VLOG_ シンプルなナイトタイムルーティン、カフェで仕事、セルフケアの習慣|My simple night routine, Self care, Daily life as a homebody

VLOG_ シンプルなナイトタイムルーティン、カフェで仕事、セルフケアの習慣|My simple night routine, Self care, Daily life as a homebody

The day I spent all the time with my PC. I couldn’t get done everything I planned, but I tried, and I’m exhausted, so that means I did my best! So let’s make tonight relax and reset myself. The results are important, but I am the only one who can admit the progress.

I don’t want to do anything when hungry, so I often have little snacks before preparing dinner. I’m eating sweet potato today. I’m in a good mood if there are prepped sweet potatoes or dried sweet potatoes. Alright, now I have the energy to prepare the dinner. I’m the chef tonight!

I’m so into dumplings these days, so cooking dumplings tonight as well. For the filling, put leek, shiitake mushrooms, cabbage, Grated ginger and garlic, Soy meat. Salt koji, soy sauce, and sesame oil for seasoning. There is still the leftover dumpling filling from 2 days ago, so use it first.

Wrapping it while watching “Demon Slayer. I haven’t watched it, so I am too behind. It will be over as quickly as it started while watching something and talking. There are 50 of them! Yay!!! Add enough hot water to cover the dumplings 1/3 of the way and put a lid on it. I snitched some pieces, but it looks delicious! Why did it turn out like this second time… I overate at lunch and skipped rice at dinner, but I was so satisfied by the meal. Leaving the shower and doing the clay musk with “klarm.”

I added too much water to it, and it became watery… I’ve been having rough skin for a while now, and although it’s gotten better, there’s still some redness, so I used clay to calm it down.

The mist and oil serum from DAMDAM for moisturizing, and I don’t know how many times I repeat them. I use CBD beauty oil from Good Night for body moisturizer. I chose them not only for their feeling of use but also for their brand concept.

Am I the only one who feels so drier this season than in winter? I think skin care is not only about moisturizing but also about touching and checking the whole body is important. I’m well aware of not cooling my body after the bath, but I love iced drinks this season.

I’m going to drink blueberry vinegar, which I made for the first time in a while, with sparkling water. Since it’s rainy and humid, this refreshing soda tastes more delicious. I like to bring a bunch of books I’ve bought recently and spend time thinking about which one to read first.

I read some books at once, so I have many books that still need to be done, but I like the way of reading. I want to read quietly, but the cats are too active. Resting my body before going to bed! Thanks to my body for the day.

I woke up early this morning, so let’s clean the room before leaving. I am burning palo santo as a spell to wish for a good day! (Cats are out of the room, so no worries!)

I am going to meet someone I’ve never met so I will wear a simple and plain black dress by Mame Kurogouchi. Wear socks and goes with GANNI’s rubber boots, and let’s go! I came to the central area of ​​​​Kyoto. I will work at the cafe (bluebottle as usual) until the appointed time.

An iced oat milk latte with less ice and choco chip cookie is my every-time order.  I love how they provide non-waste containers! (No straw is needed for me.) Writing emails, writing articles for “note”… It’s important to change the working environment once in a while so that I can concentrate more.

The day went very smoothly and was a wonderful day. It’s a rainy afternoon, and I am making pad thai-ish with only what I have in the fridge. Cilantro I grow at home has somehow evolved (?) and changed its shape, and even flowers have begun to bloom.

The smell of the flower is even stronger. I will eat here since my room is much brighter than the living room. I will put the link with a proper pad thai recipe in the description box. Unconsciously eating like pasta… I feel sleepy after lunch, so I make coffee to stay awake.

The coffee smells amazing, and my body is already happy to be awake. Before going back to work, I polish my nails. I’ve been slacking on filing and cuticle care lately, so let’s do every step this time. Nail remover, base coat, and top coat are from “sundays” and nail polish is from “ARTIDA OUD.”

Looks are definitely not everything, but Maybe it’s because hands are parts of the body I often see by myself, and if they are taken care of, it motivates me so much. I believe that by taking care of the physical, the mental is also naturally taken care of.

If you know how to cherish yourself in several ways, living and enjoying every day will be easier! She’s well known how to pamper herself. LOL We might tend to think it difficult, but having anything special in daily life is not necessary, and Everyone can make their day better with a little effort.

Thank you for watching🥟🥟🥟


[ Night Routine ] 早起きのためのナイトルーティン🌝 マインドリセットとセルフケアの夜

[ follow me ]
▪️Instagram: @nao_in_the_studio
▪️note: https://note.com/nao____note/n/n98f0acf0f741
▪️楽天ROOM: https://room.rakuten.co.jp/studio_nao/items
▪️stand.fm: https://stand.fm/channels/61ea5c75299c4d5005cf3375

[ previous videos ]
▪️[ Morning Routine ] 5:30AMに早起きする理由
[ Morning Routine ] 5:30AMに早起きする理由は2023年の目標のため|冬の朝でも朝活して有意義な1日する

▪️Room Tour🌼好きなものに囲まれて暮らす31歳夫婦の海外風ヴィンテージ賃貸
Room Tour🌼好きなものに囲まれて暮らす31歳夫婦の海外風ヴィンテージ賃貸 | お家とインテリア紹介

[ Night Routine ] 早起きのためのナイトルーティン🌝 マインドリセットとセルフケアの夜

[ subscribe ]
▪️nao: https://www.youtube.com/c/nao1R2人暮らし

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▪️Artlist: https://bit.ly/3gKYosf [ get 2 months Free ]

[ equipments & others ]
Camera:Sony α7SIII
Edit:Adobe Premiere Pro

[ business inquiry ]
hello.studionao@gmail.com (Japanese / English)


  1. ご視聴いただきありがとうございます!

  2. 早速観ましたー‼︎今日もお休みでずっとnaoさんの動画観てました❤なので新しい動画がアップされて嬉しい👏最後はいつも「もう終わっちゃうの〜」って思ってます😂ネイルまたまた素敵な色💅😍BGM好きすぎるのでYouTubeで探してますが中々見つからない😅

  3. 私もお腹空いてるとやる気なくなる派です^_^でもいっぱいすぎると眠くなりますよね😪(笑)

  4. Hola! que sorpresa encontrarte hoy, esta haciendo calor, el sol esta muy fuerte por mi zona horaria, igual cuidate del clima, gracias por compartir tus reflexiones, que tengas un excelente día

  5. I really want to go to a Blue Bottle coffee shop one day! We don't have any here… I just had their coffee once because of friends and I love it! 🌻 First time seeing blueberry vinegar ! It sounds yummy ! 👀 It's really refreshing to do skincare. I'm trying to do it twice a day.. DAMDAM products seem to be really good, I would like to try it out. 🌻 Ty for the videooo!!

  6. Bonjour Nao, merci pour ce bon moment de partage. Vous êtes bien organisée. Humm vos recettes donnent envies 👍🥟🍜🥘❤️Vos chats sont magnifiques et épanouis. 😻❤️Bonne journée. 😘

  7. naoさん、おはようございます💚

  8. いつも手が綺麗で見惚れます、、

  9. だいだい毎日お昼すぎの休息に拝見しています✨

  10. Naoさんの部屋着、清潔感もあり、でもゆったりナチュラルで、とてもとても好きです🥺✨


  11. Once upon a time in your first small house that i started to watch you, you were making great coffee preparation sessions and that rituels i watched like most in your channell pleaseee add longer coffee prep. sessions again 😇☺️ by the way really like your channel hey from istanbulll 👋👋

  12. Привет,Нао! Как всегда, уютно,стильно и вдохновляюще. Пусть сезон дождей тебе принесет много спокойных вечеров со звуками умиротворяющих падающих каплей. Твои пельмени надо обязательно попробовать. Удачи!!!!

  13. Nao, thank you for always vlog your normal days that make me feel good, and thank you that you are always the real , and you're really beautiful, so it's okay to let your face show up when I see you I'm normally smiling saying : this person that I really appreciate and love ✨
    Fighting, and see you soon ^^

  14. コメントするのは初めてですが、いつも拝見させていただいております🤗
    これからも楽しみにしてます🫰🏻 ̖́-

  15. 週末とか時間のある時にnaoさんの動画を観ることが最近増えて、毎回癒されてます🫶🏻‎💞

  16. いつもおしゃれな動画で目にも耳にもとても心地よいです。ありがとうございます😊
    いつかnaoさんのLOOK BOOKが見たいです!よろしくお願いします❤

  17. Hi Nao, really an artistically made video! I always look forward to seeing your video every week. Just wondering what type of blinds are you using in your study room? Thanks so much in advance!

  18. 今回も癒されました!いつも素敵な動画ありがとうございます。

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