伊東真一さんが時空を捻じ曲げ過ぎたので憲太郎さんの驚きが止まりません!Disaster Transport(デザスタートランスポート)モジュレーションディレイ:アースクエイカーデバイセス

伊東真一さんが時空を捻じ曲げ過ぎたので憲太郎さんの驚きが止まりません!Disaster Transport(デザスタートランスポート)モジュレーションディレイ:アースクエイカーデバイセス

I’m Kentaro Nakao I’m Shinichi Ito In EarthQuaker delay pedal history An EarthQuaker modulation delay that is widely known among us would be Disaster Transport SR But before that, a square enclosure Disaster Transport with a modulation switch was around And Disaster Transport Jr It’s in a small enclosure Yes it was without the modulation And when you dive into the history of Disaster Transport There is a Disaster Transport that Jamie made it by his hand for about 100 units back in 2006 That first Disaster Transport has been reissued with some new features added to it So without futher ado Let’s have Mr Broken Jaw Ito demo the pedal How the decay sound degrades It feels like it’s a tape echo that’s in a great condition On top of that, the modulation is much stronger Yes it is Compared to the other Disaster Transport pedals As far as the controls go Speed for modulation Depth Mix to work in the wet signal Length of the delay sound And delay time It’s pretty simple It’s simple to control as a modulation delay pedal But this is to change the speed for modulation 3 steps And how it modulates That’s Bend and Stretch Bend is like the pitch is swinging It’s a bit soft Stretch is He was playing it earlier The pitch moves stronger It has a sudden drop This reminds me of an older EarthQuaker pedal The oil can delay vibes that Space Spiral has I think that it’s similar For sure Let’s hear those two modes and compare You played Stretch Let’s hear Bend with the same setting on it It’s a pretty extreme modulation Yes it is From a total malfunction tape wow and flutter to a really beautiful delay Yeah depends on how you set the intensity you can keep the balance If you want something crazy you turn it up high It feels nice It’s like melting It actually has a different sound from Space Spiral How do I say? That one sounds softer? Yeah it feels like that Let’s pair it with some other pedals then Oh sorry. I messed with the settings No big deal at all No big deal at all? Yes it’s OK Cool I got it Please You are really good at doing stuff like this For real Because it’s a really good delay You are the best with crazy ways to use EQD pedals I study a lot Maybe the best in the world And the Flexi-Switch I love this You handle it really well It’s amazing We covered Disaster Transport today It’s not the regular line of EQD pedals, but It’s a limited edition I would like you to try it when you see it I’m Kentaro Nakao I’m Shinichi Ito

EQDの歴史を紐解くと昔から徐々にアップデートされてきたペダルがいくつか有るのですが、その中でもEQDの出身地アメリカ本国で心から愛されてたペダルの一つがDisaster Transport SR。こちらは日本国内でも知っている方々は居るとは思いますが、残念ながら現在は製造されておりません。

そのアップデートされてきたディレイペダルとしてコレクター間での取引が多い、ジェイミーが手作りで100個程作ったと言われるDisaster Transport(デザスタートランスポート)が限定生産で帰って来ました!


00:00 ペダルの紹介と歴史
01:06 ペダルデモ
02:10 機能の紹介Discussion of Features
03:44 ペダルデモ2(設定を変えてのデモ)
07:44 ペダルデモ3(ゾア、レッジズ、アウレリウスとのデモ)

デザスタートランスポートの詳しい情報はこちらから: https://www.earthquakerdevices.jp/disaster-transport-reissue

Video: Chris Tran, Jeff France
Edit: Jeff France
Audio: Jeff France

ホームページ: http://www.earthquakerdevices.jp
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