how lively it’ll be.

I won’t know until I get there. I’m looking forward to this. Now it’s time to change clothes and get ready to go. OK. This is my look for today. I’m going to the venue now. But first, I’ll put on some of the NEW LOOK I was given. I can see the Eiffel Tower.

All the people involved in this event have been passionately preparing for this day. The effort of each and every one of them and their hopes all come together here. I’m looking forward to experiencing that. There’s such an out-of-the-ordinary feeling about this. I’m looking forward to experiencing that as well. Paris Fashion Week. Amazing.

I’ll be going in to the show now. Thank you for watching. Bye-bye. So much energy.

パリコレでディオール(DIOR)のショーに出席する山下智久の準備に密着。ドラマ撮影で長期滞在を経験し、まるで第二の故郷のような感覚もあるというパリながら、コレクションへの参加は初めてという彼が「メゾン クリスチャン ディオール ニュー ルック (オードゥ パルファン)」というディオールのアイコニックな香りを纏ってショーへ。胸を高鳴らせながら会場に向かう姿に注目を。

Promotion : DIOR Beauty

メゾン クリスチャン ディオール ニュー ルック (オードゥ パルファン)

Director:Hiroki Sugiyama
Director of Photography:Pierre Wrobel
1st Assistant Camera:Olivier Nathan
Gaffer:Clément Boyeldieu
Sound Operator:David Amsalem Albertini
Local Producer:Amanda Messenger
Production Assistant:Cyrille Carton Ichiro
Coordinator / Translator :Noriko Ishizaka

Beauty Editorial Lead:Kyoko Muramatsu
Creative Producer:Yosuke Endo

チャンネル登録はこちら►► http://bit.ly/VogueJapanYouTube

VOGUE JAPAN:https://www.vogue.co.jp/


  1. こんばんは。🌃🤱🌆🤱🌉🤱🌃🤱山下智久さんの、パリのファッションウィークの密着動画、待っておりました。🙋🤱🙋‍♀🤱🙋‍♂🤱山下智久さんは、カッコいいですし、優しいですし、肌も素肌もキレイですし、どんな洋服を着ても、お似合いです。🤱🧑‍🍼👨‍🍼👩‍🍼

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