
Hello everyone it’s me , I’m Tsukiji Mam. I’ve been a Tsukiji broker for almost 25 years. I’m still sharing my love for seafood. Well, for today, I will introduce a hot spot that has opened in Toyosu Market, which is said to be the second Tsukiji Market. That is SENKYAKU BANRAI.

The music is here. This entrance is from the second floor, which is connected by a wooden deck to Ichiba-mae Station on the Yurikamo Line, the nearest station from Toyosu Market. As soon as you enter, right in front of you is Tsukiji Kagura Sushi.

The sushi rice made with red vinegar is very delicious here. This is a popular sushi restaurant with locations in Toyosu Market and Tsukiji. This is the beginning of Main Street. There are a lot of shops lined up .And it look like a tenement house from the Edo period, This is Fukagawa-ya.

There are delicious-looking seafood grills, and there are croquettes with clams which is a popular menu item at this restaurant. Grilled king crab costs 2,000 yen, about $13. The eel restaurant here is also called MEIGETSUGAWA.This eel restaurant buys live eel from Toyosu Market.

The eel at this restaurant is fresh and delicious because the live eel that arrives from the world’s largest fish market right next door is immediately cooked at the restaurant. There are three price levels for eel set meals depending on the size. That’s a very reasonable price.

There are many menus that can be enjoyed with alcohol. This is a popular tamagoyaki restaurant. A Japanese-style sweet omelet. This historic store was founded in the Taisho era. And this is a takoyaki shop. This is the very popular “Gindako”.

This facility is so new that some of the shops have not even opened yet. This is a “Monjayaki” restaurant. It is a food similar to okonomiyaki. This is a tuna cutlet burger shop. You can enjoy a variety of fish burgers. I would like to try it next time.

It’s not just a fish restaurant, it’s a restaurant for meat lovers. Meat lover Daikokuten is a directly managed meat wholesaler. What else should I eat? There are too many choices. Mr. Sukegoro is also a grilled seafood restaurant directly managed by wholesaler at Toyosu Market.

This is the only store in Toyosu Market that specializes in delicious raw oysters. This restaurant is also directly managed by wholesaler at Toyosu Market. Therefore, raw oysters are extremely fresh. And next door is a shop run by Soumasuisan, a tuna wholesaler in Toyosu.

It’s interesting that you can get sashimi on skewers like this. They also have grilled skewers. I really recommend this sashimi skewer. Easy to eat. Foreign tourists seem to like oden. Oden is a Japanese fast food that can be easily enjoyed with vegetables and fish cakes.

Grilled seafood restaurants are also popular with overseas visitors. You can enjoy a lot of food as you walk Next, we went to the indoor connoisseur alley. There are also many attractive shops lined up here. This is a shop that sells products from Toyosu Market online. For some reason,

The atmosphere here is like a back alley. There are bars lined up and you’ll want to have a drink. The products sold here are also different from the main street. There are also sweets that look delicious. Egg sweets made by a long-established tamagoyaki shop. the music

Let’s go to the food court on the third floor. the music beautiful. It’s a very beautiful food court with bamboo work and these lanterns wonderful food court with Edo atmosphere. Please take your time to see what kind of shops are inside

Tsujiya has this flag . The fact that it’s standing there means This is a sign that they are using branded farmed tuna. The fatty tuna looks delicious. Salmon is also beautiful this is Kanaloa. It said Poke bowl. It’s Hawaiian food. ”Tsukiji Itadori” This is a famous shop in the Tsukiji Outer Market.

There were a lot of people lined up and waiting for their turn, but what was it? It was IROHA. Seafood Buffet The music Their menu looks like this. You can eat all-you-can-eat raw bluefin tuna, both lean and medium fatty. It even includes amazing snow crab

The cheapest course that includes a soft drink costs 6,578 yen.It’s about $45. I want to challenge myself with an empty stomach. for the other side, cross the breezeway and you’ll see a shop that sells grilled hormones. it called Yoshichan? cute name. When you cross the breezeway to this side, you’ll see a

Hormone shop and a sushi restaurant . It has a slightly more upscale atmosphere, and this isTajima in Ginza. famous shop. Tajima sells seafood bowl here. It’s an expensive store, but it’s crowded. next door is UNITORA.There was a long line at Tsukiji.

It’s very popular among foreign customers to try and compare the sea urchin dishes. This is KATSUMOTO, a popular ramen shop. There was a long line. What would you like to eat? There are so many stores that it’s a problem. But I also wanted to find something cheap and delicious, so I searched for

Something delicious for less than 1,000 yen.(about $7) first place I came to was Fukagawa-ya. This is seafood rice cracker. so big. it costs 800 yen.There’s a lot of seafood in it, and it smells great ! This is oden. Vegetables and fish cakes are simmered in a delicious soup stock.

It looks especially delicious in the cold winter. I’ll order one. A friend of mine who works at Toyosu Market joined me for lunch. Hot oden is 800 yen(about $5), and the draft beer is 700yen(about $4.5) . It’s a seasoned paste with eggs, kelp konnyaku,

And daikon radish.It’s crystal clear. The soup has a nice aroma. Hot oden and cold beer are the best combination. If you come to Toyosu Market or Tsukiji Outer Market, don’t forget to eat tamagoyaki. MARUTAKE’s tamagoyaki is freshly baked and fluffy. freshly baked, it was steaming and tasted delicious.

Marutake’s delicious tamagoyaki ($2). Next up on this was another delicious dish under 1,000 yen(about$7), which was also delicious. It’s from a tuna wholesaler in Toyosu. this red meat skewer and medium fatty tuna from SOUMASUISAN It’s not grilled, it’s raw tuna that is served as sashimi.

They also sell grilled tuna skewers for 300 yen($2). The raw meat is 500 yen($4) for lean meat, and 800 yen($6) for fatty meat. The lean meat is lightly pickled in soy sauce. Delicious Delicious It’s on the back side of Toyosu Main Street. I pass through a place called Mekiki Yokocho.

It has a very nice atmosphere and there are a lot of shops lined up that make you want to eat and drink. it’s fun to eat while walking around.It’s a really nice atmosphere. The music Well, I came to this store that everyone loves.”Gindako”.

I tried the luxurious salmon roe and sea urchin set yam, which is limited to Toyosu customers. This limited menu piping hot takoyaki. What does takoyaki with salmon roe and sea urchin taste like? It’s delicious just as it is, and it’s also good when dipping it in soup. I was really surprised.

It has so much beautiful sea urchin and salmon roe First of all, the sea urchin looks delicious, and the color is beautiful. As for the taste of the sea urchin, which you can get at such a reasonable price , it wasn’t super sweet, but it was delicious enough.

It had no odor or bitterness at all. This is sure to be a very popular menu item. This is what I recommend about this facility. There are wonderful hot spring here. I went to the hot springs building where there is a hotel and a sauna hot spring.

This day was pre-opening day, Let’s go to the free footbath space on the 8th floor. take a look. This is the entrance. It’s Tokyo Toyosu Manyo Club. Even though this is Tokyo, you can actually enter a hot spring in Hakone.

Hot water is brought to youevery day in a special trailer. Let’s go to the free observation footbath. music music So much so that it’s called an observation footbath. it’s a great view.From here, you can see Toyosu Market next door, Rainbow Bridge, and even Mt. Fuji.

It is an amazing view overlooking the park that overlooks Tokyo. The night view from here must also be spectacular. It feels like the birth of a new date spot in Toyosu. Thank you for watching till the end. Please hit the like button and subscribe to the channel.

It’s encouraging. I hope to see you in the next video. Thank you again. Bye-bye Music Music

00:00 ごあいさつ
00:30 入り口の様子
00:59 豊洲目抜き大通り
04:10 目利き横丁
05:19 フードコート
09:59 深川屋さん『たこせんべい』
11:09 丸武さん『卵やき』
11:43 相馬水産さん『まぐろ串』
14:03 銀だこさん






◇まだまだあります関連動画ϵ( ‘Θ’ )϶海鮮好きさんに届けたい









6980円の本マグロ丼!?「円安だからお得」…「豊洲 千客万来」に外国人観光客が殺到【知ってもっと】【グッド!モーニング】

【新スポットに外国人観光客続々】約7000円の海鮮丼 高価格に「インバウン丼」の声も… 豊洲「千客万来」オープン

「千客万来」至極のグルメが集結 外国人客
も大満足 豊洲市場の隣に開業【スーパーJチャンネル】(2024年2月1日)

に「豊洲 千客万来」オープン 豊洲市場開
場からは5年以上の遅れ|TBS NEWS DIG

豊洲市場そばに江戸を再現! お風呂とグルメ

業施設 開業までの“道のり“は…

まもなく開業「豊洲 千客万来」を徹底取材遊














  1. いつもご視聴くださりありがとうございます。


  2. 貴重な動画ありがとうございます🎉

  3. 何処も美味しそうですねー👍ちょっと綺麗過ぎて食べながら歩くのは出来なそうですね😅フードコートに行くには階段だけでしょうか?エレベーターありますよね?

  4. やく40年前に魚河岸場内の海老屋で1年間働かせていただきました、かしが無くなったのは悲しかったけど、この動画を見て安心しました。アメリカとメキシコに住んで30年、頑張れ日本💖💖

  5. TVニュースで見ました。

  6. 朝から行って一日中回って食べ歩き!嬉しい〜!最高〜! でも札幌だからすぐ行かれないし今年中に絶対に行ってみたい! 娘夫婦と孫と一緒に行くのも良いけど一人で好きに歩き回って楽しむのも良いですね〜!🤗👏👏👏

  7. 外国人観光客向けの施設ですね
    8:09 食べ放題の値段が6千円〜というのはまじでびっくりしました

  8. う~、よだれが、よだれが。 見ているだけでよだれがでてくる美しさ。いやぁ、なんて素敵な国に生活しているのだろう。ちょっと息抜きに、ふんぱつしていきたい!!

  9. 私も行ってみましたが、どちらかといえば海外、国内の観光客向けといった感じです。まあ過去色々ゴタゴタがあった様で5年遅れのオープンなんだとか。現金がないと買えない店もあり不便で、といってATM(コンビニ以外で)があるわけでもなく、現金があっても千円札がないとダメなど改善すべきところがあるんではないでしょうか。

  10. 東京に住んでいる人ほど😮

  11. 今日初めて動画を拝見しました❤


  12. テレビでは高い所ばかり取り上げていて気が引けたのですが、こういう所もあると知ると行きたくなりますね。

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