Kenshi Yonezu AI – Dawn and Firefly / Yoake To Hotaru (n-buna)

I’m charmed by the pale moon So I don’t even see my feet in the darkness The stars in the far night sky turn blurry Before I know I stumbled and fell down I can’t find what I want to do So I hang my head down low and pretend to be in a hurry

They laugh at me when I fell down But I pretend not to notice the laughter I draw a morning with a formless song And I’ll go beyond the shallow, shallow summer days I see your palms, they are not cold to me, In the dawn sky and the dawn fireflies

I’ve come to hate so many things And I feel as if I were a mere dirty spot So I want to fly to the other side of the earth, To an unmanned station, To meet the me of yesterday Every time my chest aches and I hang my head down

You go far ahead of me Let me ruin us, the dreamers Goodbye to the flower of fire blooming in the night sky of yesterday I look at the flowers reflected on the water I look at the moon swaying on the water If I draw the sky where summer never comes,

I’m afraid you’ll laugh at me I saw the moon and the sky in my dream at the break of dawn If I could breathe my breath without seeing the coming of the morning, I’ll go beyond the far, far summer days I see your palms, they are not cold to me,

In the faint morning glow Now I’m in the town where summer is yet to come Ah, the dark blue night sky and the fireflies

each time i use synthv, i dread when the tuning has to be redone
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Kenshi Yonezu AI model (RVC V2 285 Epochs) made by me.

This is an AI cover of Dawn and Firefliy.
This song was not written by Kenshi Yonezu.
I don’t own or monetize anything in this video.

Copyright DIsclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

#aiカバー#米津玄師 #夜明けと蛍 #nbuna #yorushika #kenshiyonezu #japanesemusic #aicover #eve #いぶ #kaikaikitan #aimusic #jpop #呪術廻戦 #廻廻奇譚


  1. ちなみに、このAIカバーは携帯のスピーカーではボーカルが聞き取りにくいので、ヘッドフォンをつけた方がいいかもしれません


  2. 米津玄師とボカロ ありがとうございます!

  3. クラブドサムさんの米津AIでセットリスト作りたい。いつもありがとうございます!もしもリクエスト聞いて戴けるなら、米津さんが歌うamazarashi、ずっと聞きたいと思っていました…

  4. 夜明けと蛍、どうしても人の肉声で聞きたくて色んなカバーを聞いてきたけど、なんとこれが1番しっくり来た

  5. KPOPのAIカバーは聞いたりしてたけど、当たり前だけど日本の曲でもできるんだよねすげーな。発音変とかもないし。suisさん歌唱ドーナツホールとか聞いてみたいわ

  6. これもう歌手いらなくない?そうおもっちゃう、正直恐ろしいよね。

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