【STREET SNAP】New York Street Style Ep.16|NY Fashion Week 2024

【STREET SNAP】New York Street Style Ep.16|NY Fashion Week 2024

I’m Milan and I’m a content creator. Hi, I’m Dougie and I’m artist. Was it too loud? Dougie. I’m artist. Awesome. What are you wearing today? So I’m wearing all Rick Owens and then Chrome Hearts glasses. What’s your style inspiration? I would have to say ASAP Rocky,

Because he really put me on to fashion. How about you? What are you wearing today? I got on a couple layers so today I have on Rick Owens trench. Reversible. I have Balenciaga glasses. I have a Chrome Hearts necklace. I have on Issey Miyake top. Some  of the sweaters turtlenecks.

I have Rick’s pants. Rick Owens shoes and I think that’s it. I usually tend to forget some. What’s your style inspiration? I think inspiration comes  from me and just being excited to show off my creativity and my  art and just try to be different. So that kind of like keep me going.

So kind of inspire myself to do that. And you just told me that you  just came back from Japan. So please tell me more about your Japan trip. So all we did in Japan was shop, shop, shop, shop. We saw some sightseeing places  too, but all we did was shop.

That’s pretty much it. It was really nice. It was very clean. Everybody was nice and polite. We loved it. We want to go back. Where did you go shopping? We went to Harajuku. Ginza. But actual stores. I got this at Rick’s. I got the  

Outfits at Rick’s and I got  the top from Issey there. We did a lot of shopping, but because we thought we saw different things  there, overall, it was just everybody was nice. I like that.

So we got to go back in the summer because  I’m really a fan of cold, but I like it. Hi, I love your style. What’s your name and what do you do? My name is Ben. I’m from Florida and I am model. What are you wearing today? Um, it’s a Hanes T.

This is thrifted military. Um, these pants are from Peng. Peng Love Um, and then just Tims and beanie from, like, the corner  store I just bought, like, an hour ago. Oh, this is from Pearled Ivory. Yeah, it’s my brand, too. Tell me about your brand. Um, we do a lot of leather goods.

We are based in Orlando, and we  source our leather from Italy, and we have our manufacturer in Turkey,  and it’s really like trying to do, like, high fashion stuff out of Florida,  trying to put Orlando on the map. Uh, what’s your style inspiration? Um, just really, my friends, like,

Whatever they’re wearing, they always inspire me. Like my friends I’m with right now, like, we have matching beanies, but yeah, and just like I look  at my closet, I love silhouettes. I love, like, a big baggy, big, baggy  pants, small top, bag, you know all of that.

What are your names? and what do you do? Fetti. I’m a fashion designer. Jamil. I’m a freelancer. So what are you wearing today? So the top is by me. Made by myself. Right here, thrifted. I can’t  remember where it came from. The bottom are also made by me as well.

And then the boots are thrifted as well. All my jewelry from my friend  thouxanbandres custom made for me. What’s your style inspiration? I got to say Jean Paul Gaultier and honestly, my friends, Jaden Tillou,  my friend Bendaddioo. That’s really it. I don’t really try to look at  anybody else for inspiration.

What about you? What are you wearing today? So today I have a Vetements sweater on. I have my Balenciaga shorts under with Ralph Lauren Double RL leather jeans. Uh, you know, Rick Owens. Fear of God. I got my Chrome Hearts jewelry on today. You know, I just like to keep it simple.

That’s about it. What’s your style inspiration? My style inspiration is just honestly  just like my environment and me. So I like to wear what I  feel like looks good on me. I don’t like to wear what everybody else  thinks is popular or what’s trending right now.

I just like to wear what I  feel like looks good on me. I love your style. What’s your name and what do you do? I’m JP and I work in interior  design and film design. All right, so tell me. What are you wearing today? So I’m wearing the shoes of Bottega Veneta.

The pants are Jordan Arthur Smith. The bag is Louis Vuitton. The jacket is Rick Owens, and the shirt is Song for the Mute. The jewelry is a mix with vintage  Chrome Hearts and David Yurman. It’s kind of a mishmash of whatever vintage stuff. How about the shades? The sunglasses? Koure They’re vintage, too.

Yeah, they’re from my dad’s  old one that I took from it. So what’s your style inspiration? It’s kind of like a mishmash because I have, like, a lot of different brands, so I don’t really pick one specific style. So I kind of like more variety and kind of figure it out myself.

What are your names? Murk Sosa Jayden Nice to meet you. What do you do? Oh, fashion model, fashion stylist. How about you? I’m a fashion designer. Awesome. All right, so tell  me what you’re wearing today. So I thrown the Vet. It’s a Vetements  puffer jacket threw that on.

As you can see, I got the design.  Vanessa. Greedy Unit. It’s the homie J.C. Shout out to Bronx. Balenciaga monogram belt. Rick Owens sample. These are the sample ones. And we got the Balenciaga steroid boots. What’s your style inspiration? Bronx, but avant garde Bronx. Feel me? That type of style. That’s about it.

Who’s your favorite designer? Favorite designer? or brand? It got to be Virgil always.  Always Virgil For sure. R.I.P. Virgil And for favorite brand right now, the homie brand right here, XWOR. Oh, that’s your brand. Yup. So this is a new release. So I’m actually releasing these in spring.

I released another pair like last month as well, but my brand is XWORE. XWORE  NYC but it’s spelled X.W.O.R.E. so the sneakers are LV Skate,  cool black I don’t know like day to day shoe with the  XWORE denim that I designed. that I got a plain blank hoodie  on. My homies’s hoodie, Zicmade

Yeah, he’s based in NY as well. Where can we purchase your products? So my website is actually xworex.com Yeah, and I have everything  there and Instagram is @xwore What’s your style inspiration? So I would say my inspiration  is like architecture, the day to day life, contemporary art,

Anything like my surroundings inspire me for real. Hi, what’s your name and what do you do? Hi, my name is Ben Sun and I’m a makeup  artist working here at the show today. So what are you wearing today? I’m wearing this jacket is thrifted vintage. This is also thrifted vintage.

And this is my friend’s top. I have no clue where it’s from, um. And then these trousers I got from my friend  as well. I think these are Helmut Lang and then the boots are Balenciaga. And then this is actually a leather necktie,  and I just put it around as a belt. Great.

What’s your style inspiration? My style inspiration. I love Rick Owens. I love old McQueen, and I love Helmut Lang. These are like my favorite designers. I love your style. What’s your name? What do you do? Hi, my name is Drew. I go by Nayenga

And I’m a fashion stylist and  an influencer. Yeah, I can tell. All right, so tell me what you’re wearing. All right, so we have a  Wilson leather vintage jacket. It’s like a size 2X. It’s really big. And then I have a hoodie thrifted  from Savers for, like, $7.

Yeah, I got this quilt for free. And then these are some custom pants that  one of my really close friends made for me. And Margiela to bring it all together. How about jewelry? I think I grabbed all these from thrift stores,  different rings from different thrift stores.

This is my favorite one. Snake. I really like it. They bring out my hands really nicely. How about the shades? Oh, they’re Burberry. Yeah.  Burberry shade. Yes, ma’am. I love the shape. And then I have a fuzzy, fuzzy shearling  cap from a thrift store as well. All right, so what’s your style inspiration?

So my style inspiration. It’s  honestly kind of all over the   place. You know, I really I really like  NBA I like how these NBA athletes dress, But I feel like you should be able to do the same  thing on a budget because proportioned is can be

You can kind of create proportions in any way. So it doesn’t have to be this expensive clothes that you get those nice proportions from. So I think that’s my inspiration. It’s a lot like the pro athletes  and that’s also my clientele.

So I’m taking notes off of them and  then I’m adding that to my style and then I’m influencing them with the  style that I already have in my mind. Hi, what’s your name and what do you do? Jordan Rand Hi, my name is Jordan Rand. I’m a professional racer and a fashion model.

All right, so what are you wearing today? I’m wearing Ferrari style. This is a vintage Ferrari jacket. This is from the fashion brand, Ferrari  style. And this bag is also from them. And my shoes are Prada. The bike is a LiveWire electric motorcycles and originally from Harley-Davidson.

But now LiveWire is its own company. And I’m an ambassador for them. So I’m doing some content  for them for Fashion Week. So how long have you been riding? I’ve been riding for ten years. Yeah, it’s my passion. All right, so what’s your inspiration? Fashion and bike? What is it?

Oh, man, I don’t know. I think I’m inspired by Lewis Hamilton  bringing motorsport and fashion together. Hi. What’s your name? What do you do? Hi. My name is Jackson Lee. I’m a dancer and stylist here in New York City. Beautiful. All right,so  what are you wearing today? Today, I’m wearing a officialmelladesign

And then Mercantile Home. This is my uncle’s brand  and my best friend’s brand. Let me see your nails. Oh, these are nails by Tomas He’s a nonbinary artist here in New York City. He’s on Broadway. They’re on Broadway. And yeah. Icon. How about the shades? The shades are thrift store Good Will.

How about the shoes? Good Will All right, great taste. You’re a stylist, right? I love thrifting. Yes. All right, so what’s your style inspiration? I love Vivienne Westwood. I love Mugler. Windsor. I love trying to just blend  a bunch of different patterns as well as just layering. I love layering, layering, layering.

But the biggest thing I think with fashion is about how you wear it. It’s not about what you’re wearing, if that makes sense about how you bring the clothes to life for sure. Hi, what’s your name? and what do you do? Hi, my name is Colin Grant. I’m a model and actor.

All right, so what are you wearing today? So the denim jacket and the jeans are Enyce. This is just a thrifted shirt. This belt was also thrifted. And these shoes are just dress shoes from DSW. All right, so what’s your style inspiration? A lot of streetwear,

I think I try to mix in a lot of Y2K,  maybe a little bit Japanese streetwear. I think I’m having fun with like  the shorts and like a really big T,   like that’s really my favorite thing. Hi, what’s your name and what do you do? Jamir Assad. I’m a stylist.

I do everything honestly. I love your style. What are you wearing today? I’m wearing Marni, Bottega and a friend of mine, Benny  Andallo who me the hat. Marni is the jacket and the pants actually, the shoes is Bottega. The glasses are Bottega and the hat is custom. What’s your style inspiration?

Uh, it depends on my mood. Honestly. I wake up and my mood changes, so it depends on how I feel  that day, for the most part. So give us some styling tips. Just always be authentic to yourself. To be honest, a lot of people would try to pose and it feels forced.

So if you just come out  wholeheartedly as yourself, I feel like those are your best outfits. So you love to wear colors usually? A mixture of everything. I like colors, patterns, textures. I’m definitely a texture person, but colors are. I’m not shy from colors. Hi. What’s your name? And what do you do?

Hi. My name’s Adrian Contreras.  I’m a fashion designer. All right, so tell me about your brand. So my brand Modern Misery started five years  ago, four years ago when building through it This is our third collection right now. We have a pop up for Fashion Week. And yes, this collection is Moto based.

So motocross mixing different motocross  sports, combining them into one. That was the whole inspiration  for this collection. So can I ask you what you’re wearing today? So right now I got this. I  call it Berlin zip up hoodie. It’s washed. It has cuts over here.

And then for the pants, I have these  one of one bar hearts that I made. These are custom leather and Vetements Timberland. What’s your fashion inspiration? My fashion inspiration. I like  to take a lot of inspiration   from old metal bands from like the seventies.

I take a lot of inspiration from, like  bands like Metallica, Black Sabbath, and I really like to incorporate  those into my designs. Every time I start a new collection, I listen to a certain type  of music or certain playlists to get me really into the mood for it.

And a lot of is metal, Metallica, Black Sabbath, or a lot of old rock. Rock bands. Metal bands.

What Are People Wearing in NY? 2024 NYFW
We interviewed stylish people we met during NY Fashion Week. In this episode, we focus on people who works in the fashion scene, from young designers to models, and explore fashion trends and style inspiration.

#whatarepeoplewearing #streetstyle #nyfashion #nyfw2024 #fashionweekstreetstyle #rickowens #baggyjeans #livewire

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”What are People Wearing in NYC?” Play list↓
What Are People Wearing in NYC?

00:00 Intro/Milan&Dougie
02:06 Ben (Pearled Ivory)
03:22 Fetti&Jamil
04:45 JP
05:38 Murk Sosa&Jayden (xwore nyc)
07:49 Ben Sun
08:31 Drew
09:57 Jordan Rand (LiveWire)
10:52 Jackson Lee
11:59 Collin Grant
12:42 Jamir Assad
13:36 Adrian Contreras (Modern Misery)

Up and Coming Brands

xwore nyc

Modern Misery

Electric Motorcycle

About GCV magazine
GCV is a new bilingual video magazine in English and Japanese. G.C.V. stands for Global Community Vision and is dedicated to the Global Lifestyle Community. Based in New York City, the GCV crew is made up of a group of fashion, music, and culture lovers who strive to bring awesome content to our community. We are all originally from Japan and fell in love with this exciting city of New York. We plan to cover fashion, art, music, culture, and the vision of today’s youth from New York and Tokyo. Please join our community!

Creative Direction & Production: GCV Studios
Interviews by Mimi Tamaoki
Edited by Ayana Chiba
Video & Photo by Risa Kinouchi
Photo by Maki Hirata
Production assistant Kayo Nishiwaki
Special thanks to Emily and everyone involved

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):


  1. Thank you for watching our New York Fashion Week Episode! In this episode, we focus on people who works in the fashion scene, from young designers to models, and explore fashion trends and style inspiration.


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