京都橘高校觀賞北一女演出 京都橘高校が北一女子の演技を観戦しました

京都橘高校觀賞北一女演出 京都橘高校が北一女子の演技を観戦しました


1.相機:Sony RX100-M5


3.攝影機:SONY FDR-AX700


  1. Hello Andy, thank you for this upload. This performance is so impressive. The Taipei First Girls High School Drill Team and Band have the most beautiful uniforms in the Marching Band Universe. The dances and Dancers were so elegant and impressive. I'm glad that they were able to visit California in 2022. I would have preferred that there would have been sunny weather for them every day of their visit. They were heartwarming to valiantly proceed with their Parades regardless of the inclement weather. I look forward to their return. I should like to view them in Taipei, one day in the future. " Hey! "

  2. Very nice video. The drill team is amazing. Love watching their precision and timing with their movements. Love the uniforms, very elegant. Definitely takes a lot of time to learn and to get that precise. I was in a drill team once in a parade in Japan and my unit didn’t even come close to this unit. We only did some basic moves and that took a lot of practice. So I can only imagine the amount of time this unit must practice.

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