仙台の旅 松島の遊覧船に乗り、仙台の七夕祭りを見る SENDAI JAPAN【アラカン・宮城旅行】旅ログ 036

Please turn on subtitles on YouTube Subtitles in many languages ​​are available “Dreaming trip for two seniors” The last part of our trip to summer festivals in Tohoku is to take a sightseeing boat in Matsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, see Sendai’s Tanabata Festival, and taste local gourmet food.

First We visited Godaido Hall, an important cultural property in Matsushima.Let’s cross the matchmaking bridge and visit Godaido Hall. Godaido Hall is a familiar symbol of Matsushima, and Bishamon Hall was built in 807 by Sakanoue Tamuramaro during his eastern expedition. Its origins lie in the enshrining of a statue of the Five Great Myoos.

The current building was rebuilt by Date Masamune in 1604 and is the oldest existing Momoyama building in the Tohoku region. From Godaido, you can enjoy a spectacular view of Matsushima Bay.Pleasure boat Buy a boarding ticket at the information center and board the sightseeing boat in Matsushima Bay.The

The one you chose is the Masamune course, which goes around Matsushima Bay. It is a pleasure boat operated by Marubun Matsushima Kisen. Let’s take a tour boat around the islands of Matsushima. We’ll follow the course marked by the red line on the map. Let’s set sail.

We wave at Godaido Temple, which we visited earlier. A number of pleasure boats are in operation. First of all. The island that came into view was Senganjima, an island that Lord Date Masamune was very fond of.Bishamonjima. Black sea bream were often caught in this area. Famous Niojima Island

This is an island that was split into two by the Great East Japan Earthquake.These islands were damaged by the tsunami. It is said that Matsushima’s bay was protected from the sun. It is said that if you can clearly see the four holes of this island, you will be happy.

Let’s go to the Tanabata Festival from the big Sendai Station. Let’s start by walking from the Hapina Nakacho shopping street in front of Sendai Station. In name and reality. The Sendai Tanabata Festival boasts the largest scale in Japan. More than 2 million tourists visit each year.

It is a festival in Sendai, the heart of Tohoku with a population of more than 1 million people. Chris Road Shopping Street Sendai Tanabata is a traditional event that has continued since the days of Date Masamune. It has been popular among the people since the Edo period.It declined

Due to the recession after World War I, but in 1927, volunteer merchants from Sendai revived it. Marble Road Omachi Shopping Street Ichibancho Shopping Street I came to “Sendai Furukawa Miso”, a restaurant specializing in Sendai miso dishes. The Sanriku seafood and Sendai miso dishes are lined up and I can’t help

But fall in love with them.First of all, Kanpai at night in Sendai! The four types of appetizers look delicious Steamed sea bream from Ishinomaki The grotesque-looking sea bream goes well with sake, a delicious delicacy Grilled oysters from Ishinomaki with kelp Warm and delicious Shabu- shabu of Sanriku sea bream

Warms you up from the inside The next day at Jozenji Stroll along the street The street is lined with beautiful zelkova trees The symbol of Nishi Park Kokeshi tower Take a break at Gengo Chaya This is a long-established store founded in 1868 in the first year of the Meiji era.

The specialty is mochi, where you can enjoy a variety of flavors such as sesame, zunda, red bean paste, and grated Abekawa grated rice cake. I ordered three-colored mochi of my choice. The mochi I hose was Zunda, red bean paste, and sesame. My wife was very impressed with the flavor and delicious sesame mochi.

I thoroughly enjoyed the traditional taste that has been around for over 150 years . Finally, to the place we must visit. After driving for a while from the center of Sendai toward the sea, you will see an elementary school building on your left. Sendai City Arahama Elementary School

March 11, 2011 An elementary school that was hit by the tsunami during the Great East Japan Earthquake. is open to the public as an earthquake disaster site. The tsunami hit as high as the ceiling on the first floor.

You can feel the force of the tsunami on the heavily curved handrail on the second floor. Classroom for Class 1, 1st grade, which was swallowed by the tsunamiIn the classroom A car was swept away by the tsunami.Everything was washed into the school building, and even this staircase was filled with rubble.

Right after the earthquake, 320 children, teachers, and residents evacuated to the school building, isolated by the tsunami, waiting for help. From the roof, where many evacuees waited for help at the time, you can see the blue Pacific Ocean nearby.

Area around the elementary school used to be home to 800 households, or 2,200 people.From The the windows of the elementary school, you could see many private houses. Today, the elementary school From the window, a lonely landscape with no private houses spreads out.

仙台の旅 松島の遊覧船に乗り、仙台の七夕祭りて地元のグルメを楽しみ、東日本大震災で津波に襲われた荒浜小学校を訪ねたシニアの二人旅



松島観光遊覧船(Matsushima sightseeing boat)

仙台七夕まつり(Sendai Tanabata Festival)

仙台古々がみそ一番町店(Restaurant Kokogamiso)

源吾茶屋(Gengo chaya)

震災遺構 仙台市立荒浜小学校(Arahama Elementary School)

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神奈川  三浦・横須賀・葉山・逗子の食べどころ、飲みどころ 7選 kanagawa miura【アラカン・神奈川旅行】旅ログ 016

#仙台 #七夕 #松島 #源吾茶屋 #東日本大震災 #荒浜小学校 #宮城観光 #人生の楽園 #シニア旅行

1 Comment

  1. 東北の夏祭りはやはりスケールが違いますねぇ~🌈海鮮物もとても美味しそうでしたぁ🌟ぜひ行ってみたいでぇ~す👍

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