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Hello everyone , today I would like to compare 3 peel-off bases . I’m going to continue, so please watch until the end . Cando the ring finger pinky finger Right thumb index finger If it becomes easier, I’m a person who wants to change it to various colors , so I’m thinking about using

This bass. Well then, let’s start by painting from the right hand First, this hand is a celery peel off base coat This is the gel side. I wonder if it’s smoother than a normal base, I wonder if it’s smooth eyes or something like that [Music]

I always apply two coats of base, but I think I’ll apply two coats of this peel-off too, so I think I’ll apply two thin coats. I think [music] Actually , I’ve been doing it for about 3 months so far, with the goal of giving it once a week every Friday, but

It’s been difficult since I’m on vacation, so please wait patiently. I think it ‘s quite difficult. People who give a lot are amazing . It looks like it’s going to flow, so I’ll apply two thin coats [Music] Okay, it will harden Yes, the first hardening is over, so I’ll apply a second coat Next is candy [Music] Do your best now I ‘m practicing painting . Base I’m going to use Can Do’s peel-off base here. Yes, I got this peel – off base . Hey, what does it feel like? [Music ] It doesn’t change much. This was a different matte coat . After that,

I would like to compare how difficult it is to remove and how easy it is to remove. Then, I will apply Daiso’s peel vape peel-off base to these three fingers . Should I just take a picture of the Can Do, I just painted it on, so I’m going to skip it

. If it’s too much, it will drip [Music ] I’m removing too much again [Music] First I’ll paint it with Daiso, then paint it with candy and it will harden [ Music ] I’ve finished painting all the colors Well, these three are Seria, here, here, here, and here, and here are these three

, Daiso. From what I’ve seen, it hasn’t been removed that much. It hasn’t been removed from the edges either. It’s a candy, but it hasn’t peeled off or anything like that, so this is Daiso Daiso. I think it’s because I’m not good at painting and it ‘s stretched out, but

Yes, it’s like this [Music] Yes , it’s the 4th day. This is the finger I use the most, and my index finger is the one I use the most, so I thought it would come off first, but it came off a bit. Yes , it’s the 4th day

. No, it’s the 5th or 5th day. Excuse me. I don’t use this side relatively much, so it feels like it hasn’t been removed . Yes, it ‘s like this. I thought it would be more white and full of scratches, maybe it would be rough, but it spawned really nicely and I took

It. Yes, it’s been a week . I would be happy if it came off cleanly . Okay, well then, I’ll remove it first, then I’ll apply oil and then remove it . I want to do it, so I wonder if I’ll do it while applying oil It comes off relatively nicely, oh! It came off [music] I didn’t put that much effort into it . So I cut it off in advance and removed the part that came off [Music] My nails are so clumsy here and there, my nails have become thin [Music] It feels like it’s pretty easy

I thought I couldn’t get more so far Is Celia [music] It’s easy to get here . In terms of image, Can Do is easier to remove than Seria I wonder what it feels like to be the only Daiso left This is the feeling that the gel of the base remains.

Probably there is some gel remaining, but it came off very beautifully . It’s Candy Easy [music] I feel like the toes aren’t fresh, or maybe they’re damaged, so it’s a little hard to come off. I tested the peel-off base every day for a week

, how was it? This was my first time experimenting , but ceria is the hardest to come off, so if I apply ceria to those nails that I use often, I wonder if Can Do and Daiso are the same in terms of how hard they come off. Since it was an image

, I thought it would be good to use Gel Daiso or Can Do for other fingers because it is easy to peel off. I probably do self-nails a lot , so I think my nails aren’t relatively healthy. See you in the next video Bye Bye [music]


  1. オフしてる時に使ってるオイルってなに使ってますか??

  2. 私は全部Seriaのピールオフベースを使ってるんですけどやっぱり剥がれやすいと友達から事前に聞いていたのでサンディングしてSeriaのピールオフ塗って他社のベースコート塗ってます。

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