【STREET SNAP】New York Street Style Ep.13|Winter Trends 2024

【STREET SNAP】New York Street Style Ep.13|Winter Trends 2024

My name is Jeff. I help run a private vintage rental service. Awesome. All right, so tell me what you’re wearing. I guess I’ll go to top to bottom. So on the top, it’s a beanie from this brand called Badson. The glasses are Balenciaga. The sweater is entire studios.

Pants are Kerwin Frost 7-Eleven collab. The shoes are from this brand called Akme. Not. I mean not Acne. Akme. And the bag is Issey. Awesome. All right, so what’s your favorite place to shop? Favorite places to shop? Probably SSENSE. To be honest. They get me with that sale every single time.

ESSX is really dope for a lot of people that are into like a lot of undercover brands. Some really niche stuff out here. Kind of try to support a lot of local brands. And then I have a lot of buddies that make a lot of one on one,

So I usually kind of tap in with them and see what they can cook up for me. And then where do you get your style inspiration from? To be honest, I don’t really feel like I have a direct inspiration.

I kind of grew up in a place where I wasn’t really allowed to express myself. So once I got the opportunity, I was like, You know what? I’ll just pick up all these colors. I have a strong correlation between, like, colors and emotions. Same with, like, patterns and styles and things like that.

So I kind of just keep it like an open book. And I take inspiration from everybody, I assume. Pretty much. Hi, I love your style. What’s your name and what do you do? My name is Harrison. I’m a singer songwriter. Artist. Nice. All right. What kind of music?

It’s like a pop R&B type of stuff. Thanks. All right. I love your style. So tell me what you’re wearing from head to toe. Head to toe. This is Goyard. You got to go Goyard first. I just bought this today from Zara. And this is Polo, I think vintage Polo.

The cargo is Zara. Nike Dunks. The Jewelry is vintage Gucci link. I’m not sure where it’s from. I got it upstate. Antique place. Nice. All right. What’s your style inspiration? I would say well, I take a lot of inspiration probably from movies. You know what I mean? Stuff like Fight Club.

You ever watch that movie? Tyler Durden. I like his strip. I like I would say movies. Yeah, because I grew up watching a lot of movies, you know. Art. A lot of art. What’s your favorite place to shop in New York City? Favorite place to shop?

To be honest, I do a lot of shopping online. Because I wear a lot of vintage pieces, you know? But if it’s vintage, 2nd STREET is not bad. 2nd STREET, there’s a couple locations in New York and then Zara probably for like a quick if you need a quick fix.

Zara is always good. They got a good, good mix of everything. How about online? I would say, you know, I like Depop a lot. eBay. eBay from searching for something specific, but Depop is good. The algorithm is good. It gives you like just based on your likes. It filters through what you want.

Like, already it searches for you. So every time you hop and you jump on, and refresh, it gives you all stuff that you would probably be interested in. And the algorithm is it gets it down pretty good. So they basically know what I’d wear.

So they know you. They shop for me. I got people shopping for me. So personal shopper on Depop. Yes, exactly. Hi. What’s your name and what do you do? Hi. My name is Nasir and I’m a fashion influencer and designer. Awesome. All right. I love your style.

So tell me what you’re wearing. Okay, so the jacket is thrifted. I got the tie. Also thrifted it. I got this mohair cardigan from Forever 21. I got these pants also thrifted from woman section. Flare pants. And then I got some boots from one of my friends and his Instagram is @guapdidem

He’s also a designer, so I feel like it was cool, stuff like that. Nice. So you went shopping today? Yeah, I did. I got a few pieces, I got two leather jackets and then I got a few pair of sneakers from 2nd STREET in Soho. Down a block. A couple of blocks down.

Do you mind if I ask you You want to see? what you got? Yeah, of course I got you. You got this leather jacket right here. And we got another leather jacket in the bag. Two jackets today. Who makes it? I’m actually not sure this one is from. Oversized jacket?

Yeah. Oversized leather. It says Adventurer Bound. That’s a brand. Two leather jackets. And I’ve got two pair of shoes over there. Yeah, just a quick two quick finds for the day. What’s your style inspiration? I take inspiration from a lot of things. Like I take inspiration from art,

I take inspiration from music and stuff like that. But I do different styles each day. I feel like I’m very, very versatile with my style and stuff like that. So yeah, what’s your instagram account? @nassnyc and Nas with two S’s and NYC. I love your style.

What’s your name and what do you do? Hello, my name is Valentino. I’m a content creator in New York and yeah. Nice. What’s your handle? @valentinoxdior my instagram. Awesome. All right, so tell me what you’re wearing today from head to toe. I got. What I’m wearing? oMA beanie.

Shout out to oMA. Love them. Khy puffer. Kylie Jenner’s Kylie. Kylie Jenner’s brand. Thrifted jeans, you know, some. and the good CPFM X NIKE on the shoes. What’s your style inspiration? Inspiration? I get a lot of inspiration from artists. I even inspire myself sometimes,

You know, just by putting a lot of things in my closet. So I get creative with it, you know? Who’s your favorite artist? Artists? Probably A$AP. A$AP Rocky. Awesome. All right. What’s your favorite place to shop in New York City?

Um, shout out to the people over at 2nd STREET, man, they got me right. I love your style. What’s your name? and What do you do? My name is Jeffrey. I do content creative. I do like food content. What’s your Instagram handle? Oh, four J’s efe and underscore. @jjjjefe_

Awesome. All right. So you are food content creator. Tell me more about that. So I based I go to food spots. そこでお店や食べ物の評価をするんだよ I try to give like a rating, like I’ve tried spots, like Raising Cane’s, I’ve tried. What’s it called? You know, the spot called Roscoe’s in California.

I’ve tried that. Yeah. I’ve tried a lot of spots out here. All right, so wait. I gotta ask you this question. What’s your favorite place to eat in New York City? Oh, my favorite place to eat. Top three. Top three. Well, that’s a hard question right there.

I like Ben’s Pizza. I don’t tell a lot of people this but I like Ben’s Pizza on Spring Street. What else I like to eat? Let me see. There’s a Mexican spot called Dorado around 14th Street. Third spot. I like DIG.

It’s classic, you know, so I can go any time I want, yeah. All right. So main question. What are you wearing today? So today I got Carhartt jacket. Got some Stussy on. Stussy keychain, Levi’s jeans, and I got Doc Martens on. All right, so what’s your style inspiration?

For today, my style inspiration is Tyler, The Creator. Have you seen the video “Wharf Talk”? The outfit wore. I took inspiration from that like incorporating my style right there. So your favorite artist is, like a Tyler, The Creator? No, my favorite artists is Lil Yachty, but Tyler,The Creator is definitely on the list.

All right, another question. Where do you like to shop in New York City? I like to shop online, to be honest. Like I’ll be shopping at Levi’s and Grailed. That’d be it. eBay. eBay too sometimes. Hi. I love your outfit. What’s your name? What do you do? I’m Scot.

I am a tattoo apprentice and a host at a bar. Awesome. All right, so tell me what you’re wearing. This jacket was from my grandfather. I’m not sure where it’s from. This shirt is from a band called THOU, but I got it at TeePublic.

The long sleeve is from Muji. These are. Shout out to Muji. Yeah, these are the Colossus jeans from Jaded London. And these are New Rock. Nice. All right. What’s your style inspiration? I love Wisdom on TikTok. I don’t really follow his style, but I think he’s very creative

And I would love to one day have a closet as vast as his. So which tattoo shops do you work? I work at L.O.V.E. Machine in Soho. My mentor is Denis Sivak, he’s very talented. All right. So can you show us your tattoo a little bit? I know it’s covered up.

I have a lot, but the most recent one I got is this one. It’s Laura Palmer from “Twin Peaks.” And this was done by Alexandr Terechshenko who is also at L.O.V.E. Machine. Wait, I got I got another really cool one that I did recently. Look at this guy. Wow, this is beautiful.

This was done by Mariana Zanina who is also at L.O.V.E. Machine. How long you’ve been doing a tattoo artist? Oh, apprentice. I’ve been an apprentice for 11 months now. So how did you get into the tattoo industry? Um, when I first arrived in New York City,

I really just wanted to do something art related. And I had done hand poke tattoos in high school. But when I found out that my now mentor was looking for apprentices, I applied and went through the interview process. I submitted my portfolios, and now I’m working on fake skin with him.

Hi, I love your style. What’s your name and what do you do? Ethan. I’m an EMT and I’m also a EMT teacher. So tell me what you’re wearing. So my jacket I got from Target, my T shirts, thrifted. The Rosary was a gift. My belt is from a skate shop.

The wallet chains from a record shop. I made my pants. My boots are from Oakley, and my backpack is from a surplus store. All right, So what’s your style inspiration? Mostly just music. What kind of music do you like to listen? Like, uh, punk, mostly.

So what’s your favorite place to shop in New York City? Oh, favorite place to shop in New York? Um, maybe SEARCH & DESTROY down the street. Oh, yeah, that’s good store. Hi. What’s your name? What do you do? My name is Royal. I’m a sustainable designer.

Like I do sustainable fashion with, like, stuff you find off the streets. Awesome. All right. So tell me more about your brand. Uh, I like to say, like, my stuff is like art you find from the street. Like you can find from the street and made from the streets.

You know, like, I take things like I find off the ground, you know, like, make it into clothing, stuff like that. Super sustainable right? Exactly. Super sustainable. All right, so tell me what you’re wearing from head to toe. Oh, yeah. So I made a hat.

I got the Black Widow tote bag, You know, everything I made, everything’s hand-stitched, you know, double, double stitched, you know? This is like “Eat your boss,” you know, I feel like everybody, like, has a boss that, you know, they don’t like, you know, or like,

You know, so, you know, and even your boss has a boss too, you know, like your boss don’t like their boss, you know? So it’s like it always goes up the ladder, you know? So I feel like it’s a statement that everyone can resonate with. How about the pants?

Oh, no, it’s just regular pants that I got. You know, like regular black pants. And the shoes is Doc Martens. Doc Martens. Chelsea Boots, One of my favorites. All right. What’s your style Inspiration? I would say, like, 90s Grunge, you know, like, you know, like, very, like, anti establishment.

You know, like, you don’t need to, like, spend a lot of money to, like, look good. You know, like, I just made these things straight from the streets, you know? So that’s what I like. Yeah. Grunge. What’s your favorite place to shop in New York City? Or could it be online too. Word.

I would say I would say L TRAIN VINTAGE. The one in Brooklyn, though. The one in Brooklyn. And also Beacon’s Closet. The one in Brooklyn. It’s massive. It’s huge. Just like a bunch of places. Like a bunch of things you can find, You know, seeing someone pick up like a Gucci sweater.

I looked it up online. Was like, $300, You know? Hi. What’s your name? And what do you do? Hey. Hey. My name is Ignacio. I run Tokyo Joe. Nice. Or what’s her name, too? Her name is Chill. She comes here, she helps me. She sometimes she has to come to work

So sweet. She’s the best. So, what are you wearing today? I have ISSEY MIYAKE piece that I got here. Also, I have these just black turtleneck, black regular pants and some Blundstone, jewelry, all from here as well. Nice. So tell me a little bit about your store.

So Tokyo Joe has been here in East Village since 1994. So actually, this year we’re celebrating 30 years. We sell high end designers, a little bit of a mix. European, Japanese, American designers, contemporary,

And a little bit of our vintage pieces as well. So it’s kind of a little bit, a little bit of a mix, you know. We try to keep it curated. You know, as you can see, the space is very minimal, but we try to keep it on point.

You have really great selections here. Can you show me your top three rare items? I have a three great items here that I put on the side. This is great Chanel vest. I think it’s from 2008. Karl Lagerfeld. It’s beautiful. It’s amazing. I have a Japanese Takahiro Miyashita. Soloist

It’s like a bondage jacket. It’s super clean. It’s amazing. Has, like, zippers in there on the side. It’s a pocket? No, no, no. Just. 腕の箇所にディテールがあって It’s just a detail in the arm and also has the zippers on the side of the jacket. You know, if you’re feeling a little hot,

Here can go in. It can go in. That’s a beautiful design. I love this piece. And I here have some Marine Serre leather pants. These are made from recycled leather, which she specializes in. Sustainable. Yeah, she’s great. I love her, her, her stuff as well.

Um, anyways, we have another set in the back. I don’t know if you can see it also from her, but yeah, we sell kind of like this type of stuff.

What are people wearing in NYC? Location: SoHo, LES & East Village
Here are some of the fashion trends that New Yorkers are wearing for Winter 2024.

In this episode, we interviewed some stylish people we met in Soho, LES, and East Village to find out about the latest fashion trends, styles, custom-made items, and tattoo art. We visited Tokyo Joe, a curated designer’s&vintage store in the East Village celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Please be sure to check their top 3 rare items from the store!
#whatarepeoplewearing #streetfashion #streetstyle #nystreetstyle #baggyjeans

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What Are People Wearing in NYC?

Tattoo shop

Online shop



Thrift shop


L Train Vintage

Beacon’s Closet

Tokyo Joe

00:00 Intro/Jeff
01:32 Harrison
03:24 Nasir
05:00 Valentino
06:00 Jeffrey
07:42 Scot
09:50 Ethan
10:52 Royal
12:47 Ignacio/Tokyo Joe

About GCV magazine
GCV is a new bilingual video magazine in English and Japanese. G.C.V. stands for Global Community Vision and is dedicated to the Global Lifestyle Community. Based in New York City, the GCV crew is made up of a group of fashion, music, and culture lovers who strive to bring awesome content to our community. We are all originally from Japan and fell in love with this exciting city of New York. We plan to cover fashion, art, music, culture, and the vision of today’s youth from New York and Tokyo. Please join our community!

Creative Direction & Production: GCV Studios
Interviews by Mimi Tamaoki
Edited by Ayana Chiba
Video & Photo by Risa Kinouchi
Special thanks to Ryota, Kiitsu, Emily and everyone involved

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