【ご報告】バグトラックとお別れ。青森の小野仕様テントとパネルバン2台で雪中キャンプ。magtame USBケーブル

Hi! I’m Ono in Aomori. Today I have something to announce to you. If you watched my recent YouTube live stream, you know what I am talking about. I have decided to give my darling tent-type bug truck, which I rode for three and a half years, to another owner.

I gave the truck to Mr. Sasaki, who runs an outdoor goods store in Aomori City. I frequent this store as well. You can actually pick up stylish outdoor goods that you have only seen in magazines. This store is also co-developed by an Aomori company with Outdoor Goods.

If I ever get lonely and miss my truck, I know I can go here and see it again. It would also be helpful to see what kind of goods the owner of a specialty outdoor equipment store would choose for the truck. The chair can be used in this style in the summer.

You are indeed the owner of a camping equipment store. Sasaki’s recommended item #1. A chair that can be used comfortably all year round by replacing the seat cover. All set is 14800 yen. You’ve done a good job of promoting it. Good value! I am sure he will evolve this camper further.

There is another reason I wanted Mr. Sasaki to use my camper. He is a former firefighter. The reason I bought my first bug truck in the first place was because I wanted to install a wood stove in the bed of my truck.

I tried many things in my own way to create a setting that I was satisfied with. However, I knew it would be dangerous for anyone other than myself to make this setting. But I thought a former firefighter, a fire specialist, would enjoy this truck, including the wood stove.

Sasaki became certified as an EMT while a firefighter and worked for seven years. Not only his handling of the fire, but also his ventilation and other considerations and items used will be helpful.

He is an outdoor equipment store owner and former firefighter. There is no one more qualified to own this truck than him. This is very good, isn’t it? This is yours. Oh yes, I forgot. Imitation of Ono-san. Cheers!

Sasaki’s recommended item #2. This fan was released 1-2 years ago. It can be set up on a tripod or hooked on a hook. If placed on the ceiling, it can be used like a circulator. Comes with timer.

I use these tools for both my campfires and my wood stove. They are made by Snow Peak. Every single thing you have is cool. I don’t buy a lot of things these days, but rather take my time with certain items. The name of his store is “direction”. Check out his Instagram and YouTube.

So tonight I will be camping out with a view of my former truck. Cheers! Good. Let’s start the party. Maitake mushroom Chicken meat Garlic Tomato Pasta Sauce Fried tofu Parmesan cheese Fried tofu lasagna style Made simply with pasta sauce. Fried tofu. The fried tofu is soaked with flavor.

I like it, but it is a sauce that divides opinion. Sasaki’s recommended item #3. Okinawa A1 sauce. A slightly sour sauce mixed with garlic by Mr. Sasaki. Serve with steak. My wife is from Okinawa. She told me about this sauce. You are an Aomori/Okinawa couple.

Delicious. Good sourness. We sometimes eat a good steak with ponzu, don’t we? It goes very well like that. Delicious with a punch of sourness. I think this sauce tastes better mixed with garlic than on its own.

I ate it for the first time. It has a flavor not often found in Aomori and is addictive. It tastes a bit mustard-like, combining sourness and punch. I like this! Thanks a lot. It goes well with beer. Did you eat your dinner? Yes, I ate steak and stuff. And Ono-san?

I’ve had enough to eat. Then, let’s have the afterparty here. Let’s do it! I have extra meat, so I’ll bring it. Welcome! This is Snow Peak’s sake, Kubota. What it means? Does Snow Peak make sake? I think it is a collaboration with Kubota. It’s true, the Snow Peak logo is painted on it.

I have been too wasteful to drink it before, but I really wanted to share it with you today, so I brought it. I don’t know how many times we’ve done this today… Cheers! Perfect! Tasty.

Ono’s recommended item #1. USB cable with magnet in it. It does not get tangled and is easy to handle. I didn’t know this. Very useful. Since I have nothing to brag to you about in terms of camping gear, I bragged about PC peripheral items.

It is magnetic, so it can be attached to these places in the car. This is my latest favorite item. When I woke up in the morning, there was snow on the ground. So, this video was about camping in two bug trucks.

I believe this bug truck will appear on the “direction” social networking site in the future. It will surely be a stylish setup and will be helpful for both safety and functionality.


















  1. かわいい我が子を手放すのは、さみしいかと思いますが、信頼できる方の相棒になれるのかと思うと、視聴者としても嬉しいです。

  2. バグトラックでの配信が見られないのが淋しいです。


  3. お疲れ様でした😊もう見れないので悲しい😭ですね〜自分はやはりオガワのカーサイドリビングを使った動画が印象的ですね〜

  4. 私もたまにこのお店に伺いますが、いいお店ですよねー


  5. こんばんは
    バグトラは最適任者に売り飛ばした訳ですね 笑

  6. さよなら。おのさんが君の荷台のテントの中でたくさんお酒飲み料理食べてたね。とても良かった。ありがとう。

  7. 小野さん、おはようございます😌
    アウトドア用品店のオーナーさんで元消防士ってなんて😱 でも
    ポイントですね😊 今回の料理、トマト料理に油揚げ‼️ 
    やったことないですが、相性良さそう~😄 試してみます。

  8. バグtruckを購入したのですが、二台泊するにあたって場所はいつもどのようにして決めていました⁇

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