I drowned them completely under water, using the 12/12 method on them. I planted them in different planting systems: classic and open. And in planting one of the orchids I used that very necessary, free, thin and completely invisible detail. Ultimately

, I failed my experiment by breaking the peduncle of one of these two orchids. What results will two orchids with the same genetic code, two orchids grown on the same mother plant on two different peduncles , give in different planting systems: in an open system and in a classical system

? If you are not familiar with this fascinating story, which began on the Classic Orchid Genre channel 10 months ago, I will, as always, leave links to the previous video in the first pinned comment under this video and in its description. Hello friends! Exactly six months have passed since the

Release of the previous video on a given topic, so let me briefly remind you of the content of the previous episodes. 10 months ago, that is, in April 2023, two twin orchids arrived from Moscow to Vladivostok, grown on two different peduncles of the same

Mother plant. These peduncle babies were a gift from channel viewer Elena Terekhova from Moscow. The babies traveled a distance of 10,000 km with an exposed root system and arrived from Europe to Asia in a rather weakened state. one orchid at that time had only two leaves,

And the second had three. I myself asked Elena to remove both orchids from the previous plantings. first of all , because I don’t keep my orchids in double pots made of very thick plastic, and secondly, because these same pots were chosen completely incorrectly. they did not match

The size of the plant’s root system, they were too large for these small orchids. Perhaps this is one of the most common mistakes, especially among beginners, to plant orchids in containers that are too large for them. Of course, immediately upon arrival, I gave both orchids a

Full immersion shower. And later, to restore the turgor of weakened leaves, I began to use my own developed 12/12 method. The essence of this method is as follows: orchids are completely immersed under water for 12 daytime hours and completely removed from

The water for 12 night hours. attention! This method is only suitable for orchids without roots, or with an open root system. In addition, the orchids on which you are going to use this method should not have any putrefactive manifestations or any fresh mechanical damage. This

Method allows you to very quickly restore the turgor of weakened leaves and even rag leaves. if your weakened orchid has at least one functional root, the turgor of the leaves will be restored as soon as possible. After only 4 days of using this method, the turgor of the leaves of both

Orchids was restored, and I was able to assign them to different planting systems. I placed a stronger orchid with three full leaves in an open planting system. and a weaker orchid with only two leaves into the classical system. Since then, for 10 months now, we have been observing these

Orchids orchids. In which system will the orchid develop more actively and bloom more luxuriantly? Starting from the first months of life in my home conditions, the orchid in the classical planting system began to manifest itself more actively. she was the first to have new roots from the trunk and

A new young leaf. Thus, in the first month and a half of life in my home conditions, the chances of both orchids were equal: they began to have three leaves. The orchid also really liked the selected substrate in the classic planting system and it was with great pleasure that she launched her

New system into a new substrate for her. If you have been on this channel not long ago and don’t know what substrate I use for planting orchids,

I will leave a link to a separate video about the substrate for orchids in the first pinned comment under this video and in the description for it. the orchid in the open planting system did not feel very confident in a large glass vase and

Then I helped it a little. I fixed the former root system in the new planting with two pieces of very large bark. Since then, root formation in the orchid in the open planting system has proceeded at a more

Active pace and both orchids have produced flower stalks by June. The orchid in the classical planting system had a peduncle a week earlier, and living forest moss began to actively grow in the planting. by the beginning of August both orchids were in full bloom and then the intrigue was revealed. Which

Orchid will bloom more magnificently? Then I conducted a survey and found out that the majority of viewers are still in favor of more luxuriant orchid blooms in the classic planting system. In my opinion, it was too early to give the palm

To any of the orchids, because each of them had their own achievements, and not small ones. The orchid in the classical system grew a new leaf and a powerful root system in 4 months, while the orchid in the open planting system had to learn a new glass pot. for two of us,

The twin orchids in summer bloom had nine beautiful flowers measuring 9 cm. If any of you decides to recognize the variety of white orchid, know that this is an incredibly thankless task. If

The variety of your orchid is not indicated on the manufacturer’s shipping pot, it is almost impossible to understand what variety your white orchid is if it does not have any special distinctive features. I still don’t know what type of these two white orchids and I don’t try to find out. These shots

Ended the previous video on a given topic six months ago. Both twin orchids had three leaves, a developed and powerful root system and one peduncle. an orchid in a classic planting system with five flowers, an orchid in an open planting system with four flowers. If you are

Still watching this video and haven’t given the video a thumbs up, do so right now! if you like white orchids, write a comment. this will help the channel and YouTube algorithms in promoting the video. Twin orchids are one of those varieties of phalaenopsis that are able to

Increase the size of their flower after complete dissolution. Therefore, if your orchid has bloomed small and unsightly flowers, do not rush to get scared. perhaps she will grow to their size after complete dissolution. Even during the first flowering, the orchid in the classical planting system was again the first to go

On the offensive; it began to grow the fourth leaf. And I was already starting to worry: what if the center of the rosette of an orchid in an open planting system is damaged and the orchid will no longer grow upward. But my worries were in vain when

The leaf of the orchid in the classical system reached a length of 6 cm, and a leaf appeared on the orchid in the open planting system. Thus, the score was again equal to 4:4, with four leaves for each orchid. both orchids confirmed my

Statement that an orchid is capable of doing everything at the same time: growing roots, leaves, and blooming beautifully at the same time. Moreover, I will say that under the right conditions of maintenance and with proper care, phalaenopsis are able to bloom without ceasing, that is, produce a new peduncle

Even during the flowering of the previous one. This was also the case with twin orchids. They both produced a new peduncle while the previous ones were flowering. However, on an orchid in an open planting system, I saw a new peduncle only after I broke it. During the active growth of the root

System of leaves and flowering, I water the orchid in an open planting system using the soaking method, that is, I pour a full vase of water and drain it after a certain period of time. During one of these manipulations, I smelled something green, broken, the smell of freshly cut grass.

I started looking: all the leaves were intact, the roots were in place, I turned the vase over again and saw a freshly broken peduncle. in these frames, the place where it was broken had already dried up and the peduncle had broken as if from the roots;

Not a trace remained of it, but only an outer scale. Before we find out whether I began to feel sad and what happened to the orchid next, whether its winter flowering took place, let’s look at the root system in a glass vase. The two large pieces of bark on either side of the

Orchid’s root system really suited her taste. Moreover, the roots attached themselves not only to pieces of bark, but also to the edges of the glass vase and began to grow beyond its boundaries. In the future, I will tuck these roots inside the vase. and

In general during this time the size of the root system of this orchid exceeded the size of its leaf mass. but what was even more interesting was that immediately after the new peduncle was broken, the orchid awakened the meristem on the old peduncle. The initially weaker orchid in the classical

Planting system ended up being more successful. During this time, she grew two full-fledged leaves, a new peduncle and awakened the meristem on the old peduncle. but the orchid is in an open planting system

I was in no hurry to lose. I talked about how to correctly form the peduncles of an orchid so that the flowers look in one direction in the previous video. and if you haven’t watched this

Video, the link to it is, as always, in the description under this video and in the first pinned comment under it. During the formation of peduncles, both orchids lived on a windowsill with a southeast orientation. During the growth of peduncles and the formation of buds, both orchids

Were sprayed daily. To spray specific orchids, exclusively warm boiled water was used. infusions of medicinal herbs were not used. I have already told you that the first summer and first winter flowering for all newly arrived orchids is introductory.

I want to understand the potential of plants, what they are capable of without the use of natural helpers. The first flower of the 2024 winter bloom began to bloom first on the orchid in the classic

Planting system. and this is no wonder. Yesterday in the Telegram channel Classic of the Orchid Genre I asked the participants a question: Which orchid will bloom more magnificently in winter? Most Telegram chat participants agreed that the orchid would bloom more luxuriantly in the classic planting system, and they were not

Mistaken. Although I continue to insist that if I had not broken the orchid peduncle in an open planting system, the situation could have turned out completely different. In the classical planting system, the orchid formed six buds on a new young peduncle and six flowers bloomed. And

Two more buds formed on the previous peduncle. Total of eight flowers in the new bloom. For an orchid that 10 months ago was weakened, with only two leaves, this is an excellent result. If you do everything

Correctly according to the Classics of the Orchid Genre, all the flowers on the peduncles of your orchids will be located in the same plane and look directly at you. all together will form a magnificent picture. what really amazed me was the orchid in the open

Planting system. From the only awakened meristem on the peduncle, she grew a branch on which she formed six magnificent flowers. by mid-February of this year, both twin orchids were almost in full bloom. And I was thinking about how to put them together so that the audience would not

Guess which one has how many colors. 14 gorgeous flowers for two! in orchids that 10 months ago were very weakened with two and three leaves, respectively. orchids on which not a drop of chemicals, not a drop of chemically synthesized drugs

Or even natural remedies were used. only light, air and water! and if the orchids are swapped, then instead of a gorgeous head of flowers you get a long cascade. In general, no matter how you look at it, everything is beautiful! and now, against

The backdrop of this blooming beauty, I will tell you about the conclusions made during this experiment. the overall development and lush flowering of orchids are not determined by the planting system or the selected substrate. orchids are able

To grow, develop and bloom in any planting system with any substrate and even without it. The main thing is that in keeping orchids there are no advertised fertilizers and other chemicals, the main thing is that

The conditions are correctly created and proper care is taken. The orchid receives the main nutrients for growth and flowering as a result of the process of photosynthesis, using only water and carbon dioxide from the air. but the orchid can absorb all this only if there is a sufficient amount of bright sunlight

Or additional artificial lighting. with insufficient light, the orchid will bloom sparingly and grow reluctantly. Keeping orchids in an open planting system without a substrate is not for the lazy. This planting system requires much more free time from

The owners. After 10 months of keeping an orchid in an empty vase, I can say that it is not always aesthetically pleasing. the vase may turn green. An open orchid planting system is not suitable for very

Hot and very dry climates. The classic system of planting an orchid with the addition of a wick frees up the owner’s hands and allows a lot. allows a lot and forgives a lot, including forgetfulness. If an orchid in an open system or even a classic one is not watered on time, this can

Be critical. An orchid on a wick in a classic planting system can exist without an owner for quite a long time, up to 2-4 weeks. Well, now everyone’s favorite section was and became. this is what the two looked like

Twin orchids 10 months ago when I received them and placed them in a completely new planting system for them. The shooting is carried out on the window sill of a north-east orientation. The width of the window sill is only 17.5 cm. From the end of October to the end of February,

Direct rays of the sun do not penetrate this window sill. So, the two twin orchids looked like this at the end of April 2023, and they became like this at the end of February 2024. The same window sill is 17.5 cm wide, it’s a pity there is no sun for a

Beautiful photo. Did you like the result? Do you want one for yourself? then study the Phalaenopsis playlist of care questions. It contains the most valuable and reliable knowledge on caring for orchids. How to replant an orchid correctly? And when should this be done? How to water orchids correctly?

How to organize additional lighting for an orchid? You will find scientific answers to all these questions in the Phalaenopsis care questions playlist. As always, I will leave a link to the playlist in the first pinned comment under this video and in the description for it. Once again and with all my heart, I

Want to thank all those participants and viewers of the channel who take a direct and active part in its development. in this case, boundless gratitude to Elena Terekhova from Moscow for sending twin orchids. and if you also want to become part of our team,

If you want to find out the news of the Classic Orchid Genre channel before others, join our Telegram channel and remember that we have an incredibly lot of interesting things ahead!!!

Наверняка и у вас дома найдутся слабые орхидеи с двумя, или тремя листьями без тургора! Если Вы потеряли надежду увидеть их цветение, посмотрите это видео!
В видео история 10 месяцев жизни двух орхидей-двойняшек из Москвы, которые приехали ко мне в посылке в апреле 2023 года. Эти орхидеи выросли в одно время на двух разных цветоносах одного материнского растения и имеют одинаковый генетический код.
Подробнее об этом в следующих видео:

О Методе 12/12 подробно в этом видео:

Узнать достоверную информацию о содержании орхидей можно из плейлиста Фаленопсисы. Вопросы по уходу:

О ПРИРОДНОМ уходе за орхидеями из Плейлиста Целебные снадобья для орхидей: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPFQEQBqjmcRmJSn76gewU0UPIRfdSoni
Канал в Telegram: https://t.me/KlassikaOrkhideynogoZhanra
Канал в Дзен: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/621b6f7f151b32403dab4d18


  1. Подробнее о предыстории этого видео здесь:




    О Методе 12/12 подробно в этом видео:

    О субстрате для орхидей здесь: https://youtu.be/IncSdovaQWE
    Об орхидеях в открытой системе здесь: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPFQEQBqjmcT-W2oO2nwYuVat66R7l6CT

    Узнать достоверную информацию о содержании орхидей можно из плейлиста Фаленопсисы. Вопросы по уходу:


    О ПРИРОДНОМ уходе за орхидеями из Плейлиста Целебные снадобья для орхидей: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPFQEQBqjmcRmJSn76gewU0UPIRfdSoni
    Ссылка на канал в Telegram: https://t.me/KlassikaOrkhideynogoZhanra

  2. Спасибо большое,получила огромное удовольствие от просмотра,в общем как всегда и глаза радует и слух ласкает,Главное , правильно ухаживать такой вывод😄

  3. Добрый день. Увлеклась орхидеями недавно. Смотрю ваши видео. Спасибо вам огромное за ваш труд. Еслиб не ваши советы, то орхидей и такой красоты у меня дома не было бы. Но вот иногда возникают воросы и хотелось бы прислать фото. А как это сделать не знаю. У вас телеграмм можно задать вопрос с фото, но поучается не по теме. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как лучше это сделать? Я тоже с Владивостока. Заранее спасибо.

  4. Наташенька! Вы просто умничка! Год уже, как подписалась на ваш канал и слежу за всеми вашими видео. Благодаря вашим советам и наглядным "пособиям" наконец-то и у меня начали расти, и самое удивительное, цвести орхидеи, что никогда раньше не случалось. Смотря ваши видеоуроки начала все с нуля, с наращивания корней и листьев. Конечно потребовалось время, но теперь все растет и цветет. Спасибо вам огромное❤

  5. Если есть кора даже крупная, то это уже не открытая система. Да и развиваться начала орхидея только после того, как положили кусок коры.

  6. Спасибо за видео. Всегда с удовольствием смотрю. Подскажите пожалуйста как правильно формировать цветоносы. Не нашла видео. Заранее благодарю 🌹

  7. Я очень люблю все орхидеи, но БЕЛЫЕ ОРХИДЕИ – моя безумная любовь и безграничный восторг! Определенно они мои фавориты в мире цветоводства, я бы ими часами любовалась))) Наташа, спасибо большое за прекрасные видео! Море пользы и эстетики в каждом видео! Мы это очень ценим и благодарим! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

    PS: попшикала все свои орхидейки и включила новое видео от Наташи )) Смотрим, любим, ПРАКТИКУЕМ )))
    Все довольны и счастливы)))
    Привет из Подмосковья!
    Надеюсь в обозримом будущем поделиться своей историей жизни орхидей до и после знакомства с каналом)

  8. Здравствуйте, спасибо за видео! У меня точно такая же орхидея (и цветы и листья аналогичные). У моей на горшочке было написано Dame blanche.

  9. Хочу всем сказать вот что- Если внимательно прислушаться к КАЖДОМУ слову, к КАЖДОМУ повторю, никакие больше другие видео тут же от Натальи и смотреть не придется. В КАЖДОМ слове сказано все, в каждом сказаном предложении все можно понять про агротехнику орхидей. А если предлогает автор пройти по другим ссылкам канала, то знания наши еще богаче становятся. Это какой такой талант у вас Наталья, что бы так все прозрачно, без лишней воды, четко и ясно объяснять, а мы по вашим методам получаем ошеломляющие результаты в уходе за орхидеями. Живем на всем готовом, все за нас продумали, все испытали, провели исследования и нам вложили в рот. Те орхидеи, что не цвели по два, три года, сейчас цветут каскадами. А другие орхидеи, которые мы погубили собственными руками, с помощью ваших методов их реанимировали, восстановили, подрастили, вырастили и дождались первого цветения. Все результаты наши Вы видите в телаграмм чате канала. Слов благодарности за ваш труд для вас подобрать сложно. Желаем процветания вашему каналу, он нам очень нужен, ОЧЕНЬ!! И оставайтесь с нами на долго! Мы вас любим!❤❤❤

  10. Здравствуйте, Наталья. Можно ли опрыскивать, и нужно ли опрыскивать орхидеи сегодня, если температура воздуха 18-19 градусов? Спасибо

  11. Результат очень понравился! В ваших условиях и уходе орхидей развиваются стремительно и цветут, как взрослые. Волшебство, с Вами они оживают. Спасибо Наташа, что делитесь своими методами и результатами!

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