We’re Engaged!

Ready okay well uh today’s the day um today’s the day I’m asking the love of my life to marry me Claudia I’d like to introduce you to Jesse 2 and 1/2 years ago I met the love of my life where did this all begin I’m extremely right yeah what if she likes

Me you set yourself up I came here to film a video with Brandon Walsh as a collab and I left with interest in a woman like none other I knew that there was something completely different about Claudia and I was hooked since that day nothing has changed at all if anything I

Am more hooked than ever so come with me as I take you guys through this journey of asking my beautiful girlfriend Claudia to be my wife step one of organizing a proposal ring shopping I wanted two sets of opinions on the ring so I Enlisted the help of my mother

Karen we love Karen I’m so excited I know she’s your person sure Mom approved as well as two of the most important women in Claudia’s life Jen and Kennedy are you excited yes of course I’m excited I promise I won’t cry or myself luckily Claudia has been very forward on

What type of ring she likes so I had an idea in my head of what I need to get I have the exact specs of everything basically I want to do a gold band with like the Gold Head yes and then the diamond to be oval

And 3 and 1/2 carot all right so what I’m thinking is we’re going to do a 3 and 1/2 at a elongated oval cuz I’m a smart man solid decision I feel good we found some good prices I got Smarties they basically sold me right there so

We’re in the green I’m feeling good I have excitement inside the soul you know I didn’t say much my mom did all the talking no you did good I did a little bit not much so the timeline started with me going with my parents and then with Claudia’s family so after my second

Ring shopping visit after some careful consideration that’s the credit card right there my man I’m going to myself in excitement I decided on the exact ring to order which I be picking up very soon marriage on three then I got to figure out how to propos properly now you got to come up

With an idea yeah few weeks went by and the ring was ready I had to make sure that I was super casual around Claudia to avoid any suspicion where are you going to be at noon today getting my nails done getting your nails done so you’re going to have be around no I’ll

See you later I’ll be in my office all day she has no idea I am just that smooth and I brought Brandon the man who made this whole thing happened along to go pick it up how do you feel that you were the main causation for this to all

Unfold I mean when I when I give the speech at your wedding I’m just taking all the credit let’s just put it that way he’s so nervous that he left his car running we have to walk out of this place with an expensive ring in Baltimore let’s

Go oh oh my God yeah I said the same thing holy sh can I touch it it’s mine right like officially all right guys we officially have the Ring The Ring that’s going to be a part of this history of Jesse and Claudia for the next 80 years not so

Fast buddy are you forgetting something Jesse did you ask my dad yet oh my rookie mistake you the next thing I had to do was ask Claudia’s father for permission to marry her you see papa Walsh is a different breed he’s loving but he’s also very aggressive hopefully

He says yes he’s got to say yes he probably steal the ring from you how you feeling today like normal like normal mhm okay so you’ve known me for how long 3 years three years breast kind of s my breast Sticks no it does not smells like an Italian restaurant

Okay on garbage day you would say you’re a very honest man right pretty much okay Jesus Christ I I seriously did not anticipate him to be this way and it definitely made me a little bit more nervous is he really doing this right now this is a serious moment okay I’m

Going to look you in the eyes however it was vital that the father to the woman I loved gave me permission so I took a deep breath and said to him I plan to propose to your daughter Claudia and I wanted to I told you a long time ago you could

Marry yeah not the way these things normally go but that’s the Walsh family they aren’t normal but that’s why I love them I wanted to just do the the traditional thing and ask you may I take your daughter’s hand in marriage a I’m excited to to join the family it’s

Going to be very spectacular you meet all the requirements thank you thank you you’re not going to like choke me out this just to like one one final test or anything we could do that right now she’s not here no no no yep that is my future father-in-law

At this point I am very nervous because things are extremely real and I’ve got to pick a date have a date in mind how am I going to do it it’s a lot of pressure Mom I’m doing it on the 12th I’m going to do it oh I’m so excited oh

My God I’m not going to lie I’m a little uh a little scared because it’s a lot to not the not the actual proposal is scary but like you know not fing up welcome to operation not fing up I was set on The Proposal date I had the ring and now

It’s time to orchestrate the the most perfect proposal that will leave Claudia speechless as long as I play it cool she should have absolutely no idea the informant who’s the informant babe please rout them out R them out right now who is the informant no one is who

Knows I’ll ask them no no one knows I just cannot believe that this day is here it seems like this is a day that you think about when you’re a kid or growing up and you’re like oh my God imagine one day I’m going to be proposing to my future wife and today

That day so it’s it’s weird I feel like I’m living in a movie yeah I’m totally going to cry today phase one ask Claudia to be my Valentine I just picked up a ton of stuff I’m going to make sure that I ask her to be my Valentine that way she’s

Not suspecting or like why hasn’t he asked me this should buy me some time to not be under a microscope phase two FaceTime Brandon to get Claudia out of the house to film so I need you to tell her and the girls that you’re filming a video for your YouTube channel while I’m

Setting up I can’t even be around her when time is getting closer because I’m going to be freaking out the video that I have in mind um we’re doing like uh ranking celebrity couples so I just got to time it right though because yeah a

Lot could go wrong this will allow me to get started on setting up we’re away from the house so the alarm system can’t detect any movement I’m praying that somehow Claudia hasn’t set up hidden cameras I feel like she’s like that but we got to unload get set up and at least

This will keep my mind straight you know for the next little bit phase three get dressed I want to do like a white polo because I don’t want to be too dressed up I think it’s like I want to be natural you know I’m proposing my

Backyard I don’t want it to be too over the top so I feel like something like this would go really nice phase four FaceTime Kennedy she is going to be my secret weapon get her at the house wearing what she’d want to wear while getting proposed to she’ll be with

Claudia all day after filming distracting her that way I can get everything set up and ready for the proposal I asked if she wanted to film a Target Vlog that’s believable that Valentine’s themed Target Vlog so you’ll take care of that and I’ll be in the woods when you’re taking photos you got

This oh I’m going to be great you got this um we’ve got probably 20 25ish minutes to make this looking chef’s kiss we got this I’m not really nervous anymore it’s kind of like turned into just like I’m just like ready to go me and Claudia

Have been together for a long time and I am just so grateful to have what we have and for today to be the day that I’m going to ask her to marry me I am just so happy and so ready for this I’m excited I’m nervous I’m happy ladies and

Gentlemen we are about to propose to my future wife come here [Laughter] give me a hug F I love you oh my God is it cute it’s adorable babe we’ve been together for two and a half years and you have been the most special person to me in my

Entire life I love you to death and beyond I’m trying to take it all I’m so grateful for you I want to spend the rest of my life with you oh my God oh my God and I just want to I wanted to do it here in the

Backyard cuz it’s it’s our safe spot and I just love you so much you only get to do this once and this is the most special moment oh my God will you marry me oh my God obviously So what what’ you say oh my God I love you so much oh I love you you got to put the ring on oh my God it’s soig I can’t believe this happening holy bab holy you want to put on what what I love you so much I can’t

Think I know what just happened holy sh does it fit please fit please fit okay thank God that is a rock it’s insane do you like it I love it it’s perfect I can’t believe we’re getting married this is Insane I love You you’re mine forever don’t you’re getting married you’re so cute you’re so Cute I couldn’t stop giggling like that’s what that’s how we know like when I cry I giggle cuz I’m like laughing myself yeah you’re going to be my wife oh yeah holy it’s so big [Applause] ready she said yes let’s go conratulations Out oh

Spoiler… she said yes 🙂


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