真野響子さんへ ローマのいつもの橋の上から Message from the usual bridge in Rome Italy

Kyoko Maya is a Japanese TV star ,
an actress who is still active since the 70’s.
She loves painting , watching paintings all over Europe,
and loved Italian painting the most.
Since then, she has always come to Rome in her free time to enjoy painting and Italy.
When she passed the bridge, she always cared about me and called out to me and cheered me.
One day I asked her a question.
” What is the difference between Italy and other Europe? “
She answered immediately
“ Italy’s sun rays are all different ”
I found out at this time that she really loved Italy.
The day before she returned to Japan a few years ago, she suddenly stared at my program table and said
“ Can I make a request ? “
She said this was a song she learned in an American elementary school when she was a child ….


  1. こんばんは。以前に、真野 響子さんがローマを訪れた時に、日本食をひでしさんにお裾分けされた話しは聞いていました。女優さんの気取らない自然体での橋の上での出逢いだったような、、、お話しでしたね。

  2. こんな状況じゃなかったら去年も来られてたのかちら。まあでもおかげでちあちあは美しいおすそ分けを聴かせてもらいました。何年に一度位しか通らない常連さんもいるだろし、その思い出レパートリー達を日々を守り続けるのですね。すごいなあ。これいい曲ですねえ。

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