
I haven’t really asked what the other groups think until now.First of all, Sota-kun and Kaito-kun’s Shonan dancer reunion was held in the first half, and Kata-san and Miyu-chan came in the second half. When I went there, Souta-kun and

Kato-kun were talking, and it was amazing to see that this kind of artist existed, and I guess they were aware of each other, or rather, they were young people. It’s a story from when we were kids dancers, when we were in elementary school and junior high school.It’s a

Story that goes back to our history and shows us our impressions of each other, and how we looked at each other . The same goes for the story about them being rivals , and even though they lived in the same neighborhood, they weren’t close.Even though they

Were physically close, they were aware of it, but I guess it was just a matter of emotional distance . Of course we can’t ignore the idea that things stay in a certain way , but we shouldn’t get too close to each other, but

I’m sure we’re the ones who try to avoid getting too close to each other. I think we both came to each other with this feeling of not giving up, so based on that feeling, we were both revealing the depths of our hearts, right? We both thought this was Shonan.

There was something about that purity. Or rather, actually, it was like this, right?As we were talking about it, we felt like we got to know each other right away, and we had this kind of front-of-the-front atmosphere, so it

Was kind of nice, and we both said the song was our favorite song. I don’t think it was a turning point, but the bar for boy groups suddenly rose at that point, and I think that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

I wonder if you could say that the feeling of warmth was more felt because of the people involved from a different perspective than the one from the perspective, and it was just like that. Wow, I felt a tingling feeling. It was a nice tingling feeling. Looking back, first of all,

What a year it was. It appears that they are resuming in the hallway of the previous TV station.It ‘s a story about Kaito and Souta, and although they were conscious of this, they didn’t exchange their voices.They were conscious, though. I wonder if my voice is so good that I

Can’t hear it that much.That’s when I decided to become an idol when I was in the second year of junior high school.I guess it was around this time that I stepped away from dance for a while. You mentioned that there was a time when you distanced yourself from dance, and that’s why

Your idol activities have become so busy. Johnny’s activities have become very busy. On the other hand, Souta-kun won an overseas competition and saw the pinnacle of dance, and now he is thinking about what he wants to do next . He said that he realized his own

Feelings about liking the music, and that he wanted to expand his range of musical expressions, so he went on an audition show, but he was also embarrassed about having to go through an audition show. The story was good too, right? It’s because of the existence of Kaito that Souta becomes B-first. I

Think it’s really forbidden, or rather, the relationship between these two is that they were rivals after all. Ai-kun can’t stand being defeated either, but he’s taking a more active role in audition programs and perhaps even

Getting judged on his own dance, so he’s taking on a world that I wouldn’t have been able to do . You might think that it’s enough for a screening like this, but that’s not the case.I think the attitude of the audition , of starting from scratch

, is amazing. That’s how I felt about it, so I thought it would be good for me. Kaito-kun looked at B First and said that they were a great team that was doing what they wanted to do, and B was really watching. It’s not the essence of Foos-san and his friends

, but I think it’s something that I was able to see because of someone close to me like Momano Souta-kun, but it’s just that I was able to attend their live shows. I don’t think Kaito has a very good opinion of

BE:FIRST, but I’m really happy that he’s starting to see things differently, and I haven’t really asked him what he thinks about the other groups until now . I didn’t mention the fact that I was talking about other agencies, especially the one I never would have been able to bring up if I

Had talked about the agency that my ex-boyfriend was working at. Well, it doesn’t mean that we’re able to do this now, so it’s amazing that we’re doing this, but it’s actually quite similar to co-starring on a music program, but it ‘s even more intimate than that.

In terms of co-starring, I think it looks like a collaboration between First and King’s Prince, so I feel like Mako has surpassed another milestone at the end of this year. By the way, I guess

BE:FIRST SOTAくん キンプリ海人くん KAITAさん MIYUちゃん 若手ダンサーが切り拓く未来のエンタメ!






ARATAの部屋【切り抜き】K-POP J-POP ダンス解説





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