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Japan’s World Champion and Olympic silver medal winner Mao Asada performs to Sergei Rachmaninoff’s “Piano Concerto No.2” at the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi.

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  1. あの時の真央ちゃんに私も声援を送りたい。本当に本当に素晴らしい。私も何度見ても泣いてしまう。

  2. No one has crawled up from the abyss of despair like her.
    I wonder how hard it is for her to spend all the time practicing without being weak even though she lost her mother due to illness.
    She is phoenix.

  3. 勇気をもらいたいとき、いつもこの動画を見に来ます。

  4. 마오의 인생작이자 피겨팬들이 두고두고 다시 볼 아름다운 프로그램이다 마오 마지막에 울 때 그 복잡한 마음이 느껴져 같이 울컥했음 마오 이젠 경쟁없이 행복하길

  5. 素人ですが、浅田さんがこれまでの努力してきた自分自身への感謝のパフォーマンスではないでしょうか。最後、泣きます。スケートへの愛を捧ぐと…また、泣きました。

  6. 아사마다오 경기중 가장 좋아하는
    프로그램이다. 잊을만하면 생각나는
    정말 멋지다. 고마워
    요즘은 이런 예술과
    아름다움이 묻어있는
    여운이 남는 피겨 경기를
    보지 못한 것 같다

    그저 점수만 높이려고 점프에만
    치우친 서커스를 보는 느낌

    생각해보면 이때가
    가장 피겨의 전성기였을지도~😊

  7. I always thought of Mao Asada as an artistic figure skater with balletic grace of her own. Her personality really was the beauty of her most redeeming qualities that made her so unique.

  8. Happy Birthday to Mao. I wish you a healthy and injury-free year with a smile on your face! Every time I watch this video I remember how nervous I was to watch it back then. I still love the challenge and artistry of this program. I look forward to seeing your new ice show!

  9. No one would go back to the gold medalists performance, no one would go back to the silver medalists performance, no one would go back to the bronze medalists performance. We go back to HER performance. The performance of her soul. This is figure skating is all about. Mao Asada has shown us and she will keep showing us its authenticity.

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