BeliEVE | あなたの可能性は、この世界の可能性だ。菜々緒さん出演『とある私の物語』 【エスエス製薬】

There are more women than men who feel like they can’t freely chart their career path.We should all have been on the same starting line when it came to

Joining the company.Why? I don’t have any inconveniences in my life, my son is cute, my husband seems to be having a hard time, and I feel like I’m proud just to be alive, so I’m having a hard time accepting this

Job , and I can’t imagine what I’ll be doing 10 years after I wrote the plan. I know it’s quite difficult to continue as a woman, but I know. Ms. Tanaka wrote about her career plan. I

Wonder when she started turning away from what she really wanted to do. I’m tired and tired, Takahashi-san. Congratulations on having a child. I want to have children in the future

. Yes, I want to have children too. What do you think about my current boyfriend? Well, I want to have children, but I really want to get promoted in my job. I’m sure we’ll have a child soon. Yes, that’s what I thought. Thank you for your hard work. Tired Tanaka.

You worked hard on today’s presentation. You didn’t even answer the last question. I thought, “Are you a man?” What do you mean? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I want to eat kiriboshi radish. I’m doing my best. But I heard that the manager, Sato, is quitting. It’s a shame because he’s so talented. Why isn’t there a school lunch system? Isn’t it strange that she had to quit when

Her husband was stationed there ? Who do I tell this to that will change it? If it’s easy to change, then it will change. I thought I could do more things, but I became afraid of bumping into others, and I left my confidence behind and couldn’t challenge myself anymore. It’s quite difficult for a woman to continue her career as a woman because she has a family and a man.If she could change it easily, she

Would change it . I wrote down a plan. Wait a minute. I thought I’d like to accept the offer to become a manager. However, I’m actually worried about balancing my family and work, so I’d like to discuss that with you. Of course, there’s also

The matter of my children. 1 in 2 working women feel that they are less free to develop their career than men.There are too few model cases of women who have gotten married or given birth in the workplace.If we

Want to equalize the situation between men and women, where careers are halted due to child rearing, Whether you are a housewife or a housewife, you have the freedom to have a home even if you have a difficult job. Eve was born with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1985. I have been

Supporting women as they take a new step forward for about 40 years, and I have been supporting them for about 40 years. Even so, there is still invisible pain left in this society, so

Eve will face all the pain.I want to create a future where all people who live with goals can believe in their own potential and keep moving forward . Believe that your potential is the potential of this world

「BeliEVE PROJECT」 はじまる。
BeliEVE Your Voice AIはこちら▼

1985年、男女雇用機会均等法が制定された年にEVEは生まれた。約40年にわたり、新たな一歩を踏み出す女性たちの痛みに寄り添ってきた。それでもまだ残っているこの社会の痛みに、EVEは向き合いたいから。 はじめます。「BeliEVE PROJECT」。誰もが自分の可能性を信じて、自由なキャリアを描ける未来のために。


#EVE #指定第2類医薬品 #BeliEVE #YourVoiceAI

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