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E e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for hi everybody uh welcome along to our press conference today uh well this time last year uh aan was involved in a picture and very public uh child custody battle uh Fan’s

Ex-husband Jang hun who’s also a table tennis star said that fahan had abducted their son and took him to Japan violating a joint custody agreement set in Taiwan that R has now apparently been settled uh and fasan today wants to speak well she wants to make a very short statement about that settlement

That she has forged with her ex-husband so she is going to make Sly unusual press conference she’s going to make a very short statement to everybody she doesn’t want to take any questions and then lawyers for both sides will explain the details of the agreement and take

Questions from the room uh that’s the arrangement so good afternoon everybody my name is fuku I thank you very much for taking the time to attend here today I am very sorry for causing concern and trouble for everybody regarding my personal matter I have come to a settlement with

Mr CH which I would like to take the opportunity today to report from now going forward I would like to cooperate together with Mr CH in the raising of our Children I hope that you will continue to uh watch over and support us from now thank you very much thank you and nowan will leave the room room so uh she will exit through that door she’ll be escorted away and then lawyers for both sides will make a Statement thank you uh well so uh the lawyers now as I said will uh each make a statement uh up first I believe is obui aan who is uh the attorney Japanese attorney for CH so I will speak first uh last year we held a press conference also here at the

Foreign respondence Club of Japan so at that time we reported regarding this case that a fukara had failed to return their son to Mr CH even after the agreed upon visitation period had ended and that she had filed a petition to be designated as custodian while at the

Same time Mr CH filed a petition calling for the child to be returned over to him we further reported that the Tokyo family court at the same time had issued a judgment which ordered Miss fukara to hand over the child so we are holding this press conference today for the purpose of

Explaining to you all the subsequent process and results Uh Mr ch son has already been returned to him and they have left Japan therefore he is unable to attend the press conference here today however we have received a message from Mr Chang to the people of Japan which I will read on his behalf and it will be read first in

The original Chinese and then Missi will interpret it into Japanese good afternoon everybody and thank you for taking the time for being here Today I will leave the detailed explanation of the proceedings regarding this case to my lawyers however I would like to express my sincere thanks to you all I am grateful to the Japanese Courts for their fair and reasonable decisions regarding all legal cases relating to me which have been taking place in Japan and in addition after holding the press conference here I received many words of support which were truly a great encouragement to Me and in closing I would like to once again express my appreciation to both the courts and the people of Japan thank you very much thank you and thank you by the way to Mary Joyce our interpreter today uh now I believe we’re going to have a statement from attorneys that’s

And I think sakan is going to miss is still continuing Uh so as mentioned before uh there was a judgment made made ordering the Handover of the child this was on the 21st of July last year and at that time in addition to this uh usual judgment there was also a decision for a temporary restraining order given which is

Something granted in cases of Urgency such orders are effective immediately and can be enforced whether or not an appeal or complaint against this is lodged and uh Mr Chang had of course already been requesting the enforcement of implementation of this however because it seemed that it would be difficult to expect or to have the

Return done as requested as ordered Mr CH then lodged a motion for its compulsory execution however in the process of filing this motion for the compulsory execution of these uh it or as part of the investigation which occurred then it became apparent that Miss fukara had already left Japan for China with their

Son at the time the motion was being submitted and as a result the enforcement could not be carried out Miss F’s side lodged a complaint or an appeal or known as an appeal against the decision and uh this appeal against this was heard by the Tokyo District or the

Tokyo high court but in regards to this also a decision was made by the court on December 21 of last year which dismissed this appeal and a special appeal was then also filed against this dismissal with the Supreme Court meanwhile Mr Chang filed a criminal complaint in September last year with

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police and this was accepted as the was thus being protracted at this time a request for settlement was made to me by mr’s lawyers in the criminal case after a series of discussions between the respective legal teams a settlement could be reached centering on M returning their son to Mr

J I will refrain here from discussing the specifics of the content of the settlement uh however to be clear they do not include anything which uh forbids Miss fukara from seeing her son but rather includes that both parties will cooperate in raising him as his Parents joint legal custody will be maintained well the physical capacity will remain as before with Mr ch and from the Taiwanese side I would also like to add that as a result of this settlement the complain which had been lodged by m fukara in Taiwan has been withdrawn therefore at present there is

Also no dispute of any kind in Taiwan and that is all from Mr CH side thank you very much and apologies for the early mistake uh so we’re now going to have I hope I’m got to right this time a statement from uh the lawyers from side so that would be first

Is that right hello my name is I am one of the lawyers representing Miss thank you for this opportunity today as has been mentioned by Mr after mukara was charged with a criminal offense upon the request of miss fukara our law office was appointed to act as her

Councel in regards to this criminal case and there is one point in relation to this which I would like to First convey to you Uh from the circumstances which have been mentioned uh as Miss fuka received the since sorry after Miss fuk received the criminal charges in our capacity as her legal representatives in this criminal case uh that is to the ex or is as a result of that or to that extent

That we have also been involved in the settlement of the case at hand today and so because of this background uh we we are not aware of the details of any matters other than those which are relate to her defense in the criminal charges and the reaching of this

Devilment uh specifically matters which are concerning things which happen prior to our appointment as legal council or in the civil case so first of all thank you for your understanding on this specific point and will now speak to the issue at hand so first of all this case began

From M’s failure to return their son to Mr CH after the agreed upon visitation period had ended it must be said that M had a subsequent failure to hand their son to return him to Mr Chang even after a court order to do so was issued was Inappropriate however as to the reason for M unfortunately taking such a response we have been told that she had been advised to do so by those that she had been Consulting with regarding the case at the Time and we therefore frankly spoke with missa telling her that there was a necessity for her to change her attitude M was understanding and also in agreement or commits of this point therefore we as her legal team then approached Miss oi to make a settlement in the process of the criminal Case and we are grateful to Mr Chan for accepting our offer of suggestion from our side for the sake of their son also it could not have been positive if this dispute had continued indefinitely we therefore believe it is indeed desirable that the dispute was

Able to be resolved in in this form of a settlement and that is all from also thank you everybody um well uh it’s a rare I would call it quite a happy ending but at least it’s a settlement which is good A lot of these disputes uh

And uh not so happily um so we will take questions from the floor from working journalist first and then to the rest of the room uh if you’d like to ask a question could you raise your hand uh and indicate please that that you would like to question you want to translate that Just I don’t see any hands those are and sorry first hi my name is Alice French from Nick Asia thank you very much for today um I’m sure we’re all wondering about the context and the timing of of this happening um as Japan has just approved a bill in Parliament to consider

Introducing a joint custody system to Japan um I’m wondering if Mr Changers can talk just a little bit about um the impact of the fact that Japan does not have a joint capacity system here and the fact that was different from the situation in Taiwan and whether he has

Any thoughts on the current bill that’s being proposed in Japan’s Parliament thank you thank you just on the point of clarity has the parliament okay that bill or is it just the cabinet the government I think it’s the cabinet has submitted it to to the parliament yeah sorry For cas For For So first of all in regards to the system on joint custody is something which is not very familiar to many people here in Japan this is also a system which is not very deeply understood by many Japanese people as well I’ve heard for example it said that under joint custody it means

That both parents have the same rights the same custody that means there’s no problem if one of the parents who shares this joint custody then takes the child somewhere else for example however in reality even under an agreement of joint custody there is also or there is always

A decision which has been made in regards to the physical custody of the child and other details which have been agreed upon within this joint custody as well it does not necessarily mean that there is just the exact same equal or the same rights for both of the parents

Who are sharing the custody of the child as well and and in Taiwan for example it is always decided or there is someone who is set as the main custodian of the child even under the system of joint custody and they have very clear rights which are also agreed upon and set

Within this system in Taiwan as well this means that of course if the rules under even an agreement of joint custody are not followed this will indeed be a problem there so this is different according to the context and also differs Case by case as Well And So within this case or this context here in Japan we were also said concerned about what kind of decision the Japanese courts would make in regards to this case as well we’re glad to say that there decision that was made was indeed both fair and

Reasonable and I will add and also point about the operationalization of the joint custody system in Taiwan in Taiwan actually joint cust joint custody is the basic prec condition or the usual and in Taiwan so we joint custody as the basic principle the courts the judge will then hear the opinions the

Positions of both of the parents and also consider what is in the best interests of the child based on this it will issue a clear decision in regards to the rights and the physical custody of the child however it is is not usually something which becomes a significant

Problem so if Japan is to introduce a joint custody system in the future I hope that there can be exchange or um engagement between the two parties or between Taiwan and Japan in regard C and so we believe that this case has also been an opportunity to um greatly deepen the understanding on the issue of joint custody here in Japan and share more information regarding this as well so we hope that you can form a kind of a reference in the future if Japan does

Indeed introduce this system thank you very much uh Fred your next uh please and uh we encourage questions from the Chinese media as well uh Fred vco freelance um first for for haraan lawyers what were the grounds for the appeal um that she made against the

Custody or against she made an appeal he said to the Supreme Court what were the grounds for that appeal and uh just going back to the issue of Taiwan and Japan and perhaps China as well because she was in China right uh were there worries about enforcement of um court orders

Because there’s no diplomatic relations between Taiwan and Japan and CH China is not always friendly to Japan For so first of all in regards to the first question as we were not the legal team who were working on her civil case but we were appointed to work on her criminal case as mentioned before we don’t have the details that we’re able to share in regards to that case sorry for That and the second question as to enforcement as once mentioned indeed there was a time when M did take her son to China as these proceedings were or this dispute was still underway and we understand that this is the fact which L OB and her team to submit the criminal complaint against m

In regards to this and uh this maybe I’m repeating what was mentioned before but the fact that such a situation arose not following the decision of the court is indeed something which is regretable or which needs regret upon I would also like to make a Comment in regards to this case the point that mrar and her son had been staying in China was indeed the most difficult point of this case and so even after going through the very difficult process and achieving the order from the court for the return of

The child the fact that that could not then be enforced uh even compulsorily enforced after that means that of course well what meaning does that judgment then have and this is something which could be a challenge going towards the future also that that seems to sorry I get

Point Clarity that seems to suggest that to me at least that umaran fled to China or went to China to escape the jurisdiction of the Japanese legal system would that be an incorrect Assumption M likely had her own thinking at the time however as her legal or as a lawyer like say as mentioned before the fact that she did not follow the order which was given to enforce the return of her child is something which was indeed inappropriate action

Um my name is I’m also representing m one additional comment in regards to this the main details have already been explained by the represent or the respective lawyers in regards to this however after we spoke with mukara and I spoke with her about this situation and had her understanding of U what was

Happening and what was necessary U thanks to the uh great with a dedicated efforts of M Mr and also M Chan himself we were able to after great efforts Reach This settlement and we are indeed very glad about this result thank you uh we have a question from Teddy and uh you

Young T Jimbo with the video news I’m gonna ask questions in Japanese for I my name is Jimbo of video news I would like to ask a question of the lawyers representing mrar in the criminal case uh as to the extent that you are able to answer uh you mentioned that when you

First spoke with her and said that her actions well that is not what you should be doing and that she was able to then understand this i’ like to ask first of all what kind of reasoning or thinking that she had in deciding not to return

Their son at the time you mentioned that it was advice from others but if there was any particular reasoning that she had in mind U before she heard your advice or recommendations in regards to this to the extent that you’re able to share and the second Point uh you

Mentioned that after explaining the situation to her she did understand this I would like to ask is this something that she immediately comprehended and understood straight away or if it did take indeed some process of convincing of this and if so if there was any particular point or particular issue

Which uh she needed further convincing of Uh first of all in regards to whether she needed convincing in regards to this after we made our quite thorough explanation about this um it was quite smooth and quite uh soon after this that she did indeed understand the points that we were sharing and agree

And as to the first question this is not something directly from her but my impression or sense from uh speaking with her is that a reason for not returning was indeed based on her very strong feelings for her child however in regards to that point we do believe that we do have clear

Understanding in regards to this now and so uh we as her lawyers will continue to to support and follow to ensure that such a situation will not be uh recurring again and so to clarify that was that even though she understood that what she was doing was not wrong because of her

Strong feelings she decided not to return the child for clarity clarification my understanding of the situation uh seems apparently also is it’s but from her personal sense thank you uh Mar E for For My name is y of the association press i’ had to ask a question which is related to the first question about the differences in systems regarding custody in Japan and Taiwan this is not necessarily limited only to mr’s case but also as broader issue as well so I’d

Like to ask first of all whether this uh case or this decision uh has had any particular impact or influence on the systems in Japan and Taiwan in regards to this and also the fact that a settlement was able to be reached here in Japan uh despite the fact that it is

A country which does not have a system of joint custody whether that uh does indicate that even under the current system resolution in these kind of cases is indeed possible the reasoning for asking this is currently amongst the debate uh around the introduction of joint custody system here in Japan there

Is for example voices which are in opposition for this saying uh for example in a case where the woman or the mother has been a victim of domestic violence if whether this can be enforced um or the joint custody can indeed being forced in a successful way after in

These kinds of cases or also under the kind of patriarchal system here as well so there are these oppositional voices in regards um to introducing this in Japan from that perspective so is it indeed necessary to fully change the system and in introduce joint custody in

Order to be able to have a resolution of these cases or what can be done under the current system so I’d like to First respond to the initial question as to the impact on the decision or of the decision in regards to the Joint the two different systems

In the countries uh this was indeed something which we were concerned about so what kind of decision would be made here in Japan and a country without this system uh however as mentioned before the court did indeed make a very reasonable and fair judgment in this

Case so looking at U this fact I think that the decision uh in Taiwan or decision in Japan despite the differences in the system I don’t actually see any differences in the decision made by the courts or the decision whether the decision would be made differently in the courts according

To these different systems as well I would not say that there was any particular influence in regards to That For and as to the question regarding cases of domestic violence or other specific or special cases of course even under a system of joint custody such cases as this um well sole custody should be what is should in these kind of cases which have these specific specific considerations perhaps we can hear some

Examples from the Taiwanese experience in regards to this as well however other than that there is often an impression that under joint custody this means that the same equal rights are applicable to both of the custodians this means that nothing is decided and trouble would then therefore continue uh uh Beyond or

Indefinitely as well however the reality is even under a joint custody system uh there are very clear decisions uh which are made in regards to the physical custody of the children the decision- making uh powers or rights in regards to the children and so on as well and this

Is part of the system of joint custody there as well so the uh thinking that under join custody things like this are not decided they are not set and then trouble with then indefinite and continue is a misunderstanding I would like to explain a little bit about what the significance

Of this case is in the Taiwanese context Uh as mentioned before uh the joint custody is taken as a basic principle in Taiwan however in the case of international marriages this is something which uh is um becoming quite a significant uh problem and this big problem is indeed in regards to the implementation of this so

The significance of this case when we consider um International marriages or divorce and considering different countries which have either joint or Soul custody systems uh then this case is uh very significant in regards to showing how this can be implemented and while joint custody may be a basic principle of course in

Regards to the details or when this is actually going to be the decision this is done Case by case so in the case for example of domestic violence and then this is a time when there would be the choice of Soul custody available as well so I believe that in Japan also

There should be very deep uh consideration on the issue of whether indeed uh or for introducing a system of joint uh uh custody or also what can exist within the existing legislation as well thank you well I think a lot of people would be interested in the

Details any details at all you can share on the uh actual how this custody is going to work out we have a question from online uh this is from Irene Chen from Liberty terms uh will Ian come to Taiwan to see her daughter in the near

Future future um if you’re not in a position to answer that question can you shed any light on exactly you know where the children will live what sort of access they’ll have toan will they be able to for example come here on birthdays holidays that kind of thing

Those are the sort of details I think that people would like to hear Li for um as to the concrete details or the specifics of the settlement because this is of course an issue uh concerning a child we’re not able to go into the specific details here uh however because the agreement is in the direction of cooperating together as parents to raise

Their child this means that U child will be able to spend sufficient time both in Japan and in Taiwan and also have sufficient time meeting with both the parents is uh included and decided within the uh settlement And also to clarify the question which was submitted referred to muk’s daughter however uh in regards to uh this case which is at hand the settlement and also this discussion here in Japan this is regarding their son just to make sure uh that is clear as well so the daughter is

Not part of the discussion either of this settlement or of the contents today thank you uh we have time for one more question if anybody in the room would like to ask the gentleman at the back TS one sorry um my name is she I’m a journalist of um asiia digital media from Taiwan I’m I’m going to ask question Japanese Taiwan I would like to clarify some details around their Sun what at the timing of the press conference which was held here

Last year we understand that the sun was here in Japan it was after this that Miss fukuhara took their son to China then came back to Japan where the settlement was reached and their son is now together with Mr Chang in Taiwan first of all we’d like to check that

These facts are accurate and if you can also explain the time or the schedule the timeline of this as well For so I would like to First respond to the extent that I’m able to at the point when we held the press conference here last year it was not clear uh the whereabouts or which country they were in at that time so I’m a I’m unable to

Say whether they were in Japan at that time time or not however later on in August and September when we were trying to file the motion for enforcement of the judge on the Judgment which had being issued the order which being issued by the court it was at that point

Where we came to understand that mahara and her son were at that time in China uh later on as uh the legal teams started their discussions towards the settlement and the after the settlment was reached the Handover of their son from Muk to Mr Chang was conducted here

In Japan and now Mr CH and his son have left Japan that is to the extent that I’m able to respond thank you and final question will be from the lady in the front I’m sorry I didn’t see your hand My name is shanai broadcaster correspondent here in Tokyo I would like to ask in the case of joint custody uh how many days or months in every year is a child able to spend together with the mother um as was the response to previous question as well part of the agreement

Is not to make public the details in regards to the concrete schedule or dates uh how much time will we spend by the sun in respective places and so on so I’m sorry but I’m not able to resp to answer that all right well uh thank you very

Much as several questions have indicated there is legislation going through the Dive Right now uh to um uh to deal with this issue is very difficult and emotive issue uh of there’s a gentleman with his hand up at the back um are we allowed to take one more question is that right everybody He my name is of sports information I would like to first ask both uh legal teams to respond as to the reason for holding the press conference at at this particular timing and a question for muk’s lawyers we are of course approaching the time of the Paris Olympics and Japan has high

Expectations for having medals in table tennis in both the men’s and the women I’d like to ask if there is any for example intention or a desire on the part of Muka to act as an announcer for the table tennis for the Olympics and so on

Uh so first of all to BR respond to as to why the press conference is being held today this is um simply because it was very recently that the agreement regarding the settlement was reached between the two parties and in regards to the Olympics we have not heard from her specifically

Regards to this issue she has said that she would like to take some time to carefully think about what she will be doing in the future from now thank you very much and that is the last question uh well as I said there is legislation going through Parliament at

The moment to debate this issue of joint custody uh and to settl once and for all is a very emotive issue uh and uh involves many people so it is quite nice to see four lawyers sitting here uh calmly discussing it and not uh throwing things at each other and arguing it’s

It’s a hopeful time for the future so thank you very much for everybody for coming and explaining the case thanks to that to leave of course and thanks to Mary Joyce for her impeccable uh interpretation as always do show your appreciation to the speakers pleas today thank [Applause] you for e e e

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