
I was just told that I am not the No.1 for this month Ah, like as for right now (up to 11/27)? Yes Ah, that’s something Yea.. Can I please have someone help? Someone who can do chaser for me. I am asking for someone who knows how to work

Isn’t it your time to teach again? Ah! Maybe… I am the woman of Ginza 11/28 9:00 p.m. Father and son coming to luxury club Photo Cake It’s the son of my customer’s birthday

“Kyoko Kashima (Age 25) Joined the club in October/ Being in the industry for 2 years” So he is coming with his son? Yes. So I am hoping to have a birthday party for them Interesting Right. Happy Birthday Thank you! Wow, there’s pictures It’s you and me

You had cake right? Why did you order one with customized photo? Ah, because he is young so I thought he might want something photogenic. I think that will make him happy Who is paying for that? Me Ah, so it’s like a gift Yes How much is it?

Are you gonna put it in the video? Like 10,000 yen? No, few more 10,000 yen Happy Birthday I spent 4 millions last Friday here It was my birthday Your dad is so impressive Son: That’s something. He is just making all of us work and work

You should work hard for your dad and Kyoko too! Yea! Work more! Birthday Son 9:30 p.m. Com’on Hiraide Can you call Mr. Hiraide, please? Ah, he is pouring drinks for customers upstairs You wanna Mr. Hiraide, right? Can we have Mr. Hiraide?

Kouichi Hiraide (Age 46) Club Nanae General Manager Can we have Mr. Hiraide? ok! Can you guys wait for a little bit? No, we don’t have any order for champagne right now so Ah! Ok!

You took Kyoko off today, didn’t you? She was supposed to be our important end of the year party You didn’t need me for today, did you? Yes, I did Released 2023/12/27 Kurofuku/Hiraide General Manager (46) We had made plan few month ago and she just cancelled like that

It’s really like last minutes! That’s ridiculous, Mr.Hiraide Last time The customer took anger out of Kurofuku Hiraide for Kyoko’s Douhan schedule got changed 10:00 p.m. Spreading Anger Ms. XXX, can we have water please? Can we have water? I don’t like people who can’t work

Mr. Sato, since Ms. XX can’t make chaser and whisky for us, can you change her to someone else? It’s not good. We don’t need people who can’t work Can we have someone help? Who knows how to do chaser We want someone who can work

I was curious but you were making drinking by yourself HELP Hostesses who don’t have customers over at the moment Normally, it would be HELP hostess right? Why are you making it?

I don’t hate making it so I can totally do it but it won’t look good for us from customers’ perspective. So I wanted someone to make it for me But the HELP you had didn’t make it for you guys?

She was more like engaging in the talking and didn’t make drinks so I did. But, at some point, the customer had to make for their own so I asked if we can have someone else as HELP

Misato Sawamura (Age 43) Born in Shibuya/ grew up in Niigata/ Being in the industry for 24 years I think the HELP was new? But she was saying how the HELP can’t make drinks. I thought it might your turn to teach again

Ah, maybe. We should check who is that later then Have you been doing it recently? Yes! Released 2023/05/24 We have to be careful about the Stirrer. Some places might teach you to stir it counterclockwise, because it helps forget about time or something but please make sure you do it clockwise.

But there’s few I couldn’t because they were too busy with Douhan and so or some who just joined like today. I had Douhan today too so I couldn’t train with them. I was surprised you get mad at people Of course. Why is that?

I don’t want my customers to have a bad experience. He also ordered lots of champagnes that day and I think as a payback we are supposed to offer good time and experience for him so.. I will be mad 10:30 p.m. Waiting for champagne

I will place an order for champagne when he comes He said when Mr. Hiraide come, he will order a champagne Mr. Hiraide Do you remember when the customer was like “bring Hiraide here?” How did you feel that time? I was hoping he would come.

I know he is very busy but we asked him so many times so I wish he would just stop by. That would be nice Can we have Mr. Hiraide When is Hiraide coming? Is he not coming because I yelled at him last time

He is coming soon but right now he is busy going around the club Sitting with other customers Can we have a Belle Rose please Champagne order for Mr. Hiraide (160,000 yen) Sorry for keeping you waiting Can we have someone who knows how to work? She wouldn’t make anything

How many times did I have to call you? I had to make my own drinks. What the heck is going on? I ordered champagne for you too! Yes. Thank you so much He ordered champagne for Mr. Hiraide but he was also so mad?

He was mad because he is very considerate of me. If things like that happen in the further too, my other customers might not come back to me again right? And he was mad for me because of that

And he thought he might have got too mad so to make it up he ordered a champagne So he is trying to make a better environment for you Yes Thank you for last week. But today is not the best! I am sorry, Mr. Hiraide

No no! Please don’t be Nanae Mama (Age 49) The owner of the Nanae club/being the industry for 28 years I will see you Did you get No.1 for November? Yes…

I asked my customer. I told him it might be a little difficult this month and he ordered two Yamazaki for me I got two Yamazaki Impressive The customer is impressive too but the fact you can make them use that much on you the way you phrased it…

No no. I appreciate them a lot




【唐沢菜々江 SNS】




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株式会社 Sync Creative Management
Email : info@sync-cm.jp

密着担当:ビトウD https://www.instagram.com/hikarubito5656/
プロデューサー:ソン https://www.instagram.com/songd_0fficial/

#唐沢菜々江 #ななえママ #TOKYO #東京 #銀座 #GINZA #club #クラブ #高級クラブ #champagne #ホステス


  1. お客さん目線だと支持される要素は感じる。同性からは嫌われる確率高そう。平出さんの為のシャンパンって言われても強要してくる物言いがホスト席に着いて欲しくてオーダー入れてるホス狂みたいって思いました。このホステスさんは賛否両論出るキャラかも。

  2. お客様が自分でお酒作ってたってさ、担当はなにしてたの?見てただけ???ヘルプが作らないのもよくないけど、グラス空いたのわかってたんなら自分が率先して作るなり、そうじゃなくてもヘルプの子にお願いしますってグラス渡すなりして流れを教えてあげてもいいんじゃないかな

  3. ん~この方銀座っていう感じがしないですね。銀座の高級で粋な遊びをさせれる って感じじゃなくて質の良くない成金の(成金の方でも遊びを心得てる方が居るのは分かってますが)お客さんが付いてそうな感じ。遊びを楽しむ方より色恋のお客さんばかりでキャバクラ的な長続きしない銀座の女では無い感じが前面に出てて可哀想に見えて。何回も受け直してナンバーワンになったのは凄いですが、裸の女王感がインタビューでも出てしまってて。銀座じゃない所で働いた方が裸の女王にはならず良い気がする。

  4. 動画ずっと見てて、違和感しか無かったので

  5. いらないとかいじめじゃん

  6. コメント読んでなんでお酒作れないヘルプを擁護するのかわからない。

  7. この方がno1?

  8. 京子さんも大変ですね。

  9. すごい!25の色気じゃないですね一番になるのも頷けます。

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