
Hi guys! i’m filming the opening now, today im sharing what i spend in a week one week in tokyo edition! i vlogged for a week so hope you guys will enjoy! and stay until the end to find out how much i spent! i went to hospital and it costed 1,690 yen

I came to ogawa! getting coffee! oats latte with strong blend! got two! prescribed meds, 970yen! it’s so nice to have access to affordable healthcare in japan i mean we are paying lots of health insurance fee, so… so i’d go to hospitals often not just drug stores! i’m gonna film a video,

A meeting with my assistant and a meeting with ovsov and dinner afterwards! gotta head back home! it was 1000 yen for parking fee! i’m at the meeting having a banana cake and iced tea, 1026 yen! i ended up buying this planner couldn’t keep using the panda diary! this one’s great. it’s already february

Came to an event! 3,400 yen for taxi ride! got this one you are okay to be on camera? then go! so pretty! nooo hearyung and sooingu! she makes bags! crab! i’m going to an event by omega! riding a taxi givenchy, 15! nice! oh wow! can you see that? just went to the store,

There’s this campaign, providing necessary healthcare for children in developing countries and all the profits of the campaign will be donated i was able to see some of the watches it was 5,600 yen for taxi! i’m having lunch soon in the meantime i want to go see miumiu! well… ended up buying the bag!

I’m gonna share later it fits a wallet and camera too! 412,500 yen! it’s still day 2, yall! but i didn’t buy anything last month it should be fine! so hard to find a taxi i’m having dinner in nihonbashi! it was 1000yen! i have to reply emails

Was able to work in a taxi tho maybe i can wait here and get some work done i’m having dinner at mandarin hotel me and miles wanted to come to this place forever color contact lenses! perse, teddy brown! look! this is a free space here and there’s a heater too??

Was thinking to go to a cafe but it was so cold! waiting in front of the restaurant! finally! pretty! this is the bag! i’m opening it now look, the leather gives me grunge vibe it matches my outfits too! and it’s perfect for traveling too it fits a camera and a wallet,

Look how perfect she is! i saw many influencers have this one i’ve been holding back for about six months imma start using this one right now yay! girls night! i went out for a drink i paid for all the drinks 3,600 yen for taxi, and 20,000yen for bar! forgot to have the receipt!

I’m gonna take the girls out today bye! yellow, 700yen! atago jinja shrine! lucky fortune! apparently this shrine’s god is snake decided to buy the fortune bag! we were supposed to enter from here… should we go?? it’s focused on the handle! got gifts from korea! omg look! i’m gonna put the pants on him

How do you say pants in korean? legs! gonna put on a scarf too! and a pin too?! done! he’d look cute without all these ahaha we’re at a new shopping center in toyosu it’s opened three days ago!? ohw wow… we’re all excited! is it good? matching the color with toro! it’s setsubun today,

Gorgeous! dinner was around 25,000 yen, and total 30,000 including taxi! i think. i was drinking until 5am but i’m not having hungover, why now i’m on my way to see aya shibuya! late bday gift! is it from korea? so pretty! with all these! idk how much per person for lunch

Parking fee was 1,600 yen, and lunch was 4,000 yen! i want to go take a nap… Yellow coffee, 700 yen! sunnies from gentle monster so my friends from korea have been staying in tokyo so i went out with them for three days in a row

I feel like i’ve drank for the whole month i’ve not been doing chores too so i’m going to clean up the house, and i couldn’t do any work on the weekend so i will get them done, and i wanted to see Kemio today but i might not today! let’s go!

Ended up not seeing him yesterday coffee from yellow! parking fee, 300 yen i’m going to the pilates lesson just had a call meeting i only have meetings today so yeah, let’s get going! i’m home! i’ve been working on the sofa just ordered uber eats! it’s snowing today so cold!

Turned on both floor heater and ac! reality hitting me so hard now oh yeah, uber eats! 2907 yen! my body hurts! i have to leave for the salon in one hour let’s go! i can’t drive today, using a uber! so big 6291 yen! dinner at my friend’s house!

Do you know what this is?? i thought it was a candy at first turns out it’s a wet tissue! so boujee what is that?? everything’s so new at this house bought the ice and soda at lawson i couldn’t catch a taxi uber was 4490 yen! taxi, 3000yen!

I’m on my way to see miles and his friend’s house and see Kemio! it’s raining but i’ve brought out birkin, noo i’m being careful not to let it wet i thought it wasn’t raining today you got so big! show me your face! so pretty! ahahaha you okay? what vlog is this??

What i spent in a week! for those of you who watches my channel pls don’t get mad at me okay? and i got a gift from Alisa! open it! i only gave you a candle tho… it says Kemio! omg! i already know it’s gonna be so pretty! no, listen!

I specifically told the chanel staff not to show this one to you! oh yeah? i bought a bag from chanel for the first time noo! so pretty! it’s got starts it’s not too chanel i don’t get what you mean but, look at all these small cute stars! so pretty! dinner with mom!

Couldn’t finish dessert! taxi, 5334! you guys prefer potatoes? back home! dined out with mom, and went to my friend’s house afterwards to see their dogs! can you believe it’s my friend’s parents house? i got a permission to do a room tour and they were down for it! sooo stay tuned! more taxi fee,

3100yen and 2700yen! and dinner was 20736 yen! it wasn’t cheap but they were fancy i’m worried about the quality of this video… will be vlogging until tomorrow! last day! i’ve been only filming what i spent for the last days coffee, 700! heading to work!

Arrived at westin hotel to have taylor swift themed afternoon tea! just had the afternoon tea, made the bracelet too i was born in the same year as taylor, so i made the 1989 one! i’m heading to the eras tour! by the way this camera is canon g-3,

Bought it it for about 100k yen, but i’d spend 100k on a bag too, right? some of them i use often, some i don’t. so for the camera, i think i’m making the most of it, now that i’m reminded how much i spend in a week so it just came to my mind

I paid 100k to the camera but it’s really working more than its price to think about it, i mean it’s not that a big deal if you’re gonna splurge, make the most of it. that was random so, if there’s something you want,

But i saw this video that says even if you spend hundreds dollars on something it will be worth zero dollar someday i think i’ve said this before but if you buy something you use everyday then it really gives you back so much more i will keep this in mind

Really loved it and her singing was amazing her costumes were so gorgeous too really enjoyed it. it’s really amazing how she doesn’t change her style now we are on our way to have dinner got these pens from loft! 440! parking fee was 4000! so pretty! came to have dinner

Our go-to late night dinner spot total amount reveal! for a week in tokyo, 561,309 yen! well… last time i bought a chanel bag and this time i bought a miumiu bag, even if i didn’t buy the bag it’d still be this amount, whyyy?? let me go over the numbers again later

So that was all for how much i spend in a week in tokyo! thanks for watching! pls subscribe, hit the like button and comment see you in my next video, bye!


00:31 【day1】 病院とコーヒー
01:57 打ち合わせ
02:14 手帳買いなおしましたww
02:38 @haeryung_na_と@sooinguとご飯
03:30 【day2】今日のリップ
04:52 miumiuで買い物
05:55 今日のカラコン
06:44 ディナー
07:08 miumiu開封
07:59 へリョン&アンちゃんと@rima_nishizakiと飲み会
08:12 【day3】昨日の出費たち
08:42 愛宕神社
09:11 アンちゃんからのお土産開封
10:24 千客万来
11:44 【day4】ランチ
12:59 お酒飲みすぎた話
13:44 【day5】コーヒーとピラティス
14:27 Uber eats頼む
15:41 セレブの家でまさかの◯◯が出てきたw
16:30 【day6】雨なのにやらかした…
16:57 わんこに癒される
17:33 絶好調なkemioくんw
19:13 ママとディナー
19:24 ふたたびわんこに癒される
20:45 【day7】アフタヌーンティー
21:39 お金の価値観の話
23:28 テイラーのライブ良すぎた
24:19 1週間の出費結果発表











ー My Links ー
instagram❤︎ https://www.instagram.com/alisaueno/
Twitter❤︎ https://twitter.com/alisaueno/
Website❤︎ http://www.alisa.tokyo
Facebook❤︎ https://www.facebook.com/alisauenofv/

Email : alisaueno.info@bullz.jp
*business inquiries only



  1. けみおくんほんと面白いし、けみおくんといるありささんいつも笑ってて見てて楽しい!!😂❤❤


  2. お土産のクマ?に、何もないほうが可愛いんじゃないのぉーって言っちゃったアリサちゃん、私も思った😆

  3. BESTieめっちゃ好きだったからへリョン出て来たとき驚き嬉しすぎましたーー😭💗💗へリョンペンでした♡♡大好きなありささんと大好きなへリョンが仲良くてめっちゃ嬉しいです😻❤️💕

  4. ほんっとにセレブすぎて憧れます!!!!!

  5. 高いものを買って、汚したくないとかであまり使わないことが多かったけど高いものこそたくさん使おうって思えました🥹値段を言ってなんかしてだけの動画でも楽しいしありさちゃんも私からしたらセレブなのでモチベ上がります🩷

  6. 来年20になるんですけど、ありささん憧れすぎてもう頑張ってお仕事してお金貯めてありささんみたいな生活ができるのモチベで頑張ります😭🔥

  7. パリ在住ですが、日本は薬も医療費も高いです。だから日本ではこちらで手に入らない葛根湯や目薬を買って帰るくらいでフランスの薬局の薬は安いです。病院代や処方箋の薬は保険でただだし、日本だと実費になる歯医者のセラミックとかも無料。なので他の国はわかりませんが海外の方が良いです。ただ日本見たく、すぐ見てもらえず必ず予約が必要なのが難点。嫌味じゃなく気持ち良いほどお金を使って経済を回してるありささんの動画好きです❣️

  8. ブランドのバック買ったし、韓国からの友の接待などでしょうがないと思います。私は母にもっと連れて行って上げれば良かったと悔みます💕

  9. タクシー代とか実は気になるから細かく教えてくれて嬉しい😂

  10. この企画何気に好き🫶🫶
    環境も違うから 金額は びっくりはするものの❣️
    それだけ、日々 頑張ってるから👏
    髪の毛の艶が 綺麗すぎて😍ケミオkun登場は嬉しい👏🎉です。
    3/15とっても いい吉日なんで お財布👛 購入しようかと、小さい折りたたみ式 オススメありますか?

  11. アリサちゃんのVlogほんっとーに好き!週末お家でアリサちゃんのVlog観る時間がリラックスタイム☕️ あとほんとーに肌がキレイ…..

  12. ありささんがハードワークをこなすコツ教えて欲しい🥺自分は予定がパンパンなったらすぐダウンしちゃうから🥺

  13. アリサさんのYouTubeがマジで1番好きー見ててワクワクしまーす💞私もこんな女になりたい24の春うー!笑った時のお口もちょータイプです😍😍😍

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