Ingrid Bergman Calls Alfred Hitchcock An “Adorable Genius”

Tonight we have with us the most famous of all mr. Hitchcock’s heroines the co-star of three movies under mr. Hitchcock’s Direction spellbound under Capricorn and notorious or as hitch Oh thus always insisted on calling it no Turia’s I can think of no more agreeable and thrilling way to spend an evening

Than in the company of our hostess miss Ingrid Bergman congratulations to the American Film Institute who tonight acknowledged what our audiences have known for 50 years that Alfred Hitchcock is an adorable genius I’ve come all the way from London from your home town to give you my love

And affection well might say that Hitchcock is a gentleman farmer or races gooseflesh for all of us fans and we are a legion we are here tonight to thank you for all the fun and all the fear that you have given us through the years and I want to

Thank you personally for a little thing that has helped me all through my career and it’s been quite a long career and you see Hitchcock is very careful when he prepares a film he writes everything down on paper every little detail is on paper if it’s in the script

He’ll say if anybody asks about wardrobe or props or anything that belongs to to them to the movie it’s in the script but then the actors come along and we don’t always behave as we do on paper some of us have ideas and then hitch gets a little truculent

Or yes he can get that I remember our first argument must have been in spellbound in 1945 something I said oh I don’t feel like that I don’t think I can give you that kind of emotion and you sat there and you said Ingrid faked it

Well hitch that was the best advice I’ve had in my whole life because in all the years to come there were many directors whom I thought gave me quite impossible instructions and many difficult things to do and just as I was on the verge of starting to

Argue with them I could hear your voice come through the air saying Ingrid faked it it saved a lot of unpleasant situation and waste of time well that rare gift of being able in detailed clarity to show us on film so that we can all share it with you and

That is what makes Alfred Hitchcock an artist

Ingrid Bergman plays hostess at the AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute To Alfred Hitchcock

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  1. Goodness! This is back when actors worked and worked with genius directors. What a golden age especially compared with the ridiculous idiots that Hollywood produces. And remember when Hollywood was being accused of being overrun by communists? Well……… Look how that turned out. McCarthy was right all along.

  2. Hitch's most exciting film is "The Lady Vanishes". "Shadow of a Doubt" is also excellent — set in Santa Rosa, CA (in No. Cal. like many of his films … "Vertigo", "The Birds", etc.)

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