【ルームツアー】無機質インテリアを取り入れた和モダンなお部屋|観葉植物に囲まれて暮らす|1DK ・築古物件|Room tour

【ルームツアー】無機質インテリアを取り入れた和モダンなお部屋|観葉植物に囲まれて暮らす|1DK ・築古物件|Room tour

We will now begin the room tour*. Our house is a 32 year old, 1DK, 29m2 Japanese/Western style apartment I live alone in a room with Ryukyu tatami mats and a large window. Renovated old house. We just moved in four months ago. We wanted both a Japanese room and a Western room.

We decided on this one. While making the best use of Japanese and Western style rooms Open and neat I try to make the interior as I like it I hope you can see it to the end! First, let me show you the entrance*. The wall-mounted black light was purchased at a recycle store.

At a store that sells unwanted items for stage design. They were able to give it to us at a very reasonable price. This umbrella stand is from Nitori. I like the simple design! The shoe racks are equipped with shoe racks. It was very small, so we made it as a DIY project.

By laminating white tiles on the top panel It’s a favorite shelf with a quirk. On the top are calendars, key cases, and desk mirrors Next we’ll show you the living room*. There was a door dividing the living room from the dining room, but We removed it to create a sense of openness.

This is the bedroom The bed is a low bed This one is called a pallet bed. It’s made of slatted slats that can be disassembled into smaller pieces. You can easily clean under the bed. This is a bamboo bench purchased from Amazon It’s not only a bench.

It’s also used as a low table I bought it because I like the vertical lattice form. I put my favorite vase and Mino Washi light in the bay window. The light is from a store that uses Gifu lanterns called Fores It’s a product called “Michi Gyotan”.

It is designed by a designer, Rina Ono. The vase that holds the branches was purchased at a Japanese tableware store I use a tokuri from the Taisho era as a vase Above the bed, a wall-mounted shelf from Muji is installed

And on top of that I have an alarm clock and a tissue case. This is from Furnihunter It’s a clear glass modular furniture Clean, straight metal frames and The combination of tatami mats I love it because it gives a modern feel! You can put aroma oil, candles, etc. on the top.

I use it as a side table. I use it as a side table, and I use it as a side table, and I use it as a side table. It’s my favorite thing to do before bedtime! I’m sitting on a cushion here. I wanted a place where I could relax.

I made a study. On the table, there are books that I’ve read recently that I’m happy with, and I have on the table a selection of books that I’m reading right now. The blocks that I use as bookends are It’s concrete blocks from Home Depot.

I bought them for a few tens of yen each. I like the clean form that I can’t believe it’s only a few tens of yen. I put outdoor plants on the flower stand. I’m not the type of person who takes care of them often. I’m relatively dry and strong.

We have low maintenance plants that don’t require a lot of management We’re trying to keep a natural taste throughout, and we’re trying to keep it in a natural way. We try to create a soft atmosphere even if you can see it from the room. This is the workspace.

I use it for everyday computer use and remote work This tray is from penco I put stationery for daily use. Penco has a wide variety of colors and This deep dark green is not too eccentric I love it because it blends in with my Japanese room!

Next to it is an Anker Soundcore Mini 3 speaker next to it. We usually live with a radio or music playing and It’s also waterproof, so I can use it in the bathtub. I bought both this table and chair at Rakuten There is a storage space next to the table

The door has been removed for filming The apple box is set up in the upper section, Reference books, documents, etc. are stored This black drawer is a PLUS glove compartment. It’s made of paper, so it has a soft texture. I store stationery, tools, etc. inside.

The storage next to it is for bags and small things for winter. The cloth box is from 3COINS. The bottom shelf is a color box purchased from Nitori. Clothes are stored These boxes can be stacked in various sizes. It’s easy to match when you buy more boxes. In this space

We have a mirror and some accessories. The shelves are from Yamamoto Antiques in Sasazuka, Tokyo. Inside are medicines and nails, Aromatherapy, candles, etc. that are not in use. Antique Yamamoto Shoten has various products from home and abroad. As far as antiques are concerned

I recommend it because the price is relatively easy to pick up. Accessories, fabric sprays, etc. on the top. I put things that I usually use to prepare myself This vase is a single-flower vase made by a ceramic artist, Taro Yoshida. When I went to a flower shop called VOICE in Omotesando

I saw a pop-up and I fell in love at first sight and I bought it. I love the way the glaze is applied! I bought this figure at Rakuten for about 8,000 yen. It is about 150cm high. By adopting a non-framed 存在感が出過ぎず、空間によく馴染んでくれています 次にダイニングをご紹介します* ダイニングの床には雰囲気を変えるために 全面フロアタイルを貼りました こちらはAmazonで購入したカフェテーブルです 黒がカチッと空間を引き締めてくれています ダイニングには緑をたくさん置いています 冷蔵庫の上には水耕栽培で育てている植物を置いています こちらのポスターはSPACE PAUSEのもので 印象的なデザインがお気に入りです! 奥にある白い棚は靴箱を作った際に残った端材で作りました

手前にある植物の葉水用のスプレーはAmazonで購入しました ミストが細かくて、葉っぱにまんべんなく 水を与えられるのでオススメです◎ 冷蔵庫の横にはIKEAのステンレスラックを置いています 上には食器やコーヒーグッズ等を置いています 1番下の段に置いている白のボックスは 無印良品で購入しました お部屋の角には色々な植物をミックスして置いています 植物をミックスする際は 葉の形の違うものを組み合わせると綺麗にまとまります 天井から吊るしている植物はリプサリスです 線が特徴的でお気に入りの植物です! 反対側に置いているこちらのスチールキャビネットは IKEAで購入しました 中には洗剤等、詰め替え用品を収納しています 上にはコロコロやモップ、掃除機を置き 普段使う掃除道具を出しています 丸い鏡はStandard Productsで購入したものです こちらは楽天で購入したスティックタイプの掃除機です スリムタイプで場所を取らず、置いていても目立たないので お部屋に馴染んでくれています 最後にキッチンをご紹介します* シンク上の水切り棚はHEIAN SHINDOのSPLUCEという商品です お皿を拭く手間が省けてとても便利です◎ 中央のまな板はウッドペッカーズのいちょう木のものです こちらのまな板は傷んだ際に 配送してメンテナンスをしてくれる点も 採用したポイントです 左側にはフライパンや鍋等をすぐ取れるよう コンロの前に置いています 以上でルームツアーを終わります 最後まで見ていただきありがとうございました! Instagramでは暮らしやインテリアについて発信しています 是非概要欄からご覧ください! 良ければいいねやチャンネル登録よろしくお願いいたします



間取り:1DK 29㎡ リビング(和室)7.7畳、ダイニング5.5畳




00:00 オープニング
00:13 お部屋の概要
01:02 スッキリとした玄関
01:57 和モダンなリビング
08:40 植物いっぱいのダイニング
11:23 収納が工夫されたキッチン

【ルームツアー】真似したくなる収納術!人気インスタグラマーさんのお部屋紹介/総合職OL4年目のゆるりと節約しておしゃれなシンプルライフ/Room tour

【ルームツアー】ニトリで韓国インテリアを揃える♪20代医療職さんのお部屋紹介/1LDK/Room tour

【ルームツアー】収納上手な一人暮らし女子のお部屋/1R12畳のリノベ物件/Room tour


21時公開 … 週4日を予定しています◎

【Instagram】 ⇠ ほぼ毎日更新
賃貸 … https://www.instagram.com/your_room_is_good/?hl=ja
戸建て … https://www.instagram.com/your_home_is_good/?hl=ja



#ルームツアー #お部屋紹介 #1人暮らしの参考はこちら
BGM:Vace Music Library https://vmp-vml.com/


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