龍年運勢 | 12生肖 相親相愛 相沖相剋 | 風水運勢

龍年運勢 | 12生肖 相親相愛 相沖相剋 | 風水運勢

Hello everyone. Today, let’s discuss about compatibility and Clashes between Chinese zodiac signs, a topic often debated. Jue Zhen and Kun Ti, do you believe in this concept? Yes. Have you ever encountered situations where, for instance, someone of a certain zodiac sign just didn’t seem to mesh well with you? Yes.

Or perhaps felt a natural affinity with another sign? Yes. Sometimes, I find it incredibly easy to get along with someone and then I’d find out later that our zodiac signs are indeed compatible. It feels like there’s a secret logic to it, something reasonable yet inexplicable to most.

Today, let’s delve into these relationships between zodiac signs – the affinities, the aversions, and even the sense of conflict they can create. This principle, which I’ve studied to some extent, is based on the Chinese concept of the Five Elements – Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth –

And their mutual promotion and restraint nature. Understanding this can help make sense of the relationships between zodiac signs. Of course, when studying such topics, Western perspectives offer different methodologies. Indeed, what we’re discussing today falls under the umbrella of Chinese philosophical concepts, derived from the interactions of the Five Elements—how they generate and control each other, leading to various harmonious or conflicting relationships. Understanding this, is particularly important in matters like choosing a life partner, deciding on the best year to get married. Yes, exactly. This also applies to hiring employees. If there’s a smooth, compatible relationship between individuals, things tend to be more harmonious. You see, some couples argue incessantly, right? I remember as a child, we had neighbors who fought every day. I always heard them arguing. Despite their constant quarrels, they stayed together, fighting their entire lives. So, I believe there might be a conflicting and harmful relationship between their signs. (Now, let’s first talk about compatibility.

Who is compatible with whom? Let’s introduce this.) Alright, I’ll start with the concept of ‘Three Harmonies’. Three Harmonies’ refers to groups of three zodiac signs that are compatible with each other. Which sign should we start with? Let me first talk about the Rat Zodiac sign. For the Rat, Rat, Monkey, and Dragon; these three are quite compatible. Yes. If you look at this circle of the twelve zodiac signs, there’s a rule. Everyone might want to note this down. The rule is that every fourth zodiac sign, if you draw a line connecting them, you’ll see a triangle. Three groups of four signs, that’s twelve. There, a triangular relationship.

These three elements are more compatible regardless of your zodiac sign. For example, if you belong to the Dog zodiac, you should look for those who also compatible to the Dog. It is observed that Dog, Tiger, and Horse are more compatible. Similarly, if you belong to the Snake,

Then Snake, Rooster, and Ox are more compatible. Also, Pig, Rabbit, and Goat are more compatible with each other. The relationship between these signs is separated by four positions, This four-year age difference tends to indicate greater compatibility. Yes, when it comes to choosing a partner, for example, if a man is four years older, you might find a better match. (I see, any two among these three are compatible. So, when looking for a partner, it doesn’t matter

If you find someone four years older or younger.) For instance, consider your relationship combination. Say you’re married and you have this triangular compatibility. If you belong to the Dog zodiac, you should look for the other two signs that form a triangle with Dog.

Try finding someone from the Horse sign, and maybe have a child from the Tiger sign. Yes, that’s how it works. If you have another child to complete this triangle, your family will have a high degree of compatibility, especially if it’s planned or happens by coincidence.

This makes for an ideal partnership within the family. Now everyone understands this, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting. Just go back and review it a few times, take more notes. I’ve posted this chart here. When you have a moment, take a photo to remember it. Then, whenever you encounter this situation, just look at the photo, and you’ll know who is compatible with whom. This triangular relationship, (Grandmaster, when it comes to marriage compatibility, they say there are zodiac pairs that are particularly well-matched.)

Let me share with you six zodiac pairs that are known to be highly compatible in marriage. We internally refer to these as the “Six Harmonies.” First, let’s start with the Rat. As we list the 12 zodiac signs in order, starting with Rat and Ox, we find pairs in this circular arrangement. They are connected horizontally. For example, Rat with Ox, Pig with Tiger, and Dog with Rabbit.

It’s like drawing horizontal lines to connect these pairs: Rat and Ox, Tiger and Pig, Rabbit and Dog, Dragon and Rooster, Snake and Monkey, Horse and Goat. Everyone should take out their phones and take a picture of this. If you can’t remember it, it’s okay. Just open your phone and look at it.

You’ll see that these six zodiac pairs are actually the most suitable for marriage. (And it’s not just about marriage, right? It can be just pure collaboration or friendship.) Yes, working together, these pairs are suitable. They tend to get along easily, and share common interests.

Some people are described as having shared interests but can’t get along. This also happens. For example, we might be in the same company, both liking the company’s mission, perhaps as directors or shareholders, but we just can’t talk together. As soon as we start talking, it leads to arguments.

Within these zodiac signs, some may clash, but they can still share common interests. So, even a slight mismatch might not work. However, these six pairs of zodiac signs tend to easily get along. Like when Rat meets Ox, they’re just so happy together. Right. Some might ask questions like, what if their marriage partner doesn’t fall into one of these pairs? So who do they marry then? (Let’s first discuss why these six pairs are especially good for marriage. Does that mean there are also six opposing pairs that are not good?)

Exactly., there are also those that just don’t see eye to eye. I’ve experienced this too. I don’t know if it’s due to the zodiac signs, but just their appearance or the look in their eyes can make me feel uncomfortable. For instance, I find both of you quite pleasant. It’s also a kind of fate. Okay, let’s give an example of those incompatible pairs. (Yes.) For example, Rat is in a conflicting relationship with Goat. There’s a pattern in the twelve zodiac signs as well, where Rat and Goat clash. This also includes the pairings of Ox and Horse, Tiger and Snake,

Rabbit and Dragon, Dog and Rooster, as well as Monkey and Pig. These combinations are believed to have a challenging relationship due to their inherent differences. It can be problematic. They might face constant friction and disagreements in their daily life. This is the simpler part to understand, as it’s common for individuals, This is relatively minor impact and easy to understand.

As for individuals, regardless of their zodiac signs, it’s common to have disagreements due to differences in personality or background. However, when we talk about zodiac signs that are in direct conflict or clash with each other, sometimes the implications can be more severe than just minor quarrels or disagreements. In some extreme cases, the affected individuals can’t get married. If they did get married, one of them might die. It could be that extreme. This could happen due to various reasons, like a sudden heart attack or a car accident. That’s how it is. This is considered the most serious consequence. A slightly less severe outcome might be suffering from serious illnesses. Yes. This kind of energy, which is invisible to the naked eye, can be thought of as a clash of celestial forces that is often unavoidable. Indeed, in various regions of China, people have come up with such sayings, often passed down among older generations, like grandmothers. These sayings are sung out like folk songs, making it easier to remember the relationships between zodiac signs. For instance, there are sayings about signs that nurture or harm each other.

For example, “The white horse clashes with the green ox” implies that these two signs shouldn’t be together. Similarly, “Goat and rat part ways” denotes incompatibility between these signs. The phrase “Snake and tiger are like two sharp knives” indicates a problematic relationship. These are all examples of conflicting or harmful relationships between zodiac signs.

Another saying, “Dragon and rabbit shed tears together,” suggests that a marriage between these signs would be fraught with sorrow. The phrase “tears flow” in this context signifies disaster, Also, “the Golden Rooster fears the Jade Dog”; this smells trouble. And then, “the Pig and Monkey don’t walk till the end”,

With uncertainty about whether they can stay together for the long term. (It’s a common hope for lifelong companionship, as nobody wishes for a partnership that ends prematurely.) It’s truly regrettable, regardless of the age at which such separations occur. Whether it’s in the early years, like before thirty, in midlife during one’s forties,

Or even after reaching fifty or sixty, the loss of a partner is profoundly saddening. It leaves the surviving individual lonely and bereft, even if their time together was marked by frequent quarrels. The absence of a partner often leads to a lonely and painful end. Yes. This is nothing but trouble. There are also specific rules regarding age differences and zodiac compatibility. For pairs that are exceptionally compatible, a four-year age difference is ideal. Conversely, for those that clash, a six-year age difference is often noted. This forms another set of six conflicting pairs based on the zodiac:

Rat and Horse, Ox and Goat, Tiger and Monkey, Rabbit and Rooster, Dragon and Dog, and Snake and Pig. These are called the six clashing pairs. By clashing I mean they don’t get well together. Somthing like that. To understand how it works, again, we draw a circle here. Of the twelve zodiac signs, six opposing pairs are formed. Imagine drawing a straight line from one to the other. For instance, the Dragon with the Dog, and the Snake with the Pig This opposition, known as ‘clash,’

This is different from concepts of harm or punishment in traditional Chinese beliefs. It represents a kind of mutual repulsion of energies. They are incompatible. It’s not that people intentionally don’t cooperate, it’s a matter of two energies not harmonizing. This concept is also applied in Feng Shui

Where it is considered inauspicious to have doors directly facing each other. For instance, when buying a house, if you notice that it directly faces another house straight across from yours, many Feng Shui masters would advise against it.

They often suggest that if you have a choice, it’s best to avoid buying such a property. If you’ve already bought such a house, then you need to find ways to deal with it, to mitigate or neutralize the issue. That’s why in certain places, where many Chinese people reside,

You often see the use of a Bagua mirror at the door which is believed to counteract harmful influences. It is particularly taboo to have your door directly aligned with the door of another house. In the context of the Chinese zodiac, when the signs are arranged in a circular order, according to their placements,

The one directly opposite you in the circle becomes your direct clash or opposition. This is referred to as the ‘Six Clashes’ . Now, everyone should be clear about this. (Oh, that’s how it is. There are also proverbs and old sayings, For instance, ‘one mountain cannot contain two tigers.)

This refers to the idea of conflict and compatibility. These sayings have been summarized in folk culture. Today, we will explore a few of them. Alright, let’s delve into these dynamics of opposition, relationships characterized by mutual restraint and conflict. Right, take for instance the saying ‘one bed cannot sleep two dragons.’

When two people born in the year of the Dragon will have to sleep in the same bed after marriage. Isn’t that a bit troublesome? The zodiac sign is too powerful. However in the interactions of the Five Elements this concept may not be explicitly represented. These are merely hints ancient people observed.

Like ‘one mountain cannot contain two tigers;’ This is a well-known saying, right? What about two Tigers in one house? we’re talking about two Tigers getting married. Living day-to-day can be difficult, as it involves very strong zodiac characteristics Right, perhaps the energy or personalities of both are exceptionally dominant. You see, with two tigers,

The larger the zodiac sign the stronger its desire for dominance tends to be. Exactly. How about the rat, they tend to stick together in groups But with tigers, unless it’s their mating season they prefer to be solitary.

This characteristic is not just limited to tigers but extends to other solitary animals like wolves and lions, leopards, too, have their peculiarities. They mark their territories using urine. For instance, they might mark a territory spanning 10 kilometers. If herbivores enter their territories, it’s fine; they become food to these solitary animals.

But when other carnivores enter this territory, say, a wolf enters a lion’s territory, wolf knows that this is a lion’s territory. I have studied this closely. When a wolf enter’s a lion’s territory, the latter would know straightaway. For the wolf, every step in the lion’s territory is fraught with danger

A single misstep could lead to a deadly encounter. There are many relationships in life that either support or conflict with each other as often summarized by the elders in folklore. It’s like the saying, One mountain cannot harbor two tigers Two dragons cannot share the same bed. Remember this.

There are other sayings that suggest clashes or opposition. (Yes, Grandmaster. We come across these sayings online about minor conflicts. What are they? It refers to situations that are not too severe or direct, right?) I guess so. It means there’s a slight clash. It means there’s a slight clash. Yes, rabbits and rats don’t make a good match for matrimony. The tiger meets the ugly ox, and familial bonds are broken Essentially, tigers and oxen are not compatible. (When snake and dog meet, success is hard to achieve. And then there’s the pig fear leaping over the dragon’s gate.)

This implies that pigs and dragons are also incompatible. Let’s recall the saying, “The noon horse dislikes the crowing of the rooster” and “The Goat should not be close with the Monkey”. These are among several zodiac combinations believed to be unfavorable for marriage. But when it comes to love, who really considers their zodiac sign? People often prefer to regret later. It’s hard for people to let go of their feelings at the time of marriage, isn’t it? Imagine a couple who have developed a strong relationship and are contemplating marriage,

Only to be told that their signs are in conflict and they shouldn’t marry. In many cases, people would rather elope than break off the relationship. People would not think so much about divorce. Especially in cases of strong compatibility, if a couple is madly in love, no words could separate them. If you tell them fate could, they’d dare to fight fate. (Therefore, today’s live broadcast is particularly suitable for young people and singles. They should pay close attention to this discussion to ensure future marital happiness.

Grandmaster, I feel the detail of this concept is not easy to remember, should we review the pairings again.) Let’s start with the Rat. Compatible signs for those born in the Year of the Rat include the Ox, Dragon, and Monkey. Remember this: Rat, Ox, Dragon, Monkey – these are harmonious combinations for the Rat.

On the other hand, the Rat faces conflicts with the Rabbit, Horse, Goat, and Rooster. It’s interesting to note that some zodiac signs have more ‘enemies’ than others. In folklore, there are also some verses or lyrics that make these incompatibilities easier to remember. For example: The black rat and the yellow ox, bonded by past life cultivation, suggesting a natural compatibility between the Rat and Ox due to a connection formed in a previous life.

The rat pairs with the golden dragon, a perfect match, indicating a harmonious relationship between the Rat and Dragon. If the white monkey meets the rat, they shall have fortune, longevity, and peace, which is great news for the pairing of the Monkey and Rat. If you can’t remember all this right away, don’t worry.

You can always rewatch today’s broadcast to reinforce this information. This can be very helpful. Next, let’s discuss some verses from the lyrics that highlight opposing or clashing zodiac relationships. Goat and Rat meet but soon part ways. It means quickly comes to an end. Part ways here implies a cessation or ending of the relationship. Rat and Rooster meet, but none shall stay, indicating that a marriage between a Rat and a Rooster might lead to one partner leaving or a dissolution of the union.

The Rat encounters the red horse and travels to distant lands, this implies that the meeting of these two signs might lead to separation, with one partner moving away. When the jade rabbit meets the Rat, it’s a cause for sorrow, suggesting that the Rabbit and Rat combination could lead to mutual unhappiness or distress.

Now, let’s talk about those born in the Year of the Ox. Compatible signs for the Ox are the Rat, Snake, and Rooster. The less compatible signs for the Ox are the Dragon, Horse, Goat, and Dog. The yellow ox and black rat are a perfect match, which is favorable.

The golden rooster meets the ox, bringing lots of luck, also a good combination. The red snake and golden ox will stay together forever, indicating a very happy and compatible pairing. For the less favorable combinations, we have:

Since ancient times, the green ox and horse do not meet, suggesting an incompatibility between the Ox and Horse. The old Goat and ox often clash, indicating that the Goat and Ox are not a good match. The small dog finds it hard to partner with the ox, another challenging combination.

The ox and the dragon also part ways, implying that the Ox and Dragon are not compatible. These four challenging combinations balance out with the four compatible ones, reflecting the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang balance. With twelve zodiac signs in total, each sign has its own set of allies and adversaries;

And there are another four that’s somewhat neutral, sort of playing the role of a bystander. These signs could become friend or foe. Speaking of those born in the Year of the Tiger, they are compatible with three other signs: Horse, Dog, and Pig.

These are the ones Tigers should befriend or consider as potential partners. However, the Tiger clashes with the Snake, Monkey, and Pig. This is a well-known folk saying: Tiger, Dragon, Rat and Ox are not compatible signs. (Just now we mentioned ‘Two Tigers cannot share the same mountain,

And ‘When the Dragon meets the Tiger, a battle ensues.) Dragons and Tigers also cannot coexist peacefully, often leading to disputes. There’s a saying about the ‘Green Dragon defeating the White Tiger, indicating their incompatibility. Furthermore, the Tiger does not ally with the Rat. That reminds me of the tigers and cats are similar. Cats and mice are natural enemies. No wonder. But this is more a matter of biology than the five elements. We know they are natural enemies; it’s a folk wisdom. A Tiger meeting an Ox signifies a severing of ties; Tigers have trouble dealing with Oxen. (One of our viewers shared a story

About a colleague who, along with his spouse, is born in the Year of the Tiger, and they had a child also born in this sign. Three Tigers living under one roof led to the man contracting a difficult-to-treat illness, and after several years, he passed away.) This is an example of major conflicts,

Which result in death. When three Tigers live together, something must be done to restore balance. After understanding this, we should seek solutions. Sometimes, certain pairings can be detrimental to a person’s health or well-being. Let’s continue. If you have questions, please write them down in the comments.

For those born in the Year of the Rabbit, the compatible signs are Goat, Dog, and Pig. The incompatible ones are Rat, Dragon, Horse, and Rooster. There are folk songs about this: The blue Rabbit and the yellow Dog have long been friends, symbolizing great wealth. Rabbits and Dogs get along well.

However, the Rabbit and the Dragon do not last long together, when they meet, it leads to tears. This is difficult to interpret. Rabbit and Rat should not marry, indicating that these two signs are also incompatible. If they are already married, we’ll find a way to handle it. If it turns out they’re actually doing well together, then congratulations to them (Another viewer mentioned

Having two Tigers in their family and then giving birth to a Dragon daughter. This family living in separate places.) This might be a good solution. Each guarding their own mountain, so to speak, to avoid conflicts. (Many viewers are concerned about disharmony in their relationships, but we’ll discuss this more.

Now, let’s talk about those born in the Year of the Dragon. They are compatible with a few signs. Let’s see. They are compatible with Monkey, Rat, and Rooster.) These signs harmonize well with the Dragon. The incompatible ones are Ox, Rabbit, Dragon, and Dog. They are not compatible. There’s also the saying

Two Tigers cannot share the same mountain, and Dragons don’t get along with Pigs either. (There’s a saying that a river pig dares not leap over the Dragon Gate. This suggests that pigs and dragons are incompatible.) I see. (Yeah, so now we see for these big zodiac signs,

There’s a lot more of this conflict between each other.) The folk songs, please. Those that are not suitable for dragons, let’s look at it again. (A dragon and a tiger will fight. It’s part of their nature. The pig can’t leap over the Dragon Gate.) Dragons and pigs are considered incompatible in folk traditions.

It’s believed that the Azure Dragon and White Tiger also conflict, which is not ideal. Moving on to the compatibility of the snake, they harmonize with the ox, rooster, and monkey. The ox, rooster, and monkey are friends. However, they conflict with the tiger, pig, and ironically, also the monkey.

This is a unique phenomenon where the monkey both harmonizes and conflicts with them. It’s indeed true that some things or people can be both beneficial and challenging. Indeed, there is such a thing Alright. (Snakes and dogs don’t assist each other. You may be a co-worker together and not necessarily a special partner.) Monkeys and snakes could, or could not get along well. This kind of relationship differs individually. A simple example can illustrate this. Think of eating noodles with chili.

Chilies can be one man’s passion, but another man’s poison. Some get stomachache if they eat too much chilies. When you got flu, a little bit of chili oil makes your cough worse. Like I said, everyone’s case is different.

Some people can help you, and they can also slow you down or even harm you. That’s how it is. A person can be your helper, or your doom. I think this applies to all. Couples can fight many times but they won’t leave each other behind. They will remember how good our partner is.

In fact, most people are together like this. When people couldn’t get together, it means their energy oppose each other. That’s where sufferings come. Like I said, the same person can be your friend or foe. That’s how it is. Got it. Grandmaster, the comments are coming fast. Before the pandemic happened,

We talked about a story about the white helmet. We also want to know his zodiac background. People replied to us that the woman was born in the year of the Dragon and her husband, the man in the white helmet, was born in the year of the Rabbit.

Their zodiac signs, Dragon and Rabbit, are traditionally in conflict. Tragically, the man in the white helmet passed away in a car accident. An example of opposing signs. Yes. One of the example of conflicting pairings is the Dragon and Rabbit. That’s how it is. They’re still young, but already departed. Yes. In their 30s.

They’re young and don’t have kids yet. Yeah, so when you look at this, it’s kind of weird. Yes. Quite accurate. Amazing. Here, someone commented. This person has two sisters, they’re a horse and a cow. The two are always incompatible. They just won’t get along well. It’s their fate.

It seems separation might be best for them as they grow older. All right, let’s move on. We’re done with Snake. Next, the Horse. For those born in the Year of the Horse, compatible signs include the Tiger, Goat, and Dog. These are considered good friends or allies in the zodiac.

On the other hand, less compatible signs for the Horse are the Rat, Ox, Rabbit, and another Horse. Relationships with these signs can be challenging and are not typically conducive to friendship. The Rooster. There’s a saying, “The noon horse dislikes the crowing of the rooster,” and “The golden rooster does not join the herd of horses”. (A lack of harmony when these two signs are together. indicating a lack of harmony when these two signs are together.)

In marriage, a union between a Rooster and a Horse can be particularly difficult. Moving on to the Year of the Goat, compatible signs for those born in this year are the Rabbit, Horse, and Pig. The less compatible signs include the Rat, Ox, and Dog. Folklore also suggests that two Goat may not be a good match, as there’s a saying about two Goat causing heartbreak. Right. (What about a household with three Goat, and whether the birth of another Goat (baby) would bring good fortune, symbolized by the phrase “Three Goat heralding prosperity,” is it good?) While this saying is optimistic, I need some study. Indeed, the pairing of two Goat is often considered inauspicious.

According to the study of Chinese astrology and folk beliefs, the Goat itself is a sign full of difficulties. It is believed that the Goat sign faces certain inherent challenges in life. A Goat is said to bring bad luck to the parents or the children. Of course, we want every sign to live well.

This belief isn’t meant to be a curse, but rather an observation of a pattern over time that many people born in the Year of the Goat tend to have these familial challenges. This could manifest as issues affecting either the elders in the family (upstream) or the children (downstream).

Moreover, the saying “two Goat lead to a broken heart” reinforces the idea that a marriage between two Goat is not advisable. This is evident in a recent inquiry from a follower who was concerned about their child, born in the Year of the Goat, considering marriage to someone also born in that year.

I didn’t know if I should write back honestly or not, It is believed that Goat should not form close relationships with Monkeys. This combination is thought to be particularly unfavorable for marriage. Moving on to the Monkey, compatible zodiac friends for Monkeys include the Rat, Dragon, and Snake.

However, the Monkey faces incompatibilities with the Tiger, Pig, and Snake. There’s a unique aspect to the Monkey-Snake relationship as it embodies both elements of compatibility and conflict. They have a complex and tangled relationship, marked by both nurturing and clashing characteristics. (As previously mentioned, Goat and Monkeys also don’t get along well,

As per the traditional saying, “The Goat should not be close with the Monkey.”) That’s how it is. This underscores the incompatibility between these two signs. For those born in the Year of the Rooster, compatible signs are the Ox, Dragon, and Snake.

In contrast, the Rooster has conflicts with the Rat, Rabbit, another Rooster, and the Dog. Additionally, folklore considers the Rooster and Horse to be incompatible, as highlighted by the phrase, “The golden rooster does not join the herd of horses,” indicating discordance between these two signs. (There’s really a lot to learn.

I’m sure everyone is happy learning this. This is important.) Finally, the Dog, compatible signs include the Tiger, Rabbit, and Horse. On the other hand, the Dog tends to have discordant relationships with the Ox, Dragon, Goat, Rooster, and Snake. In folk customs, that will also include Snake, will also not be compatible.

This is called ‘the encounter of snake and dog hardly leads to success’ Yes. Last of all, will be the Pig. Those in the Year of the Pig, the compatible ones are the Tiger, Rabbit, and Goat. Those not compatible are the Tiger, Snake, Monkey and the Pig.

Those from the Year of the Pig are also not compatible with themselves. In folk customs, the Dragon are also not compatible with themselves. And those in the Year of the Pig should not seek another Pig What kind of Pig was that just now

The black pig is also afraid of crossing the Dragon Gate The river pig is also afraid of crossing the Dragon Gate Both are referring to the Pig and the Dragon. Grandmaster has shared all these twelve zodiac signs with everyone along with the other zodiac signs that are compatible or conflicting with them

I feel that after listening to us now, no one is feeling comfortable. No, everyone is now in a very mixed and conflicted state of mind. Everyone feels a mixture of joy and sorrow. Some have a bit of conflict with their children, while others have conflicts between spouses.

Those who are compatible feel very joyful upon hearing it Those who are in conflict are all asking Grandmaster how to resolve it There are those with conflicts and clashes; which can be tricky. This is indeed quite worrying. It’s quite interesting. We are currently running a youth camp in Malaysia.

Many parents of the children at the camp also attend classes. During many chats with them, when we match zodiac signs like this, many parents send their children, who clash with them, to learn from Grandmaster. That’s right. Some had been sent here before, and after coming, the children changed significantly,

Going from rebellious and disobedient to eventually having goals and aspirations. This time the children decided to come on their own. So when other parents heard about this, Oh, my child really doesn’t get along with me, I should quickly send them to Grandmaster for teaching. This is the foremost method of resolution.

This is a blessing. Everyone was especially interested in what Grandmaster said, feeling that they learned a lot of knowledge. We also received many stories from online viewers about their families, which correspond to what we talked about earlier. We’d like to share these with our audience as well.

Firstly, there’s Wan Er from the United States. She talks about her strict father. This corresponds to what? It corresponds to ‘the golden rooster meets the dog, tears flow.’ It relates to this family, the father’s Chinese zodiac sign is the Dog, and the mothers’ is the rooster. Let’s listen to this old couple’s story.

Ever since I can remember, arguing between my parents has been the norm at home. Every day there are quarrels, sometimes even physical fights. This situation has persisted for over 40 years. My father is the head of the family, supporting us through his business. He has a very patriarchal personality

And sets high expectations for the family. We often get scolded for not meeting his expectations. Once during the New Year, while having a family reunion dinner, my father insisted that we should all sit together to start eating as the auspicious time had arrived.

But my mother was busy preparing the meal and couldn’t leave the kitchen She suggested that everyone else start eating and she would join as soon as she finished. Because of this, my father lost his temper and even smashed some dishes in anger. Another time, when my grandmother was ill

My father wanted to take my mother to visit her. It was already very late, and my mother, having been busy all day, hadn’t had her dinner yet. She would quickly eat something and then go. This made my father angry again. He scolded her for being unfilial and berated her for a long time.

My father often blames my mother for everything and anything. If the children’s clothes are not put away properly, he blames her. If dinner is not served promptly when he comes home at night, he also blames her. When my father scolds my mother, his words are very hurtful often speaking without restraint.

Even his way of showing concern for my mother is through reprove, like blaming her for why she goes to bed so late every day. Although my father’s temper often makes the atmosphere at home tense, he is undoubtedly the pillar of our family. He loves us in his own way.

He can be described as someone who is stern on the outside but soft at heart, a typical example of having a sharp tongue but a tender heart. However, when he gets angry, he does not consider where we are. Sometimes, even in public, if we do something not as well as he expected,

He will reprimand us openly, disregarding our dignity and feelings. My mother has always been very forbearing. She started having health issues in her 30s, beginning with an enlarged thyroid. Then, at 45, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, which relapsed two years later.

By the time she was 50, she had developed a brain tumor. She later reflected that these illnesses stemmed from long-term quarrels and her inability to let go, as she had no friends to confide in. I feel sorrow to see her sick. Whenever I saw my father scolding her,

I couldn’t help but fight with him. For a while, quarrels with my father became a daily routine in our household. However, my perspective changed after I started following Grandmaster’s teachings and began my meditation practice. I no longer directly confronted my father. Although he was stern with the family,

He was incredibly kind to others. When he went out, for instance, to the bank or on errands, he would always wish people prosperity and good luck. He was particularly polite and well-wishing to everyone, regardless of their social status. When my father was young and impoverished,

He helped bury a friend who had passed away because the friend’s family couldn’t afford a coffin. Now that he’s older, he has found a compatible godson with whom he often travels. We are also comforted because, although we cannot fully satisfy dad, having a godson to accompany him

And make him happy is quite good too. My father had a tough childhood; his family was poor, and he was once harshly scolded by a teacher for not paying school fees. He still has nightmares about this incident. Now that both my parents are older,

My father doesn’t scold my mother as much as before. I pray for Grandmaster’s blessings so they can enjoy a peaceful and serene old age. Gratitude to Grandmaster! Listening to their story – one born in the Year of the Rooster and the other in the Year of the Dog

The old couple, with the dad being born in the year of the Dog, really are… Do they clash? They do. It’s that kind of relationship. Does everyone understand? To what extent do these two fight? It’s a lifetime of scolding, speaking without restraint. The words are really heart-piercing. It’s about scolding the mom.

Then, regardless of the situation, whether at home or outside, it’s the same. He’s a very strict person. An image of a husband and dad like this, I guess But the mom, she’s very tolerant, very patient. However, this tolerance has brought significant health problems for herself. She developed thyroid enlargement in her thirties,

Which is caused by stress, as we say; followed by breast cancer at 45. It’s also from anger, the fire suppressed within the heart and a relapse within five years, and then a brain tumor at 50. These illnesses are all due to pent-up anger, unable to be vented.

You see, even though the old couple are both still alive and not too bad off, their life together has been somewhat difficult, a bit challenging, especially since they cannot return home and meet up. Their disagreements turned home into a battlefield, with no regard for civility.

So, these illnesses caused by her suppressed anger could be life-threatening at any time. Fortunately, medical conditions are good, which has prevented a fatal outcome. It’s really critical. The father, despite his harshness at home, is essentially a kind-hearted and righteous person. He’s amiable and helpful to others outside the family,

Even going to the extent of helping others with funerals. As a housekeeper, her mother stayed at home while her father was the breadwinner. It seems that every time he returned home and saw her mother, he felt compelled to scold her over both trivial and significant matters. After hearing this story,

It seems to me that many men, especially in traditional cultures, exhibit this behavior. They are the one who supports the family, but also has strong tempers. Is this a matter of his self-cultivation? If you ask why he’s like this, it might be related to his personality or self-cultivation.

This is how this dad is. Even if the mother’s zodiac sign doesn’t clash with his, and they may even have zodiac signs that are unrelated or compatible, the father still has this temperament, would she have still suffered these ailments and lived a life of such silent suffering? I believe this isn’t about gender,

Whether it’s a man or a woman. It doesn’t matter if you’re working or earning money, if every time we meet I end up being scolded, who would feel comfortable with that? Nobody would. It’s uncomfortable for anyone, regardless of whether your zodiac signs conflict or not.

Right? It’s just that the presence of a different person could change this feeling. For example, with compatible people, when a father looks at his child, even if he’s scolding him, the child might give him a playful grimace, smile, or give a kiss. This might make him feel unable to continue scolding.

Actually, everyone should face these negative aspects, like arguments and troubles between spouses, with a certain level of emotional intelligence, open-mindedness, and flexibility. Some people are indeed flexible. Even if their zodiacs are a bit conflicting, they can resolve it with their adaptability. As for the husband who goes home and scolds his wife,

My understanding is: a person who is out there building a career faces different challenges compared to someone doing a regular job. For instance, if you think about working, it’s not easy in the workplace, right? Firstly, there’s competition among colleagues, and then the integration of relationships between superiors and subordinates.

Also, being proficient in your field of work. And then there’s the matter of early to bed, early to rise, right? Those are not easy either. No, not easy. But when it comes to running your own business, regardless of whether you are a big or small boss, compared to being an employee,

How difficult is it? Generally, it’s at least one ‘Tiangang’ number, which means more than 36 times the pressure. The pressure is immense. So, when he is out there dealing with these tasks, it involves seeking cooperation and sometimes getting angry with employees, right? Or, you might think, “The salary I pay you,

Are you fooling me? The work you’re doing is deceiving me, right?” We’ve paid salaries, but if everything is messed up, who do you take that frustration out on? So, when you get home, you end up taking it out on your wife and kids. Why them, you wonder?

Well, because they are my family, my own kins. Deep down, what’s really happening is like saying, “If I don’t vent this frustration on you, then who else?” Or I’m going mad, and I vent it on you because you’re my family. Often, many men are like this.

After they’ve vented their anger and feel relieved, their furious expression quickly turns to joy, like a tire deflating. Once the air is out, that feeling of tension disappears, everything deflates and becomes soft. This indicates that he faced some grievances outside and felt uncomfortable. He thinks, “They are my family,

So what if I lose my temper?” Indeed, the family does get hurt, right? After I’ve vented, and you still argue with me, don’t you realize I’m suffering too? Sometimes, this is how it’s understood. But no matter how much you suffer outside, at home, your family doesn’t see that.

They don’t understand the stress you’re under. You come home and scold me, and I get upset, right? That’s how it is. So, it’s also about self-cultivation, you can say. Therefore, there are some experts, which we have seen in movies, who, despite facing difficulties outside, return home with a smile.

Their ability to dissolve tension is incredibly strong. Right. It’s like, in different environments, their mood is immediately influenced by the surroundings. Just moments ago, they might have been in a fight, but as soon as they return home, they pull out a rose and start expressing love.

This is something most people can’t do, right? It’s only characters like James Bond who can pull that off. They’re just too incredible. It’s rare to see such incredible energy. When you talk about the dangers inside and outside the home, he says that inside it’s all about gentle persuasion,

But outside it can be extremely brutal. This kind of instant emotional switch is not something most people can do, right? So, her dad bring the emotions from the outside into the home. This is normal. But no one who is successful in business has a good temper.

A person with a good temper can’t make it big in business. If you insist that even your father could succeed in business without ever losing his temper, then that’s a master among experts, which is quite rare. Therefore, being the wife of an entrepreneur is not easy.

You’re saying that if the entrepreneur in your family is a woman, then being her husband isn’t easy either. You’re definitely going to end up as the one bearing the brunt of the frustration. When the wife gets angry and lashes out, it’s all directed at you.

Not only does she scold you, but she might physically lash out too, having developed a whole arsenal of methods just for that purpose, right? Whips, hammers, sticks – all these are possibilities. And it’s not easy for the children either. So, I say that those in business face immense pressure.

With such pressure comes natural emotional responses. That’s how it is, right? Yes. But their zodiac compatibility, like Rooster and Dog in this case, really does come into play. There’s definitely an issue with these zodiac signs. They are still married, and now they’re both nearly eighty years old.

So, they’re seeking Grandmaster’s blessings for a harmonious and peaceful life together in their later years. Gratitude to Grandmaster. It’s also nearly the end of the year, so perhaps we could gift them something to bring harmony and happiness to their family.

I’ll start by gifting them a water kettle – a symbol of warmth and happiness for the whole family. The kettle also symbolizes harmony, as taught by Grandmaster. Additionally, let’s gift them a pair of auspicious rats. In our culture, having a rat symbolizes having plenty of food,

Which is a metaphor for wealth and prosperity. Wishing their entire family a happy and prosperous New Year, Received. Gratitude to Grandmaster. Now, we have a story from Zhiqiang in Taiwan who wants to share his family’s story with Grandmaster. He calls his mother “The Machine Gun Mom”.

He says, “Hello, Grandmaster. After reviewing your chart of zodiac compatibility, I felt for our family’s karma. My father was born in the Year of the Rooster and passed away earlier this year at the age of 90. My mother, born in the Year of the Horse, is now 81 years old.”

When I was young, my father really worked hard to support our family. He had several jobs and often had to work night shifts. At that time, we hardly saw him. It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that my dad finally got to ease up a bit and spend more time at home.

But that’s when I started to notice that my parents argued a lot. My mom was very naggy and often complained incessantly. Once she started, she couldn’t stop, going on for the entire day, mostly pointing out my dad’s faults. Her comments were often very sharp and hurtful.

Due to her constant nagging, over time, my dad stopped responding to my mom’s requests. He felt that no matter what he did, she would always find something to complain about, so he just stopped paying attention to her demands. This, of course, made my mom even more naggy.

For a while, they barely spoke to each other and were like fire and water. I share the same zodiac sign as my dad; we are both Roosters. I noticed that my attitude towards my mom is very similar to my dad’s.

I have a lot of respect for her and she loves me, but whenever she starts complaining, I just lose my patience and look for an escape. And it’s not just my mom who’s a Horse – my sister is too. She’s just as naggy as my mom, especially when it comes to complaining.

Now that my mom is getting older, I visit her every week. But if my sister is also there, it feels like being under machine gun fire. They just keep going, non-stop, from morning till night. It’s really overwhelming. They never seem to get tired, but it’s driving me crazy.

Being a family, I believe my mom loves my dad and cares deeply for us. My sister is also very affectionate towards me. However, living together is really challenging. I seek guidance from Grandmaster on how our family’s karma, with this particular combination of zodiac signs. Thank you, Grandmaster Zhiqiang from Taiwan.

This situation exemplifies the earlier discussion about the incompatibility between the Horse and Rooster. Phrases like “The noon horse dislikes the crowing of the rooster” and “The golden rooster does not join the herd of horses” are relevant here. Now, it’s like the Rooster has entered the herd of horses,

Which is challenging as these two signs are not easy to harmonize. he, like his father, who is also a Rooster, just want to run away and hide. His family has an interesting pair-up: two Horses and two Roosters. It seems there’s a lot of non-stop chatter,

Mainly because those born in the Year of the Horse are particularly talkative. I’m not sure why, but his mom, every time she speaks, it’s not just nagging about small things like wearing more clothes. She often points out faults and dredges up the past.

She might not remember if she locked the door today, but past issues are vividly remembered. His mom would bring up things like how his dad still had another girlfriend when trying to marry his mom. Or his grandma didn’t lend her 200 yuan when his mom is in need.

But now they’re called upon when his grandma is hospitalized. It’s these kinds of things that can be particularly frustrating for his dad and him. It is unbearable to endure constant nagging. But nagging is a way for women to vent their frustrations. However, it will hurt others. Thus, the son wants to run away,

Although the father never fled. He stood his ground, unwavering throughout his life. Nevertheless, the father lived a long life to age 90. He developed resilience, almost like calluses on his ears. But this constant barrage of nagging, like machine-gun fire, can be unbearable. No one can stand it. Can it causes energy leak?

Yes, especially some women constantly criticizes their husbands and children, with terrible words. I hesitate to say this, afraid of offending ladies. But this needs to be addressed. Otherwise, they don’t even know that it is them who caused the downfall of their family. And they may continue with their nagging.

It’s okay if just nagging on trival matters. However, if constantly belittling or demeaning others, then it would deplete their luck and harm their spouse and children. It brings no benefit, but lead to financial losses. For instance, if your husband is very capable and made a million dollars in one year,

Your vicious nagging could lead to unexpected spending of half a million. Thus you’d have less saving. The most severe form of nagging, coupled with arrogance and disrespect towards ancestors and deities, can lead to spending twice of your earning. You might end up with no savings at all,

Or being conned away of your hard earned money. It’s like a giant hole in your fortune, leaking out your blessings and energy. Thus, it’s not just your mouth that’s open, but also the door to your wealth. Revealing your husband’s weaknesses can be particularly detrimental,

As in the theory of fate and physiognomy, your husband is the pillar of your family. Criticizing him is like ransacking your own house. Thus, this behavior can lead to the loss of wealth, as well as underachievement of your children. Because you have leaked your blessings. So, we must be mindful and vigilant.

Thus, those women who scoldstheir family everyday would end up having underachieving children. It’s a pity to see them driving away their good deities of blessings and wealth this way. Every household has its guardian spirit of fortune. It’s good to sing the praise with joy, but bad if cursing all the time.

In the end, cursing causes the loss of virtue, energy, and wealth. It would be lost forever. While you may feel good critising others, but do you want to lose your husband and your children? Do you want to lost all your money? You might say you don’t care abbout money.

What is so great about money? But it may become precious once lost. You then realize that your spouse is so important. Same with wealth. You’d regret losing it. Thus, please speak kindly to accumulate virtues. Chant to Buddha and praise your children if you open your mouth.

Encourage your husband and he’ll reciprocate with hard work. Cursing him, he’d lose his spirit. He’d lose all his energy and drive. We are grateful for Grandmaster’s teachings. It’s not easy for our fellow brother Zhiqiang, who has to deal with constant criticism at home. Let’s give him a blessed gift to support him.

Good. What’s this? Let’s take a look. This is Grandmaster’s artwork named “Still the Heart and Mind”. Grandmaster, please tell us more about this artwork. It has some spiritual aspect. The lower part is a vase, with many leaves and auspicious energy floating above it. Hope all the happiness, wealth, and good fortune

Can gather in your home, and it’s filled to the brim. It is floating in the air, with the strong and auspicious energy fills your home. The worshipers can gain wealth, wisdom, as well as insight and inspirations. And they connect easily with other people. So, I am giving this printing to Zhiqiang from Taiwan.

Wishing your entire family happiness and joy. Received, gratitude to Grandmaster! “Still the heart and mind” is particularly appropriate here. It applies to the mother and sister too. So just still your mind and chant more. Yes, chant more, and wealth and honor will come. Gratitude to Grandmaster!

Next is the sharing from Yu Chen of Singapore She and her husband both belong to the horse zodiac. Let’s see how these two horses get along. Hello Grandmaster, I first met my husband in my university. I was stuck at first sight. I felt he was really nice. After our first meeting,

He frequently called me for chat, actively courting me. Two months later, we went steady. After dating for two or three months, I couldn’t help but pick on him constantly. Whatever he did was not to my liking, so I began to criticize him. He mostly acquiesced.

I saw him as pitiable and couldn’t bear to break up. A year into the relationship, my mother tried to stop us from being together. She said two people with horse zodiac will clash with each other. Although I was afraid after hearing about the zodiac conflict, I really couldn’t bear to let go.

After a year and a half of courtship, we regoistered for marriage in 2001. Two years later, when we were about to hold our wedding ceremony, his family opposed it. They said I had a bad temper and always criticized my husband. They even judged my facial features,

Saying my high cheekbones indicated dominance over my husband. I told his family that it was irresponsible of them. We had registered our marriage for two years, and now they say it’s inappropriate. Finally, under my pressure, we held our wedding. After the wedding, I would glare at him over trivial matters,

And argue with him almost on daily basis, sometimes even punching him and smashing things in the house. On the surface, he still agreed with me. I felt I was being honest with him, but he was always lying to me and getting caught. For example, stuff from his ex-girlfriend, he claimed he’d throw away,

But I would find them hidden a few days later. Every time he lied, I caught him, so I stopped believing him altogether. Three years into the marriage, we were at the point of divorce. To find an excuse for separation, I left the city for a year. Just then, my mother fell ill.

Not wanting to worry her, I didn’t go for divorce. I reluctantly returned to my in-laws’ house. After returning, I was still the same, unable to resist criticizing him and his family. To help improve our relationship, I wanted to have a baby. And my daughter was born in 2007.

I thought things would get better with a child, but my temper remained bad, unable to control myself and wanting to argue with him. In April 2018, I discovered my husband was cheating on me. He fell for another woman. After I found out, I had a big fight with him

And forced him to break up with his lover. He explained that he couldn’t stand my temper anymore. He was afraid to live with me, that’s why he found someone else. Since then, I never had meal with him at the same table, nor went out with him. I avoided him whenever possible.

In October 2018, my mother introduced Bodhi Meditation to me Initially, I often offer lights for my husband and performed meritorious deeds for him, whenever he had issues in work, career, health, or other aspects. At that time, I just did it for his well-being. Starting from 2019, I consistently listened to Grandmaster’s teachings

For three years, until in 2021, I finally realized that all my sufferings, all my husband’s sufferings, and his dishonesty, were all caused by me, the root cause of all. It was all because of my explosive temper and self-centeredness, always demanding others to follow me, which led to his dishonesty. Ever since that realization,

Whenever I feel like scolding or blaming him, I stop and think: Is it necessary to criticize him over this? I also consider how to speak in a less hurtful way that will be easier for him to accept. I’ve also tried to focus less on his faults

And instead try to understand things from his perspective. Since then, we’ve rarely argued, and our home has become more harmonious. Over the past two years, we’ve returned to eating together at the same table, going out together, and traveling together. We’ve started to live a simple yet happy life.

I do believe in the concept of zodiac signs clashing, but when I was younger, I thought I could solve anything. Reality taught me a harsh lesson, and I suffered for twenty years. The greatest fortune in my life has been meeting Grandmaster. Through light offerings, doing good deeds, and listening to Grandmaster’s teachings,

I realized my mistakes and repented. I’ve worked on my bad temper and changed my life trajectory. I am truly grateful to Grandmaster and would like to ask for his blessing for my family to continue living a happy and harmonious life.

This is the story of a marriage between two individuals born in the Year of the Horse. As Grandmaster mentioned, two Horses together often have a conflicting and challenging relationship. It’s really difficult to manage. The sister in this story became aware after learning my teachings.

When her husband left, it was a wake-up call for her. Remarkably, she managed to bring him back, despite being on the verge of divorce when she encountered Bodhi Meditation. After studying from Grandmaster, she truly realized that all the pain she had experienced was due to her own actions.

She began to accumulate merit for her husband and offering lights for her family, and now they are able to live together peacefully and happily. This shows that besides zodiac compatibility, personal experience and cultivation play a huge role. When you choose a partner, it’s not about dominating or enslaving them,

Treating them like a dog or a toy. For instance, she went to her in-laws and criticized not only her husband, but also his family, which was quite audacious. It shows a lack of respect. You don’t have the right to criticize your colleagues arbitrarily, let alone your in-laws. Such actions

Show a lack of respect. If a marriage can survive this, it’s already doing better than expected. The husband in this story is truly commendable. It seems that he is the more composed one, doesn’t it? as this sister did, we are really immature. To summarize: we create our own pain. Yes, indeed.

This case illustrates that beyond zodiac compatibility, your behavior and actions play a crucial role in the happiness of your marriage. I can only admire the sister’s husband for his remarkable patience and tolerance. To return to such a challenging relationship speaks volumes about his character. Grandmaster, let’s give a gift to this sister’s husband

As a gesture of appreciation. Good people should have a life of peace. Yes, let’s bless their entire family. Let’s give the sister’s husband a set of amethyst prayer beads, symbolizing a long and peaceful life. Gratitude to Grandmaster. For the sister, a gift for recognizing and correcting her mistakes. Constantly scolding can be exhausting.

To admit one’s mistakes and work on them is a brave act and a true form of spiritual practice. She is cultivating her own compassion and tolerance. We wish both of them happiness and good fortune. Received. Gratitude to Grandmaster. Now, let’s hear from Xinyi from the United States.

She shares a story of constant conflicts between a Tiger and a Monkey. Her brother-in-law is born in the Year of the Monkey, and her sister in the Year of the Tiger. They are exactly six years apart, which means their zodiacs are directly clashing. This clash is vividly reflected in their lives.

Her sister is a good person, kind and filial to the elderly, Our mother lives close by my sister, so my sister takes care of her. For our grandmother in the nursing home, she regularly visits, bringing food and drinks. She’s also very kind to her husband’s family,

Taking care of her mother-in-law until her passing. My sister is quite generous. Whenever relatives visit, she gives the children red envelopes, gifts, and clothes. She is also generous with her friends. Her husband is also a good person. He is the CEO of a company, polite and kind to his employees.

Once, when someone tried to harm him, an employee was even willing to take a hit for him. He is also generous with my sister’s family, providing thoughtful and lavish care. His business is doing well, and he has essentially retired. Yet, despite both being good people, they argue constantly.

Sometimes their arguments are so intense that they can’t hide them even in front of guests, but they’re usually over trivial matters. For example, my sister complains that her husband is always out playing sports or dancing, he’s never at home. He says he feels restless at home, and prefers more lively places.

His outgoing personality means he makes friends wherever he goes, while my sister is more introverted and prefers staying in. She claims it’s to take care of the elderly, but it’s probably also her preference. This kind of conflict has persisted for forty years. However, they do care for each other.

My sister can be sharp-tongued, but her husband usually yields to her. However, my sister complains to me that he only does so in front of others, and behaves differently when they’re alone. I’m not sure if this is true. Her husband has a higher social status, being a successful entrepreneur,

But at home, my sister has the final say. He usually stays quiet. They don’t have children. They wanted to when they were younger, but his health wasn’t good then. They tried IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), but the process was too painful for my sister, so they gave up.

In the end, there were no children. They both like children, so it is a significant regret for them, perhaps a source of their conflicts. As a relative, I’m unsure how to help them. They are genuinely good people to their friends and family, but just can’t seem to get along.

I ask for Grandmaster’s guidance. Indeed, their Chinese zodiac signs are conflicting. One is a Monkey and the other a Tiger. This is a bit of a clash. Their destinies clash, they are in direct conflict. They happen to be opposites who clash, which is not easy to reconcile. The husband’s business success is evident,

But their mutual desire to have a child, now unlikely due to age, remained unfulfilled. In terms of destiny, the most severe clashes can lead to loss of life or infertility. Firstly, the most severe outcome for an individual is the loss of life. This is the gravest consequence. The second, equally severe, is infertility,

The inability to have children and continue the lineage. It’s often said that children are the extension of one’s life. So, if you can’t have children, your family line ends with you. There’s no one to carry on the legacy. This could be a result of the conflict arising from opposing elements in their destinies.

The exact cause remains unknown, but it’s clear that their destinies are not aligned. They are in conflict. The severity of such conflicts is not to be underestimated. For instance, the story of the white helmet we discussed earlier. In that story, the individuals were also in conflict and had incompatible zodiac signs.

In the case of this sister and her husband, their destinies are clashing as well. Their zodiac signs, Monkey and Tiger directly clash. They have conflicting energies. This clash might mean gaining wealth or success in business, but losing other invaluable things, like the fulfillment they hoped for in life.

It’s a significant regret in their lives. They can’t even meet. Once they meet, they will start arguing. They are both good people, both respectable. well-mannered people. They are smart, but they couldn’t meet each other. Whenever they did, they would fight. They just couldn’t control their tempers. Normally, they are quite pleasant

When talking to others, but the moment they meet, they stop speaking civilly and start fighting. Grandmaster, now that they are reaching retirement age, probably in their early sixties, I wonder if this clashing nature might weaken with age? Is there such a thing, or is it impossible? It’s not possible.

Oh, what can they do? It seems their birth determined this clash. It’s not about age. Their energy does diminish with age. It’s like the magnetic fields between the North and South Poles; when has that ever weakened? There are many who clash like this.

I’ve heard of cases where an old man is literally nagged to death by his wife. The last thing he sees is her scolding him, wishing his soul to go to hell. Such curses! There really are such cases. When this family told me about it, I felt their pain.

How much hatred must one harbor to feel that way? The old lady said she only hated him in her entire life. This is too much of a karmic debt. Such a disastrous marriage, paying off karmic debts, but who knows if it’s all settled. Being nagged to death might not even clear the debt.

The one who’s nagged to death might harbor even greater hatred, leading to a never-ending cycle of revenge in future lives. You nagged me to death this time, next time I’ll nag you to death. When will this cycle of vengeance end? Better learn from Grandmaster. I agree, this is the best solution.

Like the prior sister’s story we just heard about, they had an epiphany and saved their marriage. Only with the blessing of Buddha can this be achieved. This old couple still hope to live a more peaceful life, although they don’t have children or a third person to help them resolve conflicts and balance.

Right, balance, they indeed need it more now. They should turn to meditation, practice Meditation, walk Energy Bagua, and age without needing anyone to look after them. Walk Energy Bagua every day and live to 99. This is my prescription for this sister and her husband. Grandmaster, shall we also send them a gift?

I’ll send them a painting I drew during our live broadcast. “Home by the Reeds.” It is the warm memories of Grandmaster’s childhood hometown. During the live broadcast, I bravely drew it. It might seem laughable, but it feels warm. I seriously tried my best, but that’s the extent of my skill.

Very warm and beautiful. It carries auspicious blessings. I hope the owner, or whoever takes it home, in future will have a very happy and warm home. Perfect for marriage, childbirth, and wealth accumulation. Where is the wealth? There’s water in front of the reeds. Without water, reeds won’t grow.

Reeds always grow intertwined with water. Water symbolizes wealth, right? It’s fluid, happy, full of life. There are many treasures in the reed marshes. So, this is a happy, wealthy, and joyful home. Gratitude to Grandmaster. So, we’ll send this to this sister and her husband in America, wishing them happiness, longevity, and joy.

Gratitude to Grandmaster. That’s great. No more fighting, just a happy life ahead. Next, we have Sunflower from Malaysia sharing her story. Her Zodiac sign is a Rat, and she brought a story about her clashing with a Rooster. Hello, Grandmaster, I’m Sunflower. I’m born in the Rat year,

And my ex-husband is born in the year of Monkey. According to the compatibility chart you posted on Facebook, my ex-husband and I were compatible. But I clashed with my former mother-in-law, who was a Rooster. I met my ex-husband through relatives in 2012. Our relationship progressed smoothly, and we got married in 2014,

But something inexplicable happened on our wedding day. As we were walking from the parking lot to register our marriage, a rooster came up and pecked my skirt. I had never been pecked by a chicken before. At the time, I didn’t give it much thought

And happily went to register for marriage with my ex-husband. Afterwards, our relationship was very good. In my ex-husband’s eyes, I was a wise and virtuous wife. My former mother-in-law was also very kind to me then. She devoted herself to taking care of the family, cooking meals every day,

And often made soup for me. She was also kind to others, buying new clothes for her tenants’ children and showing great affection for them. In 2015, when my mother-in-law found out I was pregnant, she advised me not to breastfeed after the baby was born and instead use formula.

My ex-husband also listened to her, and I was prepared to follow their advice. However, in 2016, after giving birth, the doctors and nurses encouraged me to breastfeed, highlighting its benefits for the baby and for my postpartum recovery. However, when I started breastfeeding my child,

My mother-in-law became very angry. She scolded me for being disobedient and blamed me for reading books and listening to friends’ advice. From that point on, my relationship with her progressively worsened to the point of being irreconcilable. Looking back, I wonder how such a kind person

Could have had such a falling out with me. Could this really be the influence of our conflicting zodiac signs? After my child turned one month old, I began to feel depressed, constantly arguing with my ex-husband. He then had to go to Japan for a three-month business trip.

During that time, I was overwhelmed with the stress of work and taking care of the baby, which led to an emotional breakdown. I was diagnosed with postpartum depression by the doctor. I couldn’t help but frequently call my ex-husband and argue with him over the phone. Seeing me argue like a ‘madwoman’,

He eventually stopped contacting me. When he returned from Japan, he sent a message saying he wanted a divorce. After the divorce, he stopped paying attention to me and our child, only providing some child support. In 2017, I discovered Bodhi Meditation and joined meditation and Energy Bagua classes.

Gradually, I overcame my depression and became more cheerful. In September 2018, I attended a retreat taught by Grandmaster himself. On the fifth day of the course, Grandmaster said that young people, especially those who have just divorced, should offer a light for their past-life enemies, as it would be good for both parties.

I followed his advice and offered lights for my past-life enemies, and listened to a story about turning an enemy into a friend. This story resonated with my situation. I thought that I couldn’t let my ex-husband and former mother-in-law become enemies.

For the sake of my child, I had to maintain a harmonious relationship with them. Inspired by the Grandmaster’s teachings, I took the initiative to contact my ex-husband. I told him that I hoped he could meet our child, and he agreed. In 2019, during the Lunar New Year,

I took my child to visit my ex-husband’s home. Since then, I have been arranging for my child to meet with their father periodically, sharing meals together. During the pandemic, my ex-husband took good care of us, buying groceries and delivering them to us every week. In May 2021,

I enrolled in Grandmaster’s ‘Spotless Chanting Class’. Through Grandmaster’s teachings, I realized my past immaturity. I had been stubborn, fixated on my own views, and had been in constant conflict with my mother-in-law, causing my ex-husband much distress. I conveyed these realizations to my ex-husband, and since then, we have become friends.

On the fourth day of the class, I took the initiative to call my former mother-in-law to apologize. I admitted that I had been ungrateful and confrontational in the past. This thawed the ice between us. Now, she often buys vegetables, eggs, and fruits that I like and brings them to me.

Grandmaster’s teachings have been incredibly profound, transforming me and alleviating my depression. They also changed the attitude of my ex-husband and former mother-in-law towards me, leading them to be more caring towards me, which has harmonized our relationship. I am deeply grateful for the continuous guidance and care from Grandmaster.

I seek further guidance from Grandmaster about the incident that occurred when I was registering my marriage with my ex-husband. A rooster came and pecked at my dress. Was this a sign of a doomed marriage? She was born in the year of the Rat, and her ex-husband, the Monkey. These zodiac signs are compatible.

However, her zodiac sign is not in harmony with her mother-in-law, who was born in the Year of the Rooster. The incident of the rooster pecking her dress on her wedding registration day was peculiar. Could it have been a divine warning? Perhaps the Rooster’s zodiac

Influence was to cast a negative shadow on her marriage. At the time, it might not have been easy to foresee this. These two zodiac signs are not compatible. There’s an old saying about the Rat and Rooster not getting along. Ironically, they ended up in divorce, which seems to align with that saying.

Thankfully, she have since come to Bodhi Meditation. Learning to be a better person, learning how to handle things, and treating her ex-husband and his family well. After that, the relationship eased. Now, they even take care of each other. This development is much better. I’m happy for her. If it’s not heading nowhere,

If we can learn to be a better person, with more understanding, more tolerance, and more dedication, I believe such happiness can still be created. But there’s a kind that you can’t change, as the saying goes, a relationship that’s headed towards a dead-end. For example, you may say: “We are perfect, we never argue,

And there’s no hidden resentment,” but when it comes to life conflicts and clashes, it’s possible that one person will suffer, like suddenly getting cancer and passing away. This is not caused by arguing. Suddenly having a heart attack, and then she gets sick and passes away.

What can you do about such parting by death? There are such cases. The conflict between them is not a direct conflict with the husband, which is much better. It’s very common for there to be some conflicts between your spouse and family members. It can be unavoidable,

But it’s also up to us how we handle these situations. This kind of thing can be mitigated. If you act positively in such a marriage, the harm is lessened. Yes, it will be reduced because it is not unsolvable. So, we still need to learn to be a better person.

Gratitude to Grandmaster! Your teachings have helped many families, Actually, what makes me happiest is this disciple’s son. At such a young age, because he left with his mother during the divorce, he was not familiar with his father or grandmother. But now, he has returned to his roots. It is so wonderful, truly great.

We’ll also send a gift to their family. First, I’ll send them a large rice cooker so they have food to eat, and the whole family can be happy and prosperous. Received, gratitude to Grandmaster. Also, I’ll send them a small bowl of these colored glass peanuts. This symbolizes happiness and wealth.

During weddings, many elderly mothers would stuff real peanuts into your quilts and pillows to bring both boys and girls, creating a variety of life, allowing one to have children as desired. These colored glass peanuts also promote marital happiness. It’s great. Place these under your pillow to attract love and auspicious relationships.

I’m happy for this dharma sister. For this married couple, if you put these peanuts under your pillow, I believe it will let you have children as you wish, that’s the symbolism. Look how kind Grandmaster is, sending this to her. Gratitude to Grandmaster. Next up is a story from Yufei in Malaysia.

Her story is about the Monkey and the Snake. She says it went from mutual understanding and cherishing to being as incompatible as water and fire. The Monkey and the Snake both support and conflict with each other. Yes, let’s see what her story is like. Hello Grandmaster, I am now eighty years old.

I really enjoy Grandmaster’s discussions about zodiac signs. It reminds me of my failed marriage over the years, and I wonder if it was due to the compatibility of our zodiac signs. Here is my story that I hope to share with Grandmaster. I consider myself very optimistic, non-confrontational, and decisive in my actions.

My husband, on the other hand, is petty, argumentative, and hot-tempered. We were both teachers and met at a teachers’ college. We shared common interests like arts, dance, and nature. Whenever we had a holiday, we would go to nature and the seaside. After dating for two years, we registered for marriage

And had a traditional wedding a year later. We have five children. In the early phase of our marriage, we treated each other with respect, and life was simple and happy. Our three older children all enjoyed a warm family. However, ever since we moved away from my in-laws’ house and to our new home,

Cracks began to appear in our relationship. A friend said it was because our new house had bad Feng Shui, but I didn’t take it seriously. We both loved music and dancing. After having my fourth son, I started assisting with classes sponsored by the government, teaching children to sing and dance.

Eventually, the dance troupe I ran became quite successful and started accepting a wider range of students, including young girls from the community who were interested in joining. These kids would come to our house to practice. A few years later, when I was about 33 or 34 years old,

I discovered that my husband had become involved with one of the young female students. There had been warnings from other students, but I chose to trust my husband and this girl. However, reality hit me hard when I discovered his affair. Instead of owning up,

My husband used the excuse that I didn’t want to have more children to justify his infidelity. I kept quiet and bore it for the sake of our children, determined not to separate. Our marriage began to crack. He started picking fights over trivial things,

Complaining that the food I cooked was either too bland or too salty. Eventually, my second son couldn’t stand it anymore and talked back to him. My husband got so angry that he picked up a chair to hit the child. Our home was constantly filled with arguments and noise.

He didn’t act like a father to the children; there was very little communication or interaction between them. To prevent my children from losing a complete family, I made compromises and even tried to have a fifth child to save our marriage. However, it was not until later when my youngest son said to me

That he had never felt what fatherly love was, that I was deeply hurt. It was then that I realized how wrong my decision had been. I felt incredibly sorry for my children. For over a decade, my husband would leave early and come back late, contributing nothing to the household expenses.

He didn’t pay a penny towards our children’s education, acting indifferently like a stranger. This was a far cry from the man I had known early in our relationship. Was he that good at hiding his true self, or was I blinded by love back then? In 1991, when I was 47 years old,

A minor incident led to my husband hitting the children again. That night, I took my children and left our home. Being the youngest in my family, and even though my father passed away in an accident when I was just three months old, I was always dearly loved by my mother and siblings.

It was my husband who forced me to become independent and strong. After moving out, I struggled to raise my children alone, including working part-time jobs to pay for their education. My feelings for my husband changed from initial mutual admiration to intense hatred. In 2012, when my husband was 70 years old,

He suddenly passed away from a stroke. My children and I returned to take care of his funeral arrangements. Despite my resentment, considering he was still the father of my children, I encouraged them to perform their final filial duties. I began practicing Bodhi Meditation in 2016 and joined a meditation class.

On the fourth day of the class, my four-year-long sciatic nerve pain was alleviated, and my previously immobile right hand regained its full range of motion. I had suffered from leg cramps every day for seventy years, but since November 2022, when I became Grandmaster JinBodhi’s disciple, the nightly cramps miraculously disappeared

And haven’t troubled me since. Additionally, my son, who is in his 40s, and was suffering from severe urinary incontinence requiring the use of diapers, completely recovered through practicing Energy Bagua. Since learning meditation with Grandmaster, not only have my family and I regained our physical health, but through Grandmaster’s teachings,

I’ve also gradually let go of my hatred towards my husband and learned to forgive. The moment I truly forgave him, my heart was finally at peace. Now, I am incredibly content and happy. I diligently practice meditation every day, help and assist others, and am filled with joyous energy.

I am profoundly grateful to Grandmaster. Regarding the compatibility of those born in the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Snake, my marriage with my husband was similar. Initially, everything was peaceful, but we became as incompatible as fire and water.

The biological father of my children became like a stranger to them. I humbly ask Grandmaster for guidance and teachings. Gratitude to Grandmaster. This is from Yufei in Malaysia. She is now 80 years old and reflecting on her life and relationship with her husband. In the beginning, they were very happy together.

They had three children in quick succession, but after the birth of our fourth child, she discovered her husband’s infidelity. This was heartbreaking, but she still tried to have another child in an effort to save her family. She gave birth to their fifth baby.

However, not only did this child not bring her husband back to his senses, the husband became more abusive and irresponsible. In the end, she took the child and left him. At the age of 33, her husband had an affair. By that time, she had already given birth to four children.

Then, at 36, she had her fifth child. It wasn’t until she was 47 that she finally made the decisive choice to leave her husband. Now, she is 80 years old, and her husband recently passed away from a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 70. Still, it was okay.

Their relationship was always a mix of good and bad due to their zodiac incompatibility. It’s like they say, having both advantages and disadvantages. It’s not like ordinary people who don’t have so many conflicts. In their case, the disadvantages eventually outweighed the advantages, which is regrettable. This is quite complicated.

The relationship was the disadvantages outweighed the advantages. Their zodiac signs just weren’t compatible. They ended up in a typically conflicting one. The harm caused by such zodiacal incompatibility can be significant. Yes, when the husband began to inflict harm, that’s when they parted ways, in their 40s. This is a real-life example.

Regarding their children, it seems like the fourth and fifth ones are both Tigers, right? And the third and fourth, too? This wasn’t favorable for them because the combination of Snake, Monkey, and Tiger in their family created a new, clashing dynamic. This can be seen in the chart of zodiac compatibility we discussed earlier.

Tiger, Snake, and Monkey are in a conflicting relationship. As we said, this is a conflict. So, once the two Tiger children were born, it exacerbated the already tense situation between them, intensifying their conflicting and harmful relationship.

The arrival of these two children marked the end of their relationship, as the husband left soon after. After the birth of the third child, their relationships started to deteriorate. A third party makes things going downhill. After the fourth child was born, the husband left.

That’s how it went. The presence of these two Tigers, astrologically speaking, intensified the conflicting dynamic in their relationship. Let’s dive deeper into astrological compatibility here before we proceed. She has provided a very detailed account, so it’s a relationship like the one depicted in the chart. It involves two Tigers,

A Monkey, and a Snake. Eventually, the husband, who is a Snake, ran off. So, the two Tiger children, along with the Monkey mother, drove the Snake husband away. It’s not about finding faults, but energy clashing. It’s fate. Many couples wrong each other but don’t separate; they maintain a complete family, right?

But in this case, they straightforwardly split up, resulting in a broken family. Her heart was deeply hurt by this. However, she is still fortunate. Now at the age of eighty, she looks youthful and tender-skinned. I call this kind of separation a fortunate one, because no one dies.

This is the kind of separation that both persons are alive. There are separations caused by death. For example, if the husband dies, and it happens within the context of their marriage, the woman becomes a widow. This is a separation that no one dies. Which separation is better? The one nobody dies, right?

The hatred is less intense that nobody wishes death upon others. It’s always better when nobody has to die. If death does occur, we wouldn’t know who causes it. So, both are in danger; both could die. It’s always better when nobody has to die. To see hope, one has to stay alive.

Being alive is what’s most important. Okay, Grandmaster, let’s also give her a gift. Alright. I think she is doing quite well. She enjoys a happy later life. Malaysia is hot, let’s cool her down a bit. How about a fan? I’ll also send her a string of beads. White ones are also cooling,

Made of tridacna. These are tridacna prayer beads. Speak less, chant more, accumulate merits, do good deeds, and store up energy. Received. I wish you a life of 100 years with happiness and auspiciousness. Received. Gratitude to Grandmaster. Grandmaster, you mentioned that it’s unclear who will dominate when two people are astrologically incompatible.

What determines who becomes the victim? Is there a rule, like who is weaker or who is just having an unlucky year? I think if we delve deeper into the study of fate and astrology, we could find an answer, but it can be quite complicated.

It involves the interplay of the five elements – metal, wood, water, fire, earth – combined with the influence of their children. For instance, having children of certain zodiac signs could either strengthen the husband or the wife, but it’s not always certain. Thus, detailed calculations are needed, it’s like math.

It could take an hour or two to find the answer. Your partner could either assist you, or pull your legs. So, from a surface-level perspective, it’s hard to distinguish. But, as Grandmaster said, the severity of these astrological clashes and conflicts varies. Like you mentioned, separation without death is better than separation by death.

In the case with the former, you can make a comeback. There might be someone more suitable waiting for you. Although we don’t advocate for divorce, a separation without anyone dying is still better where you can find new happiness and possibly rebuild a family. It’s at least an option. Indeed, the severity differs.

When someone joins into a zodiacally conflicting relationship, it could either exacerbate or alleviate their clashing dynamics, right, Grandmaster? It all depends on what kind of change in dynamics is formed. Yes, take the example of the Three Harmonies in Chinese astrology. For instance, the couple we were discussing earlier,

One is a Monkey and the other is a Snake. Now, in the Three Harmonies configuration, let’s say from the Monkey perspective, if there’s a Dragon and a Rat together, they can form a harmonious trio. If there’s no direct harmony, at least introducing someone who is neutral to ease up things a bit.

At most, they might just end up arguing. So, when three or four zodiac signs come together, it can either exacerbate or mitigate the conflicts. The birth of two Tigers, in this case, made things worse. We also talked about the two Dragons earlier – the saying goes, “Two Dragons can’t share one bed.”

Now, if the children born to them are favorable for the Dragons, could it change the family dynamics? Of course. If, astrologically, it’s beneficial for them, like forming a Three or Six Harmonies relationship, then their conflicts could be eased.

For instance, if two Dragons then have a child born in the year of the Rooster. Yes, the Dragon and the Rooster are compatible, but it’s not enough. The energy of the Rooster needs to be very strong to ease their conflicts. If the energy of the conflicts is strong but the elements are compatible,

It might actually be beneficial for the marriage. However, it could be detrimental to the health of their parents. Because their conflicts, even if severe enough to cause illness, wouldn’t necessarily lead to divorce. Even in illness, finding a third party isn’t likely, right? It could be a kind of destiny shift, but still harmful.

The focus is shifted. So, this shift in energy fields is a real phenomenon in the universe. These two are just inherently in opposition. Even in old age, when the body is weaker, this conflicting energy still exists. This conflicting energy can be so intense that, for instance, in a particular year,

The couple with particular zodiac signs shouldn’t have children. The birth of a child could lead to the death of the father. Such cases do exist. It can happen within that year. A clash is not a joke. Sometimes, the father passes away during the pregnancy, leaving behind a posthumous child, right?

Yes, it’s like that. In cases of severe clashes. If we want to delve deeper, there are many methods, such as physiognomy. This involves analyzing the facial features and external appearances, right? For instance, you can often tell whether a woman might get divorced or if her husband might pass away by her facial features.

You can recognize these signs with experience. It’s easier to determine if she might overpower her husband, right? Our faces tell many things, you just need to observe the signs. The same goes for men; there are facial signs indicating a man might overpower his wife. This concept applies to both genders –

Mutual overpowering within a couple, and even overpowering children. Men can overpower their children, and women can too. One can even overpower one’s boss. You know, like, setting up their own faction at the workplace. We’ve talked before about a man in Tibet who ran an electronics store.

After five or six years, there were five or six stores opposite his, all run by his relatives and neighbors who didn’t speak to each other. This is just one example. Children overpowering their parents is another scenario. This kind of astrological overpowering is not related to age;

It’s related to one’s fate and astrological sign. Understanding this, along with physiognomy, becomes even more relevant. When astrological signs clash and facial features add to it, that’s when these things happen. Grandmaster, we’ve heard so many stories, shared so much knowledge, and there are so many questions. How does overpowering happen at home?

How do we deal with that? Everyone is seeking a resolution. If the conflicting relationship is already established, if they’re already a family with children, it’s a bit difficult to say. There are many methods of resolution from different schools of thought. The simplest method is, as they say, “One mountain cannot harbor two tigers.”

Whether it’s between siblings or a couple, it’s advisable to sleep in separate rooms as much as possible. Start with separate beds, then move on to separate rooms. As soon as the children grow up, they should leave home early. Basically, get out as quickly as possible. Combinations like Dragon-Tiger, Tiger-Tiger, Dragon-Dragon,

Or Horse-Horse in the family, these strong zodiac combinations shouldn’t be in the same house. So, when they turn eighteen, they should move out. It’s time to establish their own path. When they are young and unaware, they might stumble through under their parents’ care. But as they grow older, say after seventeen,

Their conflicting nature starts to manifest. Between brothers, combinations like Dragon-Tiger, Tiger-Tiger, or Dragon-Dragon might start fighting. As they age, the conflicts become more intense. One might unintentionally harm the other. It could cause pain, or even death. So, in cases where siblings are destined to clash, they should not go into business together.

They must sleep in separate rooms. How can they run a business together? Separate them to reduce conflict. This clarity is essential. Let the separation be as obvious as possible. The closer they are, the greater the clash. In cases of married couples, yes, they might even have children.

In such cases, sleeping in separate rooms is recommended. While there might be less love, there’s also less harm. In fact, there are cases where elderly couples end up living with different children. This can be a viable solution too. The first major point is separation. Establish your own space.

Then, the second method, as far as I know, I’ve come across a few times. It wasn’t very common, especially back when religious beliefs in China weren’t as open. People would follow what their elders believed in. They would come to a master for resolution.

For instance, they might have a child who they can’t seem to keep healthy. Once they report the child’s birth date and time, the master then finds what conflicts they’d bring. Since the child is young and physically weak, they can’t withstand the clash with their parents.

But the parents might not be aware of this; most wouldn’t. It’s like the child can’t withstand us, and we both overpower the child. So, what follows is that the doctors might say there’s no hope for the child. When there’s no hope, in some local traditions, they would offer the child to the Buddha;

It’s no longer the family’s. My Master, a great Buddhist master, many people come to seek refuge under him. In their local practice, they would approach the Master to adopt their child. Most the masters would just take them as disciples, because monks cannot have children.

They can be a disciple practicing with the master to save themselves. But for this kind of life-saving measure due to astrological reasons, one has to formally and importantly take the vows of ordination, including the discipleship and dharma-name giving ceremony.

Then, the child must spend at least a month every year living in the temple to practice Buddhism. When parents couldn’t keep the child alive, and the child was on the brink of death, this was the approach taken. I’ve encountered about five or six such children, typically boys.

Girls wouldn’t usually be sent to the temple. Instead, they would have the Master touch their head for a blessing, to alleviate their misfortune. They would submit the girl’s birth details, and the Master would give her his best blessings, chant sutras for her protection. But for boys, they would take refuge in Buddha,

In the Buddha himself. After the initiation ceremony, he is, in a sense, like a son to the Buddha. This means dedicating one’s life to Buddha. Even during school years, they must spend at least a month each year working, doing chores, and practicing at the Master’s place. When you were younger,

Your parents had to provide offerings to the Master. Back then, the Master would specify the amount of grain to be offered. For example, a specific amount of grain, nothing less than that. This was part of the disaster alleviation process. It was a symbolic gesture. If the child managed to live and earn money,

They had to show gratitude to the Master. You are preserving life and accumulating merit, so taking refuge in Buddha or Bodhisattva, or finding a good Master to take refuge in, is a way to resolve intense astrological conflicts and clashes. Okay, so that’s the second method of resolution. For couples with astrological conflicts,

This method can be applied too. Both partners undertake the refuge process, followed by significant offerings. Then, at least for a month each year, if, for instance, you’re retired and free, you should spend at least three months serving in the temple. If you lose your temper even slightly,

The merit is lost, and the clashing energies will come back to you. You might sprain your ankle today, strain your back tomorrow, and who knows what the day after. Right, it’s very effective – taking refuge in Buddha to change your fate. I’ve also encountered Taoist Masters.

They would take a spiritual tablet and then perform rituals. Taoism is divided into several schools. Some sects assist in rituals involving animal sacrifice, like killing chickens, and then perform rituals on your spiritual tablet. They then bury it somewhere, essentially breaking the cycle of your astrological conflicts by shedding blood first.

They kill on your behalf. Then you have to pay the Master some money and make various offerings. But we don’t advocate killing for salvation. So this is not practiced in Buddhism. Buddhism says that by working hard, serving well, studying the Dharma to serve all beings, you can alleviate your misfortunes.

Just do more good deeds. There are also some folk rituals, also known as witchcraft, which I won’t go into. With it, you can transfer your troubles to a sheep and then release it. Others involve transferring troubles to a black dog or a white rooster, shifting the misfortune to other beings.

I’ve seen this too, but we don’t advocate for it, and I wouldn’t do it. However, I do seek blessings and protection from the Buddha and Bodhisattvas. Carrying protective items with you, from your place of residence to your person, items that have been blessed, can reduce the impact of these vast cosmic energies.

Essentially, our blessings, if not for the power of Buddha, couldn’t resist such immense cosmic forces. It’s not easy. But our blessed sacred objects, where there is faith, Buddha is behind us, supporting us. So, with Buddha’s name, the blessings provided can significantly mitigate your astrological conflicts.

For families with clashing relationships, it’s crucial to worship Buddha at home. Worship Buddha, chant Buddha’s name, offer lights, and have statues of Buddha and Bodhisattvas. I’ve experienced great effects from being near statues of Guru Rinphoche (Padmasambhava), Mahakala, Wrathful Vajra, and the Thousand-arm Guanyiin Bodhisattva.

Also, wearing round Buddhist beads with a line in the middle, like Medicine Buddha beads, is very effective. When these energies are contacted, the circular shape, seems to automatically spin, dissipating the energy. It’s similar to martial arts. When an enemy strikes,

A slight turn of the body lets the attack slide past without causing harm. It’s this principle because the Earth and the universe are in constant rotation, never stopping for a moment. Look at the moon, the sun, the stars – they never cease their movement. So, this method of rotation works well.

Like the Tridacna beads we awarded earlier, with Medicine Buddha beads, the presence of a black, white, yellow, or golden line in the middle signifies this spinning motion. Agate beads with lines, these types of beads, are useful in reducing the feeling of astrological clashes. They are of particular value.

Then there are beads that look like eyeballs, like the natural Agate “Heavenly Eye” beads. They also help in mitigating these clashing energies. Wearing jade Buddha amulets, such as Buddha images, Buddha words, auspicious phrases, mantras, or Bodhisattva images, can also be effective. Jade is known to protect people.

You might have heard of elderly people wearing jade pendants or bracelets who fall but are unharmed, while the jade breaks. This is a testament to their protective power. Jade is spiritual. Each exquisite piece of jade is a treasure created over billions of years by nature. It has a life force.

Whoever worships it, whoever cherishes it, it protects them. If there is an image of a Buddha or Bodhisattva on it, even better. Such jade becomes divine and helps in resolving conflicts. What if it breaks? Get a new one, it breaks because it has already shielded you from a major calamity.

What we fear most, like bleeding events, heart attacks, cancer, or traffic accidents – all considered blood disasters. So, a jade Buddha amulet or a Bodhisattva figure, or at the very least, a jade-carved mala with 108 beads to wear around your neck, is best.

A white jade pendant of Guanyin Bodhisattva is also exceptionally good. Such items can bring considerable protection. Thank you, Grandmaster. Then, in years when you face astrological conflicts or clashes, you should have our incense to regularly smoke your home, your car, or any vehicle you ride in with it.

Our current Tibetan incense powders come in different varieties, used to purify your transportation vehicles and homes, ensuring that no evil or unfortunate events occur there. Also, consistently offering of Zen incense, like agarwood and sandalwood, is also effective. Whether you’re at home or staying in a hotel, or if your office allows it,

Lighting our pure genuine sandalwood or agarwood incense, can greatly ward off evil. Having this kind of auspicious energy protecting you, can be effective in altering the negative magnetic fields around you. Yes. Thank you, Grandmaster. I believe they will be effective. So, I believe everyone have heard the Grandmaster.

In families, especially those with many members, such astrological clashes are common. Moreover, if you can receive blessings from a truly cultivated Grandmaster, whether it’s Buddhist or Taoist tradition, a Grandmaster with real spiritual attainment, their empowerment and blessings, I believe, can at least ensure your safety for three years. This is certain.

It’s not just me; many masters are highly cultivated. Therefore, it’s important to regularly learn from Grandmaster. Having the opportunity to do so is best. Through learning, one can change their fate. This is evident from the stories we’ve heard before. To turn big issues into small ones, and small issues into nothing.

Gratitude to Grandmaster. Just now, we also saw many of the resolution artifacts that Grandmaster talked about. We are grateful for Grandmaster’s compassionate blessings on these treasures. They are available for purchase on Cibeiyin.com. I want to encourage our viewers because many of these treasures are in limited supply.

Today, when the Glass Citrine Ingots was released, it was gone within an hour. There were only twenty pieces. It’s not easy for us to get many of them; often, even our internal staff can’t manage to secure them. Each one is a treasure,

And sometimes our staff don’t even get a chance to acquire them. That’s how it is. Now, everyone has seen the large Treasure Vase for accumulating wealth and blessings. There are only a few left. We might just keep them. These are particularly classic, very iconic. Alright, that’s all for today.

Thank you to Grandmaster for such an enlightening and helpful discussion. So, let’s notify our online viewers about the next live broadcast. The upcoming broadcast will be on January 1st. We usually go live on Sundays, but January 1st, 2024, is a Monday, one week from now.

As usual, our live broadcast time is at 7 PM Taipei time, and for those in North America, in Vancouver, it’s at 3 AM. We will meet again on January 1st, 2024. Everyone, remember this date. If it were a Sunday, it would have been December 31st, but as we cross into the new day,

It becomes January 1st, 2024. So, it’s next Monday. Yes, it’s Monday. We will celebrate the New Year together with a very exciting program, including a lucky draw. You must come; we have lots of big prizes. There are many exquisite gifts prepared by Grandmaster. Celebrating the New Year with Grandmaster is auspicious.

Regarding your zodiac-related and other important questions, feel free to write to me. When writing, please include your birth date, time, family members’ zodiac signs, ages, genders, and it would be best to provide recent photos, both front and side views. This way, I can give you more detailed guidance.

Okay, that’s it for our broadcast today. I wish everyone all the best, Received. good health and longevity, Received. happiness and joy. Received. We’ll see you again on January 1st. Gratitude to Grandmaster.


00:00:00 龍年運勢 | 12生肖 相親相愛 相沖相剋 | 風水運勢

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00:05:59 天作之合、互為貴人的六合生肖
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00:18:28 生肖中不那麼沖的「犯小相」
00:21:32 十二生肖:相生相剋民俗歌

◎ 網友生肖故事
00:43:00 網友故事1:嚴厲的父親,金雞遇犬淚交流
00:56:39 網友故事2:雞關槍媽媽
01:07:27 網友故事3:兩馬相對不能處
01:16:03 網友故事4:虎猴相見,矛盾不斷
01:25:37 網友故事5:和婆婆相剋
01:35:29 網友故事6:從相知相惜,到水火不容

◎ 相剋生肖化解方法
01:48:24 相剋關係誰受剋最多?
01:55:22 相剋關係化解法:分開過,少往來
01:57:33 相剋關係化解法:皈依師父,供養佛
02:03:14 相剋關係化解法:吉祥法物來加持
02:11:27 生肖相關疑難解答,歡迎來信:buxiangxudu@gmail.com

◎ 下期直播預告

台北時間 1月1日 7:00pm
溫哥華時間 1月1日 3:00am

#金菩提 #金菩提宗師 #菩提禪修 #風水運勢 #龍年運勢 #12生肖相沖相剋 #十二生肖相沖相剋 #三合生肖 #六合生肖 #相生相剋 #犯大相 #犯小相 #相沖生肖 #相剋生肖化解方法 #化解相剋生肖 #相剋關係化解法 #化解相剋 #相剋化解方法 #相剋怎麼化解 #相剋如何化解

※ 馬來西亞地區:僅限非穆斯林



  1. 感恩师父的慈悲指导🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻,我觉得不管怎样相克,只要能好好跟随师父学习,一切问题都将不是问题,顶礼叩拜恩师🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌹🌹🌹

  2. 感恩师父,弟子永远跟随师父,师父的开示太重要了,说的太对了,我对象就是属老鼠的,就是在本命年那年说什么也听不进去,结果就导致我们现在负债累累!祈请师父加持我们负债清零。感恩师父,弟子发愿努力帮助别人!

  3. 🪔🦩🛥️1️⃣个经常委屈父母的人,也必然委屈朋友,并最终“享受”孤独。善良慈悲,豁达乐观,乐于奉献,是人生最好的态度🪔🦩🛥️

  4. 🏞️🛶🎈🈚️过是✏️种追求,思过是✏️种进步,改过是✏️种成长。因为只🈶更好,没🈶最好,所以要找🕴️个完美🈚️缺的人是件难事🏞️🛶🎈

  5. 🦄🦌🐾既然懂🉐这个世间人心凉薄,就不要固执地想要寻求幸福。快乐是因为常常做自己喜欢的事情;成熟是因为责任而🈶勇气做好自己不喜欢的事情🦄🦌🐾

  6. 🥃🍮🫗世界上最心痛的感觉,不是失恋💔而是把心交出来的时候,却遭到欺骗。开心点,没什么好在意的,反正我们谁也别想活着离开这个世界🥃🍮🫗

  7. 🌊🌬️🚑你在乎🕴️个人的开始,你就给了他伤害你的权利。喝醉了才知道你最爱谁,生病了才知道谁最爱你🌊🌬️🚑

  8. 感恩师父慈悲开示!谢谢师父!我用真诚心在佛菩萨圣像前和师法像前敬香、供果、供甘露水、供光明灯!照亮光明前程!把自和亲友们交给佛菩萨和师父加持护佑!愿在龙年新的一年里,福禄寿喜吉财增长、身心光明、大吉祥如意、佛光普照!顶礼叩拜感恩南无药师佛、南无观世音菩萨和师父!感恩天地自然!顶礼叩拜感恩诸佛菩萨!

  9. 师父好,请问属相是按阳历生日还是农历生日呢?还是按立春作为节点判断呢?怎么知道自己的真实属相呢?比如我1987年农历腊月二十三出生的,阳历是在1988年2月10日,1987是兔年,1988去龙年,而腊月二十三是在立春之后,兔和龙的合和冲是不不一样的,那么我应该以哪个属相为准呢?

  10. 既然生肖这么重要,我请教师父,生肖应从立春这一天起算还是从大年初一起算呢?目前两种说法都有,学术界似乎更倾向于从立春起算。想了解师父是怎么看这个问题的。

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