#njwk18 10th match Backstage Backstage 1/4/24 (with Subtitles)|WRESTLE KINGDOM 18 第10試合 Backstage

What!? What!? What!? It’s EVIL! How could he?! No way!! This is the worst! The nightmare again! EVIL and Dick Togo! -No way! -Stop this!! They hindered Naito’s mic appeal! Togo! EVIL, the man who betrayed LIJ! He showed up to steal Naito’s dream with Dick Togo. Stop!! This is no good… The worst!

…Go home! Go home! Go home!… We’ve waited so long for this big LIJ roll at the Dome. Boos and the ‘go home’ chant… Hey, Naito! I won’t let you do the LIJ roll call, bastard! Hey, I have just become the 8th IWGP World Heavyweight Champion! Understand, bastard? SANADA returned! And Naito!

What’s going on?! That’s the dream tag! This is where they’re at, 18 years later! They shared the trials of the rigorous dojo test. Thinking about the relationship between all three… The time shared in LIJ. They each found their own paths. SANADA stopped EVIL’s interference. Go home! SANADA’s Shining Wizard took care of EVIL.

Only the victor can close out the show. They must be thinking and feeling so much… SANADA pleads for another chance. He made some kind of appeal to Naito. We can take that gesture to mean that. And now a huge ‘SANADA’ chant! What feelings are rising in his heart? Now the stage is set.

The faction has changed… But once again, I’m holding the mic in the end, all thanks to you. GRACIAS, SANADA. Although he couldn’t surpass Naito, he fought until the end. Once again… ¡BUENAS NOCHES, TOKYO DOME! To everyone watching this all around the world, And to everyone who came to the Tokyo Dome today…

I want to thank you for creating this wonderful moment. GRACIAS, AMIGOS. LIJ will surely take you all to new heights in 2024. Please keep your eyes on LIJ. But what I was looking forward to the most today was… That huge roll call we couldn’t do four years ago.

You all came here to hear it, didn’t you? Are you ready for the biggest roll call in history? The only way to close out NJPW’s WRESTLE KINGDOM 18… BUSHI, Hiromu, Takagi, Titán, Yota, Y Naito… NOSOTROS… ¡LOS INGOBERNABLES de JAPÓN! For 18, 19 years… Tetsuya Naito has been a huge mountain to climb.

To summit a peak that high… it’s not an easy thing to do. But having such an insurmountable obstacle to overcome… It’s what’s made me feel fulfilled, and pushed me to greater heights. For that, I’m grateful to Tetsuya Naito. Don’t dare think I’m giving up yet. A massive roll call at the Tokyo Dome…

Finally, huh? My throat’s a little hoarse, so I couldn’t shout as loud as I wanted. No matter how good the situation is for me, it seems there’s always something that doesn’t go to plan. Even I had to think “Of course. I’m Naito, after all!”

I’m happy. I achieved my dream of the huge roll call at the Tokyo Dome. But the second that was done, I had a new goal in mind. It was in the pre-match VTR… I want a match at Mazda Stadium.

I want a huge roll call with the fans in Hiroshima at Mazda Stadium. And another one in the Tokyo Budokan, in my hometown of Adachi, Tokyo. One where I debuted in Soka City. There’s a bunch I still want to do.

“Naito does the roll call at the Tokyo Dome, but what’s left for him after that?” Like you’d know, CABRÓN! The life of Tetsuya Naito as a pro-wrestler will continue. TRANQUILLO… ASSEN NA YO! Keep your eyes open, and just watch. Los Ingobernables de Japón are gonna take you all to an exciting place. ¡CABRÓN!

Oh yeah, you’ve probably got questions, huh? Too bad, because I’m pretty beat right now. I’m sleepy. I got a match tomorrow. I wanna go home and get to bed. Maybe tomorrow. I’ll be accepting questions whenever I feel like answering some. Until then… TRANQUILO! ASSEN NA YO! ¡ADIÓS!

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2024年1月4日(木) WRESTLE KINGDOM 18 in 東京ドーム
SANADA 🆚 内藤哲也

SANADA 🆚 Tetsuya Naito

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  1. 少し前の勝った棚橋と負けたオカダみたいに世代交代できなかったときみたいな終わり方だが動き自体はSANADAは負けてない。やはりチャンピオンとしてスピードや躍動感もあるからまたチャンピオンとしての姿を見たい。

  2. 1:36入ってくるSANADAを正面から捉える位置に移動するために移動を始めるテレビカメラ

  3. ホントは膝付いてマイクしないといけないのを忘れててサナダ来た瞬間「あ、やべっ!」って顔を一瞬するがすぐさま片膝付く職人技!

  4. 内藤選手の大ファンです!




  5. EVILが今日ほど良い仕事をした日は無い。誰にも邪魔させなく自分がでて膝をついてシャイニングウィザードを受けて内藤やSANADAを引き立てる


  6. 1:46 しっかり左膝をついてシャイニングウィザードを喰らいにいった渡辺さん流石です❗

  7. 三人元々同じユニットで鍛え合い袂をを分かち合いそれぞれの道へ進んだ。でも、道は違えど目指す所は三人とも一緒だった。

  8. 全てが最高だった

  9. ごめんだけどコイツもういらないよな新日本に。前回卑怯な手を使っても真田に負けて、すぐまた挑戦??ベルトの価値下がりすぎるだろ(笑)

  10. イービルってホントにワンパターンだよね。

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