Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1942) – Momentos inolvidables del cine #ingridbergman #humphrreybogart

Play it once Sam for all time sake I don’t know what you mean Miss Elsa play it Sam play as time goes by oh I can’t remember it myself I’m a little rust down I’ll hum it for You it Sam you must remember this A Kiss is Just a Kiss a is just a the fundamental things apply as time goes By and when two lovers wo they still say I love you on that you can Rely no matter what the future brings as time goes Sam I thought I told you never to Play

Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1942) . Inolvidable escena en la que Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) le pide a Sam que toque una vez más aquella vieja canción As Time Goes By, tema que Rick (Humphrey Bogart) le ha prohibido que vuelva a tocar.
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