スノーボールクッキーの作り方☆材料4つで簡単!電子レンジで2分!サクサクほろほろのスノーボールクッキー2種のレシピです☆-How to make Snowball Cookie-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made snowball cookies. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make snowball cookies.

This time, I would like to make snowball cookies with an addictive crunchy, chewy texture. These cookies require only four ingredients and can be easily made in a microwave oven. It is very easy to make and I will show you two different flavors.

There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy to the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start with the ingredients for the plain flavor. Here are the ingredients. Here are the ingredients: flour, almond pudding, powdered sugar, unsalted butter.

First of all, the sugars, this time we’re going to use powdered sugar. If you use sugar, it tends to leave a crunchy feeling of sugar, so this time we will use powdered sugar, which dissolves quickly.

If you don’t have it, you can use sugar, but just be careful not to leave a crunchy feeling. And for the oil, use unsalted butter. Be sure to use unsalted butter here. If you do not have butter, you can use salad oil. In that case, add the same amount of salad oil.

Now let’s continue with the cocoa flavor ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Here are the five ingredients: flour, almond pudding, powdered sugar, unsalted butter, cocoa powder. This one is just plain dough with cocoa powder added, but I added a little bit more butter because adding cocoa powder makes it a little bit more floury.

So please be careful with that because we are changing the amount of butter. I will make it with these ingredients as soon as possible. Easy recipes at home Let’s start with plain dough. In this bowl, add flour and almond pudding followed by powdered sugar. Once all the flours are added, mix thoroughly once.

Make sure to mix properly and thoroughly from there to avoid unevenness. If you mix it properly like this, it’s OK. Now I will continue to add butter to the flours here. This butter here will be melted in the microwave to make melted butter. Microwave 600 watts for 30 seconds. Heated.

Then mix well once. Then melt the lumps of butter thoroughly. If this does not melt completely, try heating it for + 10 seconds. OK. Then turn the mixture into the powders you just mixed. Switch to a rubber spatula and mix. Mix like this at first to cut.

If you cut the mixture like this, it will be easier to mix the butter and flour. When the dough is no longer powdery and a bit crumbly, you can use a rubber spatula to press down the dough and bring it together. The dough is now gathered together like this.

Mix while pressing down until it comes together as firmly as this. Now prepare a heatproof dish. And lay a cookie sheet on top of it. When you roll it up, it will be easier if you lightly grease your hands with salad oil. Roll the dough in your hands. Roll it out gently. OK.

Round like this. The size of the round is not so important, but it expands when heated, so I think it would be better if you round it once or twice smaller. The rest of the round is done in the same way. All rounding is done.

This time, a total of 27 grains are made. This one depends on the size of the rounding, so please use it as a guide. Now microwave 600 watts for 2 minutes for as much as will fit in the dish.

This is this one, but it expands when heated, so arrange it with a gap like this. I think it would be better if you take this much space between the pieces. Now I would like to heat it up. Heating is finished. It is expanding like this.

This freshly made dough is very soft and should be cooled thoroughly. When cooled thoroughly, the dough has the consistency of a cookie. And a note on heating…in the case of a microwave oven that is not a turntable, the degree of heating will vary depending on where you place it.

So in the case of a flat type microwave oven, I think it is easier to get even heating if you take it out halfway through and heat it in a different direction or in a different position afterwards. Now let’s make the rest. Then I will make the cocoa dough.

First, in a bowl we have flour, then almond pudding, powdered sugar, and cocoa powder. The cocoa powder should be unsweetened. Then mix thoroughly. It is important to mix this one properly at the beginning to avoid unevenness as well. Mix well like this and you are good to go.

Now I will continue to melt butter in this. This butter here has cocoa powder in it, so it has 5 grams more butter than the plain dough. Heat this one in the microwave at 600 watts for 30 seconds. Heated for 30 seconds. Then mix it well so that this mass dissolves.

If this does not dissolve completely, plus try heating it again for another 10 seconds. If it melts cleanly, it is OK. Now turn the butter into the flour mixture. And in the same way, mix first to cut.

When it comes together like this, then press it down with a rubber spatula and put it all together. Press down firmly and mix in such a way that there is no white evenness. When it comes together, it’s ready. Press the dough together to form a firm dough.

Now, I will also roll this one out with a thin layer of salad oil on our hands. I take it in my hand like this and roll it up afterwards. Roll this one up to about one size tinier than the finished product. This is how it looks like. Roll like this.

Now, the rest of the rounding is done in the same way. All rounding is done. 27 grains were made here as well. This also depends on the size of the rounding, so please use this as a guide.

Now put as much as you can in the dish and heat it in the microwave at 600 watts for 2 minutes. This one expands when heated as well, so be sure to heat it with a gap between the two. Finished heating now. It is expanding like this.

Now the dough is still a little soft when heated. This dough will be firm when cooled as well, so let it cool at this point. Now I would like to heat the rest of this one as well. Each finished like this. Now I want to sprinkle some powdered sugar on the topping.

Now, I’m going to do the topping. Powdered sugar is sprinkled here. If you have powdered sugar that does not dissolve, use it for this topping. Pour this over the topping. The amount is your choice. After pouring it on like this, then twist it all around.

Can also put it in a plastic bag and shuck it. Plain dough is now complete. Next is the cocoa dough. Powdered sugar is also sprinkled here. And let’s twirl it. This is how the cocoa flavor turned out. Both finished up looking delicious. Now I would like to put them in a bowl.

Easy recipes at home Now the snowballs are ready to be served. This is how it turned out. Here is the plain type, and here is the cocoa type. The inside is very crispy and floppy like this. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat Now, I would like to grab a handful.

Let’s eat. Very crispy. It’s really crispy, like it’s been baked in the oven. Then I would like to have the cocoa flavor next. Let’s eat. The cocoa is also crunchy and holo-crunchy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the point of this snowball.

First of all, mix the flours thoroughly in the first place. The first step is to mix the flours thoroughly. Then add the melted butter and mix with a rubber spatula, cutting the mixture at first.

If you knead the dough at this point, the cookies will become hard, so be sure to cut the dough at first, and when the dough starts to fall apart, use a rubber spatula to press it down into a ball.

And then roll it out, but when you roll it out, if you put a thin layer of salad oil on your hands, it will make it easier to roll it out. The size of the dough should be one or two sizes smaller than the finished dough.

The dough will expand when heated, so it is best to make the dough a little smaller than it will be. And here is the point of heating. When you heat them, put them on a cookie sheet on a heat-resistant plate, and make sure that there is space between them.

As I mentioned earlier, the cookware expands when heated, so if they are close to each other, they will stick together. So just be careful not to heat too much at once. And the point while heating, the proper heating time may differ depending on the type of microwave oven.

The appropriate heating time may also vary depending on how many pieces are heated at a time. In addition, the heating time may vary depending on where the cookies are placed. So please watch how it heats up.

If the heating is uneven, I would suggest that you take it out and heat it in a different position. If you open it once, I would suggest heating it for + 10 seconds. Please note that the surface of the fish will not be browned when it is heated in the microwave.

But the inside of the microwave does not get browned, but the inside will get burnt if it is heated too much. I can’t really tell what it looks like, so I hope you can adjust the heating time here as you see fit.

As a rule of thumb, when it’s not quite done yet, the surface is a little shiny. It’s a little bit shiny, but when it’s heated properly, it loses that luster. I hope you can use that as a guideline for heating.

And when it is done, please take it out and let it cool down properly as it is. The dough is very soft when it is freshly made, but when it cools it hardens, so do not touch it and allow it to cool.

If the dough is still soft after cooling, it is probably undercooked. And lastly, the powdered sugar topping is made of non-soluble powdered sugar. I think it would be better if you use regular powdered sugar in the dough, and for the topping, if possible, use non-soluble powdered sugar.

The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty, so please try making it. Easy recipes at home Today I made snowballs. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello. This is Yukari, a culinary researcher.
This time, I will introduce how to make snowball cookies. Only 4 ingredients! You can easily make it in 2 minutes in the microwave♪The crunchy texture is addictive! Here are the plain and cocoa flavored recipes. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・薄力粉 70g
・アーモンドプードル 20g
・無塩バター 40g
・粉糖 15g

・薄力粉 70g
・アーモンドプードル 20g
・粉糖 15g
・無塩バター 45g
・ココアパウダー 小さじ2

・70g Cake flour
・20g Almond poodle
・15g Powdered sugar
・40g Unsalted butter

・70g Cake flour
・20g Almond poodle
・15g Powdered sugar
・45g Unsalted butter
・2 tsp Cocoa powder







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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#スノーボール #クッキー #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. ゆかりさんこんにちは!

  2. أنا أحب صناعة الحلويات الجافة و أعجبتني هذه الوصفة سأجربها تبدو لذيذة جدا🥰
    أنا اتابعك من الجزائر⁦🇩🇿⁩ و نحن لدينا حلويات لذيذة جدا اتمنى ان تجربي وصفة واحدة منها متأكدة ستحبينها.

  3. 昨日作りました!混ぜ方が甘くて、粉糖が固まったままのところがあり、ちょっと焦げちゃったけど、めちゃくちゃ美味しかったです!今度友人にプレゼントします🎁

  4. 電子レンジでクッキーができるのですね😮

  5. スノーボールってレンチンでもよかったんですか⁉️🙀

  6. 加熱具合について、最後にすごーく詳しく教えてくださりありがとうございます❤

  7. 家にあった米粉で作ったらなかなかまとまらず。。油を足して成形したけど冷めても脆すぎクッキーになっちゃいました😅味は抜群だったので小麦粉でリベンジします!

  8. 今日生地を作って少し試作しました。

  9. レンジだからか見た目は大丈夫なのに中身がほぼ全て焦げてました😭2回目は500wに下げて秒数も減らしてもダメでした😭うちのレンジでは無理だったかもしれないです😭

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