【焼くまで5分!】チョコチップラングドシャクッキーの作り方!材料は全て同量!バレンタインにピッタリなクッキー!ラッピング方法もご紹介! Chocolate Chip Cookie【料理研究家ゆかり】

【焼くまで5分!】チョコチップラングドシャクッキーの作り方!材料は全て同量!バレンタインにピッタリなクッキー!ラッピング方法もご紹介! Chocolate Chip Cookie【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made chocolate chip langdosha. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make chocolate chip langdosha.

It will be a perfect recipe for Valentine’s Day as it will soon be Valentine’s Day. This time I will make two patterns, one plain type with chocolate chips and the other made with cocoa dough. There are some points in the making process, so please enjoy to the end.

Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start with the ingredients for the plain type. Here are the ingredients. Egg whites, flour, unsalted butter, granulated sugar, chocolate chips. As for the eggs, the L size is about 40 grams, so I think it would be better to use the L size.

The point of this recipe is that you can use the same amount of all the ingredients. So if you don’t have 35 grams, you can adjust the other ingredients according to the weight of your egg whites. This would make it easier to make. As for the butter, please use unsalted butter here.

And then let it come to room temperature so that it is soft before using it. And then use granulated sugar for sweetness. If you have powdered sugar, powdered sugar is the easiest to do because it dissolves the easiest. However, this time I will use granulated sugar, which is readily available.

Can also substitute this one with fine white sugar. Can make this with your favorite sugar. Now let’s continue with the ingredients for the cocoa dough type. Here are the ingredients. Egg whites, flour, unsalted butter, granulated sugar, chocolate chips, cocoa powder.

For the cocoa version, the flour and cocoa powder are combined to make 35 grams. All other ingredients are 35 grams. Here is a reference. The flour and cocoa powder should be combined and equal to the egg whites. I will make it with these ingredients as soon as possible. Easy recipes at home

Now let’s start making them. We will start with the plain type. First put the softened butter in a bowl at room temperature. Then knead this one until it becomes creamy. OK. Knead it like this. Then add granulated sugar to the mixture. And let’s blend it with the granulated sugar first.

When you have blended it in this way, now add the egg whites first, one-third at a time. Gradually add the egg whites and blend them in. If you add it all at once, it will not blend well, so please add it several times and mix.

When the mixture has softened to a certain degree, switch to a whisk and mix well. When it is smooth like this, add some more. Then blend well. And finally add And mix well. Now mix well until the crunchiness of the granulated sugar is gone.

If you use powdered sugar, you can make it in a shorter time because the powdered sugar dissolves quickly without mixing well like this. If the granulated sugar dissolves properly, it is OK. Then add flour and shake. Shake and add flour. And now mix it quickly with a rubber spatula.

Try mixing the dough as if you were cutting it. If it becomes smooth like this, it’s OK. If you get a little ball, try using a rubber spatula to crush the ball like this. Then add the chocolate chips. And let’s mix it. CCan add chocolate chips here in any amount you like.

I put quite a lot of chocolate chips in this time. It is like this. Now the plain dough is complete. Then put a cookie sheet on a baking sheet in the oven like this. And this time we will make it with a spoon and place it on the cookie sheet.

Spread it out one size smaller than you want to make it. Like this. Spread it a little thinner. Now spread the rest the same way. This will spread out a bit as it bakes, so leave some space between them. Put it on like this. Like this.

Now here is the oven preheated to 170 degrees Celsius and baked for 10 to 13 minutes. Baked to a delicious looking dish. Now baking in my oven for 13 minutes. Then please place this one on a cake cooler or something so it doesn’t burn.

Then, let it cool down and remove from the heat. It’s still a little soft when it’s freshly baked, but as it cools, it becomes crispy. Now let it cool down like this. Now let’s continue and make a version here.

The method of making this one is the same as the previous one up to the halfway point. Add butter and knead in the same way. And when creamy, add granulated sugar. And mix well. And when blended, add the egg whites in three additions. Mix well.

And when it has been blended to some extent, take a whisk and scrape it in thoroughly. When it is blended again, add it again. And let it blend in. Mix thoroughly. When blended again, add the remaining egg whites. Then mix well. Now mix properly until the granulated sugar dissolves.

If the granulated sugar dissolves, you are good to go. Then add the flour, but first combine it with the cocoa powder. Mix well. This will prevent uneven dough. Mix in this way. Then shake this one and add it.

Then I switch to the rubber spatula again and mix it quickly in the same way. If it becomes smooth like this, it is OK. Then add chocolate chips here as well. Then mix it up. The cocoa dough is now ready.

Here is the same dough rolled out on a cookie sheet on a baking sheet. It looks like this. Now let’s stretch the rest of the dough in the same way. Again, stretch at intervals. Widened this way. Both about 6 cm in diameter this time. So that makes 9 pieces.

Here is a rough guide. Now bake this one as well in a preheated oven at 170°C for 10 to 13 minutes, keeping an eye on it. Baked. Here is the finished product looking like this. This one is also baked now for 13 minutes. Then I take this one out so it doesn’t burn.

And then let it cool down and take off the heat. Both cookies cooled. When cooled, they are no longer soft and crispy like this. If you still feel it is a little soft, you can bake it a little more. If you do, here is a simple wrapping method this time.

This time, the bag is with mochi. I have a transparent bag. This is a bag with a handle about 18.5 cm x 12 cm. Please choose the size of this one according to the size of your cookies. The rest is a sheet like this, sold here at a 100 yen store.

The diameter of this one is about 10 cm. Then open the mouth and put this sheet in first. It looks very stylish even if you just put this one sheet in first, so please put it in. It looks like this. Then I will add 4 cookies this time.

Put the cookies in like this. Can squeeze the cookie here, or you can fold it and put a cute masking sticker like this at the 100 yen store. Have ho, like this.

The rest is this glittery sticker that came with the bag with the handle, and if you put it on like this, it will look like it’s sold in a store. This wrapping is very easy to do, but please take a look at it. Easy recipes at home

Now the chocolate chip langdosha is ready. This is how it turned out. The cookie is crispy with lots of chocolate chips like this. And here are the cookies wrapped for gift wrapping.

Please refer to this one, too, because it can be made to look like a store just by putting it in a little bag like this and putting a sticker on it. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat. Now, I would like to grab a handful. Let’s eat.

The cookies are crispy and very tasty. I also like that they are full of chocolate chips. Then I would like to have this cocoa version as well. It is crispy like this. Let’s eat. This one is also cocoa flavored and very tasty. It is already crunchy.

Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the key to this chocolate chip langdosha. First of all, the ingredients, all the ingredients should be made in the same quantity. So it’s a very easy recipe to remember.

The amount of egg white inside the eggs will change even if the eggs are size M size L size. First of all, both M size and L size are fine. I would suggest that you remove only the egg whites, measure the grams, and then weigh the other ingredients according to those grams.

The eggs I am using in this case will be size L. But if you don’t have a measuring device, I would suggest that you use 30 grams if you use M size eggs and 35 grams if you use L size eggs.

However, the larger size (L) may have 40 grams of egg white, so if you use the L size, you should use 35 grams or 40 grams.

And as far as the butter is concerned, you should use unsalted butter and make sure to let it come to room temperature so that it is soft before you make it. And this time I used granulated sugar. Can also use fine white sugar here.

If you have powdered sugar, it would be best to use powdered sugar. I think it is best to use powdered sugar because granulated sugar needs to be mixed a little more thoroughly to dissolve, but powdered sugar dissolves quickly and saves you time. As for the egg whites, add them in several batches.

I added it in three times, but you can also add it in two times. It’s a little difficult to mix it all at once, so I think it would be better if you divide it into two or three parts. After that, please use a rubber spatula to cut the mixture.

Then add the chocolate chips and spread the dough with a spoon on a cookie sheet on a baking sheet in the oven. The dough will spread a little as it bakes, so I suggest you spread it out roughly 5 cm.

The finished product is about 6 cm in diameter, but you can make it as large as you like. I think you can make 9 pieces of this size each. Please use this as a guide. Cocoa flavor is also introduced this time. For cocoa flavor, combine flour and cocoa powder to 35 grams.

The baking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the dough. For a small batch, start with 10 minutes and see how it goes, and for a batch this size, I would say 13 minutes. But if they are still a little soft, try baking them a little longer.

And I also introduced a simple and basic wrapping method this time. Just a little wrapping and stickers will make it look like it’s sold in a store, so please take a look at this one as well. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.

The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. Easy recipes at home Today I made chocolate chip langdosha. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make chocolate chip langue de chat. 5 minutes to bake! This recipe uses the same amount of ingredients and is easy to remember! Easy cookie recipe perfect for Valentine’s Day! We will also show you how to wrap it. It’s very easy, so please give it a try.


・卵白 35g
・薄力粉 35g
・無塩バター 35g
・グラニュー糖 35g
・チョコチップ 35g

・卵白 35g
・薄力粉 30g
・無塩バター 35g
・グラニュー糖 35g
・チョコチップ 35g
・ココアパウダー 5g

・35g Egg white
・35g Cake flour
・35g Unsalted butter
・35g Granulated sugar
・35g Chocolate chips

・35g Egg white
・30g Cake flour
・35g Unsalted butter
・35g Granulated sugar
・35g Chocolate chips
・5g Cocoa powder







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#クッキー #バレンタイン #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 凄い!全部同量って覚えやすくて良いですね。

  2. ゆかりさんのYouTubeが1番わかりやすくて美味しく作れるのでいつも動画拝見させて頂いております!🙌

  3. いつも更新楽しみにしております!

  4. 毎日楽しみに拝見してます😄早速、チョコチップラングドシャクッキーを作ってみましたが厚みがあったせいか真ん中がサックリしませんでした。生地の厚みと直径はどのくらいにした方がいいですか?

  5. 初めまして。


  6. 作ったら評判良かったです😊

  7. 作ってみたいのですが、甘さはどうでしょうか?

  8. 更新を毎回楽しみにしています!


  9. 今作りました。ラングドウシャこれほど上手く行ったことないです。チョコの味が殆ど占めましたので、どんなチョコを使うか吟味する、もしくはチョコ抜きでと思いました。リピします。

  10. 有塩バターで作るとしょっぱくなりますか?近所のスーパー全部行きましたが、バレンタインでなのか全て売り切れでした。

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