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#XG #TGC #密着
#東京ガールズコレクション #舞台裏 #めざまし8


1stミニ・アルバム『NEW DNA』





▷TikTokでも不定期動画配信中! https://www.tiktok.com/@mezamashi8tik…


  1. 才能溢れるアーティストXGが日々努力してきた姿

  2. 「声デカい!笑」って気をつけつつもご飯のメニューにキャッキャしてるみんながめっちゃかわいい😂

  3. ニジューや日本のアイドルと比べてもビジュアル、歌唱力、語学力、ダンススキル、どれをとっても格が違う。

  4. 한국에서 만든 걸그룹임 kpop시스템 그리고 인원 스태프 다 한국입니다. 멤버중한명 한국계혼열 그리고 사장 avex회장 한국혐안 XG는 재이콥스가 만들었다. 재이콥스는 한국인 아버지와 일본인 어머니 사이에서 태어났다. XG는 그가 세운 XGALX 소속인데 XGALX는 일본의 대형 연예 기획사인 에이벡스 그룹에서 투자 받아서 계열사로 편입됐다.

    그런데 여기서 에이벡스의 회장이 한 말이 논란을 빚었다. 그는 “한국 프로듀서와 함께 만든 프로젝트지만, 한국 레이블과 하는 것은 아니다. 엑스지는 전원 일본인이다. 케이팝스럽지 않다. (오히려) 미국스럽다. 한국 프로듀서가 참여했을 뿐”, “왜 이렇게 한국에 져야만 하는 거냐. 일본인도 할 수 있다”, “한국도 처음엔 보아 같은 가수가 일본에 와서 일본인 흉내를 내지 않았느냐. 이쪽(일본)이 지고 있지만, 한국 프로듀서랑 팀 짜서 철저하게 (준비)했다”

    XG는 K-POP 프로듀서들을 대거 영입해서 만든 일본 국적 걸그룹이다. 멤버들은 K-POP 방식의 트레이닝을 받았고 노래의 색깔과 구성또한 K-POP의 사운드를 가지고 있다. 아직까지 큰 사건 사고는 없었지만 기획사 회장의 개인적인 발언이 큰 화제가 됐다.

    2022년 6월 말 에이벡스 그룹의 회장 마츠우라 마사토가 유튜브 라이브에서 XG에 대한 이야기를 하다가 중간에 발언한 내용이 논란이 되었다.

  5. 분명히 말하지만 한국이 만든 걸그룹입니다. 투자해서 합작하고 전원 일본인이라고 하지만 맴버중에 혼혈 있습니다 한국계고 있고 한국에서 안무 연습하고 한국어 공부도 하고 방송 나오고 위버스 weverse 어플에도 xg 가입가능. 한국 아니었음 데뷔도 못함. 그래서 kpop 느낌이 니오는고에요. 댓글보니 kpop 욕하는 일본 우익 그러지 마세요 정확히 알고 응원하세요

  6. It is a girl group that is very supportive of Girls Channel, which is famous for its anti-Korean site. When related posts are posted, comments praising XG are posted one after another at the same time as disparaging the K-POP girl group. The absurd thing is that this is an anti-Korean site, so the abuse in Japan is very serious, but it ignores the fact that one of the members is from Japan and emphasizes that it is a "100% Japanese group."
    It is a Japanese seven-member girl group that debuted in Korea on March 18, 2022, in collaboration with Japanese Avex Group and Jacobs. It is a member of XGALX[1], a Korean corporation established by Avex Group, and is active in Korea.
    Despite being born through Korea's K-POP system, infrastructure, and staff, they claim that their music is X-POP(?) rather than K-POP or J-POP. It is very similar to Travis Japan in that all of them are from Japan and have been trainees for a long time, and they sing all songs in English to advocate "entering the world." In contrast, JO1 and INI, idols belonging to Rapone, an idol company created in collaboration with CJ, which debuted through the Produce Japan series, and Yoshimoto Heungup of Japan, acknowledge that they are idols born on the basis of K-pop, and the company defines them as so. However, it is very different from XG in that they say they want to grow into global pop idols by wearing their own colors.

    It is classified as K-POP on Western streaming sites TIDAL and Spotify.# Based on this, Japanese Wikipedia and news articles often describe the genre of XG as hip-hop, R&B, and K-POP.

    It is criticized on YouTube or the community for "not mentioning K-POP at all and pretending not to be K-POP." In a recent interview, referring to IU and TWICE and calling them "senior," they look no different from any other K-pop girl group, but producer Jacobs nailed XG's genre as X-POP(?) not K-POP, and in interviews with overseas media, they describe their music as X-POP(?) rather than K-POP(?) and their authenticity is strongly suspected.

  7. 日本の歪んだ芸能界 音楽界のせいで

  8. アメリカのファン層キモい奴しかいなくて草


  9. 일본인도 한국의 아이돌만큼 연습량을 늘리고 힘든 상황도 잘 버텨 나가면 세계적인 아이돌이 계속 등장할 것이라 믿어요.

  10. XGはまだ日本の音楽番組には出てほしくないな。もっと世界で活躍してからのほうが絶対いい。

  11. 마스카라때부터 잘하는 그룹이라 기대를 했었고 잘될거라 생각했네요 스타일도 좋고 랩도 노래도 잘불러서 더 잘될겁니다😊

  12. 대부분 보컬멤버라서 노래가 탄탄한거 같네요.
    그런데 보컬멤버들이 많은데도 춤의 싱크로율이나 강약의 컨트롤이 메인댄서나 리드댄서들만으로 이루어진 팀 못지 않은게 놀랍습니다.

  13. 韓国人かと思いました😂区別がつきません。どのグループもみんな似てて。どこにお金落ちてるんですか?ちゃんと貰えてるといいのですが。お隣さんの国策とエージェントに利用されて、使い捨てされませんように。

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