40代 夏の定番7アイテムで作るフレンチカプセルワードローブ

In May, the fresh greenery shines brightly. Early summer with excitement for the first time in a long time since the pandemic. Lots to look forward to, including my first business trip to France in 3 years and vacation plans! A potted carnation that my son chose for Mother’s Day this year.

I want to raise it carefully for a long time. The flowers that have fallen can also be used as cut flowers. A small container that you put in when you buy a branch at a flower shop. I always keep it for when I decorate broken flowers.

Today, I will use an “Edo Kiriko” cold sake cup. I don’t think there is a “should be” in order to enjoy living and life. Enjoy freely according to mood at that time. A must-have for capsule wardrobe today, I introduce item enjoying summer.

The white shirt, which is very active all year round, is my basic item. All different types of white shirts. Gingham check bandana of “Bonne Maman x ROPE PICNIC” released last year. I use it as a scarf or handkerchief. It is very useful to accent a simple white shirt!

The fact that it can be easily washed after each use is also attractive. It’s fun to be able to freely devise how to wind! Make it asymmetrical or depending on the mood at that time. For me who is allergic to ultraviolet rays, it is just right for sun protection around my neck.

It was cute and I bought it in two colors. from now… 3 days trip with my family. You can enjoy changing your wardrobe with small accessories. Flower motif dress is indispensable for summer It’s gorgeous and doesn’t wrinkle easily, so it’s perfect for summer trips.

When traveling abroad, I often go to resort areas, so I always bring it with me. I like wearing light clothes, so I use it not only in summer but also all year round with boots and leather jackets. Excellent compatibility with the basket bag.

It goes well with sneakers, so you can enjoy traveling lightly. Gorgeous dresses for summer trips will make you feel better. Basket bags have been my favorite item since I was a child. When I see a basket bag, I want one. I like how stylish it is just to put it down.

Today’s basket bag is here. Paris brand “Sans Arcidet”. Handmade by artisans in Madagascar. Originally it had a cloth attached to it, I removed it because it was fading. Inside are 3 all-purpose pouches from “Bon Voyage!”. Even bulky basket bags can be neatly organized.

The reason why it is divided into three pouches is that you can freely combine them according to your purpose. Easy replacement of bag contents. A basket pochette I bought at a fair trade shop a few years ago. A favorite item for summer outings.

It goes well with dresses, so it can be used at a restaurant while traveling. French sneaker brand “VEJA”. I have 3 pairs of sneakers. In addition to “VEJA” and “CONVERSE”, I love “New Balance” for the gym. I like the overall design and brand philosophy of VEJA.

About 10 years ago at “La cerise sur le chapeau” in Paris semi-custom Panama hat. Hats are my favorite item. I bought these sandals this year after my sandals, which I had used for several years, were retired last year! I purchased the Italian brand “FABIO RUSCONI”. Cork sole sandals.

I have been wearing “CASTANER” espadrilles for many years. It seems that they withdrew from Japan a few years ago, so I could not buy it. I had just decided that beige color was next, I met at “FABIO RUSCONI”. I am looking forward to this summer even more!

A pedicure is essential when it comes to sandals. Nail color is always only red. I sometimes apply it to my hands for long vacations only. Accent colors and accessories allow you to enjoy a sense of the season. Time to relax for a while.

Today I will use a red belt to match my nails. I bought this belt last year and found it at “GU”. Easy to adjust length and excellent! I will wear a denim jacket because of the temperature difference between morning and evening.

The compatibility of the dress with items you already have is also a deciding factor in the purchase. The basket bag is made of “wild grapevine” The bark of the wild grape is so tough that it is said to last for 100 years “three generations of mothers and daughters.

There is not much storage, but all the pouches will fit. It is fun to see how the impression can be changed with just a few accessories! I also made the necklace red today. In the end, it was still chilly, so I wore ballet shoes. May 14th is Mother’s Day.

I invited my mother to lunch with my daily gratitude. Carnations were also displayed here. Azaleas also make us feel early summer. I decided to hand over the wild grape basket because it suits my mother’s current age.




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40代 自分に似合う服の選び方/自分の価値観で楽しむファッション

40代 オールシーズン25着のワードローブから6着を手放しました/自分にとって必要なもの、本当に好きなものだけで暮らす




» 万能ポーチ3点セット


■ Favorite items
These are the items I use on a daily basis.





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» Bon Voyage!

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#夏のコーディネート #40代ファッション #フレンチスタイル


  1. ご視聴ありがとうございます☺
    Unsubmarine – Guustavv
    Never Ending – Peace Reels
    Urban Summer – V.V. Campos
    Reasons To Stay – OTE
    Lay Here – Smartface
    Now I Know We Belong – Volcan Peaks

  2. katieさんこんばんは。今日のカプセルワードローブ楽しみにしてました。ワンピース大活躍ですね。よくスニーカーをあわせていらっしゃいますが、靴下などは履かずですか?新しく加わったサンダルも素敵です。私も夏はかごバッグにサンダルです。

  3. 初めに 折れた花🌸を大切に生かす所が好きです😊そして 夏の7itemはどれも品良く清潔感のある美しさとゆとりを感じます。とても素敵ですね✨Katieさんのポーチはどの鞄の中でもシャンとした姿勢が収まり良く合います!新しいサンダル👡は姿勢を美しく見せ沢山の良い気も出会いも運んでくれるでしょうね♪3年ぶりのフランス出張は感度高いのでしょうか?Katieさんの見るフランスの景色がブログで拝見出来るのを楽しみにしてます😍

  4. Katieさん、こんばんは⭐️


  5. 今晩は⭐️😊💕

  6. Buongiorno carissima Katie, che bello rivederti nella tua casa con le tue belle cose. Auguri di cuore a te e a tua madre per la festa della mamma. Sono contenta di vederti con un paio di sandali italiani di Fabio Rusconi, sai che il sughero utilizzato per la suola , è prodotto con le querce da sughero della mia terra? Si della regione Sardegna, dove vivo, un’isola al centro del mediterraneo,cullata dal vento di maestrale e profumata di ulivi, vitigni , rosmarino e ginepro. Ti seguo sempre con affetto e piacere perché amo la tua filosofia di vita e l’amore per le poche cose preziose che ci regalano bellezza e serenità. Ti abbraccio forte.💖🌺🌸🌹🌷💖

  7. Merci Katie pour ce magnifique partage de tes très belles pièces.
    Chemisiers, chapeaux, sacs, robes…. comme j'aime aussi !
    A très bientôt Katie.
    Je t'embrasse 😘
    Marie 💝💐

  8. Hi, Veja is a brasilian brand, here the name is Vert, they are made in my place and the factory sells to France and the name is changed to Veja, I don't know why.

  9. katieさん、こんにちは😊親子2代の素敵な母の日を過ごされましたね❤折れたお花はとっても悲しくなります…素敵な江戸切子のグラスでイキイキしますね(^o^)わたしも江戸切子が大好きで世界でも認めらる職人さんによる素晴らしい伝統の技です😊katieさんみたいに暑い夏でも快適にオシャレを楽しみたいと思います❤いつも癒される動画をありがとうございます❤❤

  10. おはようございます、katieさん



  11. katieさんのファッションアイテム、無駄がなくみていて気持ちが良いです😊


  12. Katieさん、こんにちは☺️

  13. 今年は、フランス🇫🇷出張がるなんて❤こちらまで楽しみです❤お母様の方が似合うからと山葡萄を譲られるなんて素敵な母娘関係❤きっとお母様も素敵な方ですね😊

  14. 今回も素敵な動画、ありがとうございました! Katieさんの審美眼はお母様ゆずりなのですね。😊これからも楽しみにしています。


  15. Merci Katie ❣️👍, tes vidéos sont toujours agréables à regarder .. j’aime bien te voir nous montrer tout cela 😄 🥰 🤗 💞 💐 😘😘

  16. Katieさん、こんにちは!今回も素敵な動画をありがとうございます😃もうすっかり初夏の陽気ですね!籠バッグの登場に季節の移り変わりを感じます🌞グリーンのワンピース大活躍ですね💚とっても素敵です!万能ポーチの登場に胸踊る私。。是非、ポーチの中身のご紹介もお願いします❣また楽しみにしています✨

  17. 白シャツに挑戦中ですが、インナー選びが難しくて悩んでいます。

  18. Katieさんこんばんは!


  19. まさかロペピクニックのノベルティのバンダナがkatieさんとお揃いで嬉しいです!バッグにつけてみます(^^)

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